New Ticket Prices!

lancs blue said: said:
because we can only charge £2 more for the away fans than a city fan in a similar seat.

this reason alone means we must move the away fans to the third tier and charge them £2 more than the city fans up there. the added bonus is 3000+ city fans get cheaper seats

And sod any S/T holders on Level 3 who might get kicked out of their seats to accommodate your wishes, eh?

away fans need to sit some were, i bet there are alot of people who would like to be in the S.S
Regular Joe said:
lancs blue said:
I suspect City have looked at the matchday prices charged by the top 4 clubs and have decided to more or less go with a similar structure while keeping S/T prices as the value for money option. They're probably reasoning that with far fewer matchday seats available they can still sell out at the higher prices. When all's said and done the club is a business and has to be run on those lines, though I realise it's no consolation to those who find the new prices difficult to afford.

Maybe this is true, but why have the club taken this approach? If it's being run as a cash-generating business then the s/t prices would be dearer, and the transfer fees and player wages lower. It would be more consistent with the owners' approach to running the club so far if the tickets were priced to ensure sell-outs every game. The benefit to the team of a Hamburg-like atmosphere every home game far outweighs the risk of 5000 empty seats for the sake of a few extra quid we don't need.

I worry that the matchday prices this season will be used to justify a large s/t price hike next season.

There was a bigger hike last season for match day (for three clubs) but ST came down this season with a smaler match day rise.

In SSL I estimate you waste £200 not getting a ST this season if you fork out for all 19 on their own.
supergrover said:
hilts i'm not looking down on you and i'm sorry for your troubles, but what i am trying to say is it's happening at all other clubs not just ours and we have had a better deal than most for a long time, they have to fill the ground they pointed at this last season you must have seen it coming.

i have no problem with anybody having a different opinion i just find some peoples insensitivity to the op's point rather sad, we are all blues at the end of the day
Ticket For Schalke said:
Dont go, or have 5 less pints that week, im sure you complain about beer going up but still drink it

you are a credit to the human race, everyone who has money problems is a drunk cigarette smoking freewheeler with twelve kids living on benefits
supergrover said:
theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.

Ticket For Schalke said:
Dont go, or have 5 less pints that week, im sure you complain about beer going up but still drink it.

More absolute garbage from people who have no idea about real life. Either still living with their parents aged 45, or have no idea just how difficult it can be to raise a family.

In fact if you ever do get close enough to a woman to have a chance of raising a family, especially if you are unlucky enough to have to do it as a single parent as I have for the last 10 years, you would realise that there are many priorities higher than watching football games. You feed your kids, you house them, clothe them and when you've achieved all that on one income you see if you can afford to take them to football.
kippaxkid74 said:
supergrover said:
theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.

I have a seasoncard like i said, but some people believe it or not do not smoke (i dont) dont drink (i dont) dont go out clubbing (i dont), but still find it hard to have spare cash from day by day living of supporting a family to be able to get a seasoncard. I for one literally have nothing to put aside. I manage by a credit card that isn't even mine, but this isn't about me.

Stop until you ever get to that side of debt stop being so bloody smug.

i'm not loaded i work in a factory for feck sake and i'm not being smug i just don't spend what i don't have.
i agree times are shit, and i consider myself very lucky to still be in work but i love going to city over everything else so i make sure i have it when it's time, if you can't afford it thats a shame but its going to continue going up in price it's that simple.
supergrover said:
Regular Joe said:
Normally i wouldn't agree with a response like this, but in this case hilts you're perfectly justified.

I have my season ticket but I struggled to pay for it because I have 3 tickets to buy, and will always have sympathy for those who can't find a lump sum. People also assume everyone can get Zebra Finance or shove it on credit card. Many people cant, so responses like 'just buy a season ticket then' are totally unhelpful, and the OP has a very good point.

In fact, as an s/t holder I worry that the individual match price rises may be an indicator of what will come for our s/t prices. In which case the 'I'm alright jack' types might not be so smug very much longer.

theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.

How about Food, Gas, Rent and Electricity you spoilt little twat. I graft like a cnut to get what i need. And after tax it dosent come to much. I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, and the only real vice i have is my love of football. So pardon me all over the place if you think i'm moaning coz i dared to say a 10 pound rise on every ticket in a single season is a piss take. You can try and justify it any way you like, (better players, More ambition, Mark Hughs' winning smile) It's still Bollocks.
Regular Joe said:
supergrover said:
theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.

Ticket For Schalke said:
Dont go, or have 5 less pints that week, im sure you complain about beer going up but still drink it.

More absolute garbage from people who have no idea about real life. Either still living with their parents aged 45, or have no idea just how difficult it can be to raise a family.

In fact if you ever do get close enough to a woman to have a chance of raising a family, especially if you are unlucky enough to have to do it as a single parent as I have for the last 10 years, you would realise that there are many priorities higher than watching football games. You feed your kids, you house them, clothe them and when you've achieved all that on one income you see if you can afford to take them to football.

like i said dont go if you cant afford it, how dare you make a generalisation about me, you no nothing about me,
BlakeTheBlue said:
supergrover said:
theres no i'm alright jack about it, if he can't put the money aside it's obvious they would rather spend their money on something else be it fags, booze or something else you choose to go and i'm sure you think of these things before hand having to buy 3 tickets, so how is it being smug by putting city top of the list.
when ST tickets do go up i'll put more aside like i said it's how much you want it.

How about Food, Gas, Rent and Electricity you spoilt little twat. I graft like a cnut to get what i need. And after tax it dosent come to much. I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, and the only real vice i have is my love of football. So pardon me all over the place if you think i'm moaning coz i dared to say a 10 pound rise on every ticket in a single season is a piss take. You can try and justify it any way you like, (better players, More ambition, Mark Hughs' winning smile) It's still Bollocks.

there's no argueing with them fella they are blinkered and dont even read or understand what is being said, its better to be hard up than ignorant. Roll on the prawn sandwiches eh!

Anyhow i'm off to bed i have work in the morning and i have to pay off my drink, drugs sex and gambling debts somehow

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