New fans/tourists are embarrassing

More new fans the better as far as I'm concerned. Stupid to get arsey about them, maybe you can get a t-shirt saying "I was here when we were shit" to make you feel better.
I'd like to say more on this, but I'm in a rush.

Anyone who wasn't born or currently resides in the North West should not be allowed to sit in the bottom tier. Put them in the corners of the third tier. Thanks.
How can anybody complain about people paying their money to come and watch City?
I would rather the place be full of people than empty, yes I saw lots of 'new' fans last night, where are all these hard core fans then, watching on TV most likely!
OP, these so called new fans, will bring in extra income to the club and help us being a huge global club. whats wrong with that?

oh yesterday i read somewhare, City currently have the 11th biggest international following.
mcfcliam said:
Now I know we need them to 'move forward as a club' but...

First thing I noticed when I got in the ground last night was the amount of tourists taking an unreal and ridiculous amount of photos, while wearing a half and half scarf!

One of them even tried throwing me out of my seat, claiming it was his, when his was clearly the one next to mine...this is my season ticket seat you fucking bellwhaft! His mate was infront of us so he wanted to be 'nearer' to him (?!?!?!?!)

Anyway, nearer to kick off, this group of about 15 people (all wearing snide City shirts) went to the front and had a big photo together and then started some chant of their own...WTF?! Why the fuck are you chanting something which has no fucking relevance to City whatsoever? It's like me turning up to Anfield and singing my own song!

The amount of times I heard this blokes' camera was doing my head in...I was going to sleep with the noise in my head!

Not everyone can be as big a blue as you liam
Mores the point.....where are all the supposedly real fans who never miss a game????

Obviously loads of them do!!

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