New survey (Atmosphere)

jrb said:
Can I just say, and without trying to sound like a smart arse, the away fans won't be moving to another part of tbe stadium. Can those that have mentioned it please forget it.

The away fans are staying in the South Stand, and are going to be split over 3 levels/3 tiers, when tbe stadium is expanded. That's the final decision by the club.

The current situation won't change either. Fact. The only change will be brought about by the club working with and alongside the 1894 Group and the fans. And even that is dictated by the current stadia, seating, and season ticket configeration.

However, in 15 months time there will be an opportunity to make a real and lasting positive change to the atmosphere at the Etihad. In 15 montbs time the away fans will have to vacate block 115, and half of block 114, in the lower tier of the South Stand. That will be our(the fans) one and only opportunity to create a real and lasting singing section at the Etihad.

I'm therefore asking all Blue Moon members, members of tbe supporters branches, and members of the 1894 Group, etc, to petition, for want of a better word, the club to make either one or both of those blocks into dedicated and proper singing sections, when the South Stand is expanded and the away fans are relocated.

The alternative will be a buffer zone between the current South Stand and the remaining away fans, filled with new City fans who may well watch the matches seated and in silence. The final outcome could be similar to the Operation One End experiment against Bayern Munich in the Champions League.(if you remember) This will further erode the atmosphere at the Etihad in the future.

If enough of us petition the club they may well look at this option and take it forward, with the support of the fans, the branches, and the 1894 Group.(I'm assuming)

If we can get 500 to 750 dedicated singing season ticket holders into one or both of those blocks, alongside the current South Stand and Kippax Corner(blocks 111/110/109), just imagine what impact that would have on the atmosphere at the Etihad. :-)

I have already left my views about this on City Voice, as well as on here. Please do the same or via your branches, through any other media or social outlet, and in person when speaking to the appropriate person at the club.

Thank you.

If the away fans are spread over 3 tiers I guess they will take up less blocks, 1 instead of 2. That would leave 2 empty blocks couldn't 109 and 110 move into the vacated south stand blocks thus putting all the singers together.
As for more people joining in singing many won't stand up on their own and sing, if people next to them sing they will join in. The reason this doesn't happen is the songs don't last long enough for the whole ground to join in. Just look how long it took for the Poznan to spread around the ground in the big Poznan times.
I sit on the corner of the colin bell and south stand and we make more noise than some of these so called singing supporters in the south stand most of em when I look about are stood up picking their noses not singing at all.I say if your standing your singing and you shouldn't be allowed in the south stand if you don`t wanna sing
The club thinks you can turn none singing supporters in to singers, never will happen as we know.

We are all spread out and mixed in with wrong type of supporter which then puts people off singing.

There are simple steps we all know we can take, club not wiling. Then of course cub blame police, police blame security, security blame club !

Piss up in brewery scenario !
the bottom line is that coming to the etihad is now the go to ground in the premiership in terms of the away fans. we are the biggest scalp now and the away fans are always gonna give it large. it looks like us home fans are now getting used to the fact that we can rip every team a new arsehole and unless we win by 3 or 4, it is just another day, another game.

i hate to say it, but I think we have become a tad complacent at home with our support. i remember that before we were good, the home games were mainly much nosier because every game was a real battle and we could get done by almost anyone so we would really like to get behind the lads.

i still cannot believe where we are now and the fact that we will have been to wembley 6 times in 3 years !! i sit in block 106 right on the halfway line and apologies to my neighbours, but it is like sitting in a fooking morgue! if you try to start a song, you almost get 'shushed' !!
Sadly there is absolutely no feedback from the club.

Even on 'City Voice' there is no reply to the ideas/suggestions from the fans.

It's all good and well asking the fans for their ideas on improving the atmosphere, but what's the point if the club doesn't return the favour and keep the fans informed and updated with any of those ideas the club may be looking at or taking forward?

So far I don't think any of the ideas put forward by the fans have seen the light of day apart from the stand leaders, or what ever they were called, which has now died a death.

TBH I've become very frustrated with the club, even though I have been invited by the club to various events.(only being honest)

The atmosphere debate has gone on for years, with various fan groups working with the club, but little or nothing has changed in that aspect.

Now we have the situation with the new training academy. There have been no updates on the OS for months, and Airviews aerial pictures have now been pulled. It's as if the club doesn't want to keep the fans at home or abroad updated on the progress of the training academy. Why?

For a club that prides itself on it's relationship with it's fans, and also it's media department, it certainly isn't winning any plaudits ATM.

But then again that's just my opinion. What do I know?
1894 group is the way forward. I'm not part of it as I sit elsewhere and I'm happy to do so. I sing and shout when I feel I need to and to be honest so do many other old farts around me.
The 1894 group are trying to work with the club and they need the support of fans willing to participate. They are putting masses of energy into it, along with money, and to be honest, some fans are still dismissing them.
Those that want a sizeable singing section, I'm talking 2000 plus, then get your arses into gear, help the 1894 group and join in ffs. The club will listen and with the right pressure, will accommodate it when they can.
There is enough interest to ask fans in the South Stand to relocate if they don't want to be part of it, the rest of us can join in when we want, I get a headache when I shout too loud for too long nowadays...!!
To be fair to the club, they've assembled a truly world class team for us to enjoy. That should be more than enough for us to generate an atmosphere. There's not a whole lot more they can do. It's ourselves, collectively, that need to do something. We've become blasé about winning virtually every home game. Heck, all that needs to happen is for us to have a 5 minute spell where we don't really create much and the silence is broken with "Come on City! Come on City!" which in my opinion never seems to be chanted in a supportive tone, but more in a way that portrays a sense of entitlement, almost a dissatisfaction with what we are seeing. We need to do better than that.
Got to make a mark on this as JRB states. Palace are the prime example. They weren't getting a huge turnout but they created a singing section in the lower corner of the Holmesdale and they throw songs between them and the side stand, get some banter going with each other, give the away fans some stick and really get behind their side. This is a club we need to look at as an example. We have nearly 50,000 people attending games of which 45,000 are City fans. These 45,000 can produce an epic amount of noise as Derby matches and the Hamburg game are evidence of. If we can arrange a couple of designated singing sections then it will help things.

Also, with the cheaper tickets should come the traditional working class football fan, who wants a pie a beer and a sing song!!! Hopefully that helps things going!

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