
conormcfc said:
Clutch004 said:
Neymar is so overhyped it's ridiculous. Look at all the big games he plays in and tell me that he's still that great of a player. For Brazil since he's moved to the senior side his play hasn't been spectacular by any means. Damiao has been playing better for them.
Yeah, 20 goals in 32 international games and one of the best starts to an international career of all time at the age of 21, not spectacular.

You've watched him about twice, haven't you?

Damiao has been so poor that replaced by fucking Fred as well.

Fact: In the Quarters, Semis, and Finals of the Olympics Neymar only managed a PK goal in the Quarters, nothing in Semis or Finals. And that's mostly U23 players, not prem league level.

Fact: In 2013, he has played in 5 games. England, Italy, Russia, Bolivia, and Chile. His stats as you would look at them was 3 goals in 5 games. Guess how I see it? He scored zero against England, Italy, and Russia. That's right, he got two against Bolivia (nobody) and one against Chile. So if we're playing against Championship sides in the FA Cup next year maybe he can score 10 goals in 5 games against them. Then we get back to the league and he can't score. What's also funny is Fred scored against all three big teams. Maybe we should buy Fred instead?

In 2012: Lets see the most recent ten games. You have: Argentina, China, Colombia, Japan, Iraq, Argentina, China, South Africa, Sweden, Argentina, Mexico.

Against the Colombia, Argentina, Sweden, and Mexico he has a whopping 2 goals, one being a PK. That's 2 goals with one being a pk in six games against decent teams.

Against China (8-0 win), Japan (4-0 win), Iraq (6-0), and South Africa (1-0) he scored six goals in those 4 games. He didn't score first in any of them. He scored the 5th against Iraq, the 2nd (pk) and 3rd against Japan, the 2nd, 5th, and 6th against China. He of course did not score in the slim victory of 1-0 against South Africa.

So in summation, he can't score meaningful goals, he can't score against good teams. He's the trouncer of the baddies. Just what we need!

Thanks for the insult though. Maybe you should watch the games and not read newspaper articles and magazine articles showing off his haircut. It pays to analyze his goals a bit ;) Now how do I get the hat tipping picture?
conormcfc said:
Clutch004 said:
Neymar is so overhyped it's ridiculous. Look at all the big games he plays in and tell me that he's still that great of a player. For Brazil since he's moved to the senior side his play hasn't been spectacular by any means. Damiao has been playing better for them.
Yeah, 20 goals in 32 international games and one of the best starts to an international career of all time at the age of 21, not spectacular.

You've watched him about twice, haven't you?

Damiao has been so poor that replaced by fucking Fred as well.

Oh yeah, of those games I watched two of the three Argentina game (for Kun and Zaba), England (it was the most interesting game on), Colombia (because of Falcao, Martinez, Rodriguez), Italy (Balotelli), the Mexico Olympics final, and Chile just because it was best South American game on at the time. I don't like either team much. So I watched what, 7 of his most recent games? I live in the US so I bet I've watched more than you simply for the fact that I can watch European games and South American games at normal times.
Clutch004 said:
conormcfc said:
Clutch004 said:
Neymar is so overhyped it's ridiculous. Look at all the big games he plays in and tell me that he's still that great of a player. For Brazil since he's moved to the senior side his play hasn't been spectacular by any means. Damiao has been playing better for them.
Yeah, 20 goals in 32 international games and one of the best starts to an international career of all time at the age of 21, not spectacular.

You've watched him about twice, haven't you?

Damiao has been so poor that replaced by fucking Fred as well.

Fact: In the Quarters, Semis, and Finals of the Olympics Neymar only managed a PK goal in the Quarters, nothing in Semis or Finals. And that's mostly U23 players, not prem league level.

Fact: In 2013, he has played in 5 games. England, Italy, Russia, Bolivia, and Chile. His stats as you would look at them was 3 goals in 5 games. Guess how I see it? He scored zero against England, Italy, and Russia. That's right, he got two against Bolivia (nobody) and one against Chile. So if we're playing against Championship sides in the FA Cup next year maybe he can score 10 goals in 5 games against them. Then we get back to the league and he can't score. What's also funny is Fred scored against all three big teams. Maybe we should buy Fred instead?

In 2012: Lets see the most recent ten games. You have: Argentina, China, Colombia, Japan, Iraq, Argentina, China, South Africa, Sweden, Argentina, Mexico.

Against the Colombia, Argentina, Sweden, and Mexico he has a whopping 2 goals, one being a PK. That's 2 goals with one being a pk in six games against decent teams.

