Next Year's Season Ticket Info

Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

Can you still go to the ticket office and talk to someone face to face? I want to upgrade a kids season ticket to an adults? Anyone know if this is viable? The FAQ is not working online!!!
Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

waspish said:
LoveCity said:
waspish said:
It should show up on your email, it did on mine

Not for me... but I joined them after renewing my card and getting the automated email.

Oh right I had no problem once you go to check out another window pops up with the option of car parking metro link and the cup schemes just clicked that and had the option of all 3 cup schemes only ball ache was had put all my details in 3 times...
When I got through to the screen with options and selected cup scheme it said sorry this facility is not available at the moment. So I packed it in & will try later. Who is responsible for systems testing at MCFC, they most certainly do not track back. Systems testers out
Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

mrmacca said:
Can someone point me in the direction of the seat relocation window info?

no dates but more info in here

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ard%20FAQs</a><br /><br />-- Thu May 16, 2013 6:28 pm --<br /><br />
gocity said:
waspish said:
LoveCity said:
Not for me... but I joined them after renewing my card and getting the automated email.

Oh right I had no problem once you go to check out another window pops up with the option of car parking metro link and the cup schemes just clicked that and had the option of all 3 cup schemes only ball ache was had put all my details in 3 times...
When I got through to the screen with options and selected cup scheme it said sorry this facility is not available at the moment. So I packed it in & will try later. Who is responsible for systems testing at MCFC, they most certainly do not track back. Systems testers out

they have already been binned and we have Malaga's tech geeks on the next flight over
Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

I think I've renewed paying the one off Direct Debit on July 1st. I'll need to save £275 for the next 2 months which is OK with no football to finance. It wouldn't let me join the Cup Schemes but I'll worry about that later... Or not join them!
Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

geoffchall said:
mrmacca said:
Can someone point me in the direction of the seat relocation window info?

It's June 6-10. Somewhere deep in the FAQ's.... But you have to renew first and then relocate.

Sorry to be a pain, but it doesn't say in the FAQ's. Can seat relocation be done,

A. By Phone,
B. On the Website
C. At the ticket office

or all of them?
Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

Well im caller number 9 atm it didnt go through earlier online but its saying im part of the 13/14 fa cup scheme which is odd :/ seems there a fuck up somewhere might sswell just speak to someone
Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

Anyone had a superbia invite yet? Had one last two seasons (invite that is not the card) but nothing so far.

Noticed in the T&C's it looks like it will be £2800 this time
Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

Have tried 3 times to speak to someone but on hold ages how many people do they have on that call centre
Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

iloveacougar said:
Have tried 3 times to speak to someone but on hold ages how many people do they have on that call centre

I started as caller 11 ive been9 for ages now been on hold 15 mins so far
Re: Next Years Season Ticket Info

jma said:
Plenty of battered wife syndrome on this thread.

"Oh, thanks City, for having season tickets that are cheaper than Arsenal"

"Oh, thanks City, for only increasing by 10% each season"

"Oh, thanks City, for only increasing the price by £4 per match. Four is a small number that means nothing in my head"

"Oh, thanks City for offering me the chance to pay your rip off prices in a different way, in my head that is virtually not paying"

"Oh, thanks City for giving me 2 weeks to pay before you shaft me for even more if I happen to be one of the thousands who will forget about it or not be able to do it immediately and will be shafted by a scheme designed for the sole reason of catching those people out."

Football everywhere in Britain is a rip off and run by bastards. Just because the bastard at City whose job it is to impress people by squeezing every last drop out of the fans is not currently charging the same as the same bastard at Arsenal, it doesn't make him less of a bastard. In fact, I'd be surprised if the bastard at Arsenal or anywhere else has shafted their own fans by so much percentage wise over the last 5 years.

Also, more absolute nobs lining up to claim it is something to do with FFP again. It's almost a bad joke. Their ignorance is as bad as the lack of grasp of basic maths of some of those trying to paint such increases as hardly worthy of note.

Cue the accusations of being an ungrateful bastards from people who seemingly don't support City but support the concept of watching a successful club.

In a much rantier way than I could ever put it. You can see from this that it's past the tipping already for many long standing blues and plenty are saying good on city, it's not good at all.

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