New fans/tourists are embarrassing

the worst one i heard after the match was "why didnt ballotelli play" the reply was "must of been resting him for saturday" then "doubt it dont think mancini likes playing him europe becasue he hasnt played the last couple of games either, if i was mancini id play him and tevez upfront against united becasue he always scores against them" WTF!!!!! Where do these people come from
squirtyflower said:
mcfcliam said:
moomba said:
Everyone is a new supporter once.

For the right reasons though e.g. family

I can't stand United's plastics so can't stand the ones we're going to get/already have.

I wouldn't mind but hardly any of them have a fucking clue about football.
Would it be possible to post "the right reasons" for me
That way I'll disuade anyone supporting us for the wrong ones?
I think we are allowed:


I'm also hoping Liam will let us know if any others are allowed.<br /><br />-- Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:35 pm --<br /><br />
jameo93 said:
the worst one i heard after the match was "why didnt ballotelli play" the reply was "must of been resting him for saturday" then "doubt it dont think mancini likes playing him europe becasue he hasnt played the last couple of games either, if i was mancini id play him and tevez upfront against united becasue he always scores against them" WTF!!!!! Where do these people come from
Ha - what clowns. Everyone knows we were resting him for sunday!
Last season, before I moved to Aus, I sat in a seat and a different part of the stadium as we didnt renew our tickets. Anyway, me and my dad did a job and arrived 2 mins late to the game, found our seat and sat down. I asked the guy next to me what the bench was and he said in a cockny accent "I dont know" To which I replied "Ah right thats ok"

Few minutes later "Whos that on the ball?" , "whos that now?" "Who passed that then?"

Then when we scored (cant remember who we played for the life of me!) , usual celebration and clapped the scorer, when I looked to my side, he was sat down. I was confused so I asked "Did you see that goal?"

He replied, "No, I was checking the score of the Chelsea game, seeing how WE ARE DOING"


So yh, I imagine its got alot more like that over the past year or so, just hope the real true City fans who can only afford cheap tickets, do get them and they dont go to
SWP's back said:
squirtyflower said:
mcfcliam said:
For the right reasons though e.g. family

I can't stand United's plastics so can't stand the ones we're going to get/already have.

I wouldn't mind but hardly any of them have a fucking clue about football.
Would it be possible to post "the right reasons" for me
That way I'll disuade anyone supporting us for the wrong ones?
I think we are allowed:


I'm also hoping Liam will let us know if any others are allowed.

-- Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:35 pm --

jameo93 said:
the worst one i heard after the match was "why didnt ballotelli play" the reply was "must of been resting him for saturday" then "doubt it dont think mancini likes playing him europe becasue he hasnt played the last couple of games either, if i was mancini id play him and tevez upfront against united becasue he always scores against them" WTF!!!!! Where do these people come from
Ha - what clowns. Everyone knows we were resting him for sunday!

That we have a family? What if the family are all rags, does that count?

Has the location been specified, is it a Manchester post code for example?
jameo93 said:
the worst one i heard after the match was "why didnt ballotelli play" the reply was "must of been resting him for saturday" then "doubt it dont think mancini likes playing him europe becasue he hasnt played the last couple of games either, if i was mancini id play him and tevez upfront against united becasue he always scores against them" WTF!!!!! Where do these people come from

Lies. I dont buy any of this sounds and is probably made up.
Oh its coming and its bin on the cards for a long time! Was an absolute bell end behind me last night slagging Dzeko, Kolarov, Mancini pretty much everyone who did anything wrong.

I was in 114 section where the away fans usually are and you could tell there was alot of people in there who have never bin to a game before in their lives! In the end when Aguero scored i turned around and screamed "are you fucking happy now!" Just out of sheer anger at what i had bin subjected to hearing all game.

Everyone is entitled to criticise but at least make it constructive ffs! As people say its an unfortunate burden of success but i really hope we don't lose our identity as fans because it seems to me its already happening. Some of these people aren't happy if we are not 4 - 0 up at half time and for me these people need to crawl back under the wood work they came from.
P.s mcfcliam can you please go trolling on the official Facebook city page? It's full of a great range of fans from around the world hahah

Man city 4 Eva iz the best soccer club, tevez is god
BlueHerts said:
OK, I might open myself up to a bit of abuse but here goes....

Done my time as a season ticket holder home away for years then a mixture of 2 kids and having to work shift patterns meant 'home and away' became a bit more ad-hoc, then the Pearce season finished me off, vowed that was it and couldn't justify spending all the money anymore. Sven comes in, re-invigorated I go to more games than ever but on a 'pay as you go' basis. End of that season work relocated me south just when it all goes off with the takeover, sign up to Bluemoon (because I miss the banter while I'm down here and finding out what's going on) but of course that means I'm a glory hunter as everyone who signs up after 2008 is a glory make it worse use the name 'Blueherts' in the hope I can find local blues around here which I do (kudos Tueartsboots) but I have a southern username, damn me to hell. Now can't get to many games, when I'm north it's to see my kids primarily but this season (son older and interested now) it's possible for me to go more often and can time my visits to take advantage of both more often than not, not often enough to get a season ticket.
So long story short, I don't play the loyalty points game, I don't have a season ticket, I don't live in Manchester anymore and l definitely qualify as a daytripper (last night left work here at 3, got back home 2am), so I take a few pictures...I'm clearly 'on my own' as my mates are in another part of the ground and I get abuse for being a glory hunter and a tourist as I'm apparently in someone elses seat and wasn't there on Saturday. I wasn't at York or Mansfield either for the record but the way some people treat the club like somekind of closed shop is getting ridiculous, I probably don't go to as many games you do, I probably don't have the points you do but to make people in the ground feel unwelcome just seems faintly wrong to me, if the ground was full and people were getting turned away.....maybe but that isn't the case. Everyone wants the bigger ground and the atmosphere but to get that you have to get the people through the turnstiles, turning on other blues is hardly going to facilitate that and I still have my dulcet Droylsden lilt to at least placate people.

This isn't a rant at the OP by any stretch, just pissed off about last night and this seemed as good a place as any to vent my spleen. Cheers....

Top post, some people need to get a fcukin grip with this "I'm a bigger fan than you" brigade; it's starting to piss people off and it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of these dickheads were throwing the placards on the pitch last night; that's what you do when you were 5; (wasting time due to opposition compaining, when we need to get a winner) fcukin grow up.

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