Against China (8-0 win), Japan (4-0 win), Iraq (6-0), and South Africa (1-0) he scored six goals in those 4 games. He didn't score first in any of them. He scored the 5th against Iraq, the 2nd (pk) and 3rd against Japan, the 2nd, 5th, and 6th against China. He of course did not score in the slim victory of 1-0 against South Africa.

So in summation, he can't score meaningful goals, he can't score against good teams. He's the trouncer of the baddies. Just what we need!

Thanks for the insult though. Maybe you should watch the games and not read newspaper articles and magazine articles showing off his haircut. It pays to analyze his goals a bit ;) Now how do I get the hat tipping picture?

Are you serious???

I think Barca, Madrid, City, Chelsea, Psg to name but a few should replace there sporting directors with you, you obviously have a depth of knowledge unparalleled in world football!
Clutch004 said:
conormcfc said:
Clutch004 said:
Neymar is so overhyped it's ridiculous. Look at all the big games he plays in and tell me that he's still that great of a player. For Brazil since he's moved to the senior side his play hasn't been spectacular by any means. Damiao has been playing better for them.
Yeah, 20 goals in 32 international games and one of the best starts to an international career of all time at the age of 21, not spectacular.

You've watched him about twice, haven't you?

Damiao has been so poor that replaced by fucking Fred as well.

Oh yeah, of those games I watched two of the three Argentina game (for Kun and Zaba), England (it was the most interesting game on), Colombia (because of Falcao, Martinez, Rodriguez), Italy (Balotelli), the Mexico Olympics final, and Chile just because it was best South American game on at the time. I don't like either team much. So I watched what, 7 of his most recent games? I live in the US so I bet I've watched more than you simply for the fact that I can watch European games and South American games at normal times.

Oh and you admitting to living in the 'US' wasn't needed, the PK gave it away

Is that one to zip to Connor??? I think you should have a PK playoff to see!!

let the field goals commence!!!!
Aw, zero response to the fact that he didn't score goals against big teams.

Go figure you only responded to the fact that I'm from the US. Also, it was necessary to say I'm from the US because he said I watched "two games", but I know that most people from Europe would not watch the South American games because they come on at like 4 in the morning. I know this because I lived in Germany for three years.

So moving past the point that I'm from the US. How do you feel about the statistics that I posted up?
Clutch004 said:
conormcfc said:
Clutch004 said:
Neymar is so overhyped it's ridiculous. Look at all the big games he plays in and tell me that he's still that great of a player. For Brazil since he's moved to the senior side his play hasn't been spectacular by any means. Damiao has been playing better for them.
Yeah, 20 goals in 32 international games and one of the best starts to an international career of all time at the age of 21, not spectacular.

You've watched him about twice, haven't you?

Damiao has been so poor that replaced by fucking Fred as well.

Oh yeah, of those games I watched two of the three Argentina game (for Kun and Zaba), England (it was the most interesting game on), Colombia (because of Falcao, Martinez, Rodriguez), Italy (Balotelli), the Mexico Olympics final, and Chile just because it was best South American game on at the time. I don't like either team much. So I watched what, 7 of his most recent games? I live in the US so I bet I've watched more than you simply for the fact that I can watch European games and South American games at normal times.

So you've watched Brazil regularly and you still think Damiao has been the more impressive player recently despite him being dropped months ago? Makes sense.

Zab and Aguero weren't even in the Argentina squad for 2 of those 3 games, so that's bollocks.

The Colombia game he was the best player on the park by a distance and scored a wonder goal to top it off.


If you had actually watched the Italy game you'd have seen how good his performance was, he tore them apart single-handedly. It was a performance which brought these quotes from opposing players/manager:

Cesare Prandelli: "Neymar likes to score but he has many other qualities. You can't just consider him a scorer, he is more."

De Sciglio: "Neymar? He was almost unstoppable. Marking him when he runs was impossible. He gave me a lot of trouble."

Montolivo: "Neymar is a very fast player with great dribbling skills. He really impressed me yesterday."

Montolivo: "Neymar has the potential to become a great player. I don't know if he will be as good as Messi, it's too early to judge."

Barzagli: "Neymar is a phenomenon and only lacks European experience to be the best."

Even in the Chile game you say you watched, he scored again!

So forgive me for being skeptical.

Also, you made a sarcastic comment in another post about Neymar being great at beating shit teams:

He's the trouncer of the baddies. Just what we need!

Even if that were true (which it isn't), a player capable of demolishing the lesser teams is EXACTLY what we need. Our inability to beat bottom half teams is why we ended up so far behind in the title race.
Everyone is falling over themselves to say he's overrated. I have no idea, not having seen enough of him.

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