NFL 2023-24

I like American football nearly as much as people who like to tell everyone they don't. They're like sports vegans. Weirdos.
I will make the case for the NY Jets m’lud. Very good teams in the late 60’s early 70’s. Won Superbowl 3 in 1969 as a 19 point underdog. That’s about 15-1 on the money line.

Have done next to fuck all since then. One season in the 80’s they started 10-1 only to lose most of their games. Stumbled into the playoffs only to fail at the first hurdle.

The other NY team, the Giants, have been very successful. They have won a couple of championships.

Have to be fair though the Giants fans are pretty sound. Most unlike the self entitled self important rags or the feral scouse rats.

This year the Jets had high hopes as they finally got a legit quarterback. This is after picking a quarterback with the 3 rd pick a couple of years ago who turned out to the the equivalent of Lee Bradbury. Come to think of it I think Bradbury was a better footballer than this quarterback!! No kidding.

Anywhoo, said quarterback years his Achilles in the first game on their first possession. Season done. Cups for cock ups

I rest my case m’lud…
I will make the case for the NY Jets m’lud. Very good teams in the late 60’s early 70’s. Won Superbowl 3 in 1969 as a 19 point underdog. That’s about 15-1 on the money line.

Have done next to fuck all since then. One season in the 80’s they started 10-1 only to lose most of their games. Stumbled into the playoffs only to fail at the first hurdle.

The other NY team, the Giants, have been very successful. They have won a couple of championships.

Have to be fair though the Giants fans are pretty sound. Most unlike the self entitled self important rags or the feral scouse rats.

This year the Jets had high hopes as they finally got a legit quarterback. This is after picking a quarterback with the 3 rd pick a couple of years ago who turned out to the the equivalent of Lee Bradbury. Come to think of it I think Bradbury was a better footballer than this quarterback!! No kidding.

Anywhoo, said quarterback years his Achilles in the first game on their first possession. Season done. Cups for cock ups

I rest my case m’lud…
As quality as rodgers is he doesnt half come across as a right dickhead
The dolphins. Brilliant in the 70s and the only team to have a perfect season...Super Bowl losers in the early 80s, nothing since.

As quality as rodgers is he doesnt half come across as a right dickhead
Can I bring up the Saints

Years of being utter shite for decades followed by the Drew Brees/Sean Payton era which brought one Superbowl ending with a shite Defence sabotaging the whole thing for years and now the Defence is actually good we end up with a turgid abysmal Offence
Can I bring up the Saints

Years of being utter shite for decades followed by the Drew Brees/Sean Payton era which brought one Superbowl ending with a shite Defence sabotaging the whole thing for years and now the Defence is actually good we end up with a turgid abysmal Offence
Best unis (kits) in the league contender?

Mais oui.

The Eagles when they wore the Kelly green. The Bucs old creamsicle colors. The old Houston Oilers (sky blue). The Raiders, of course. Others?
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Although it’s a very slow game, it’s the tactics that fascinate me, the so called play books they have, exactly how many plays do they have there can’t be that many different ways, if there are that’s some memories they have to remember them all. Also the defence reading those plays as well.
Really hope we get a UK franchise soon. Especially, if they play a few games in different cities around the UK and Eire. Play 4 games in London, 1 in Manchester, 1 in glasgow, 1 in dublin , 1 in Cardiff, 1 in Edinburgh. NFL would make a killing, tourist industry would have a boom week in each place, everyones a winner........(but we knowit'll just he kept in London)
Really hope we get a UK franchise soon. Especially, if they play a few games in different cities around the UK and Eire. Play 4 games in London, 1 in Manchester, 1 in glasgow, 1 in dublin , 1 in Cardiff, 1 in Edinburgh. NFL would make a killing, tourist industry would have a boom week in each place, everyones a winner........(but we knowit'll just he kept in London)
thing with doing that is that you would have to convince every other nfl team to give up a home game and i just dont see that happening, not to mention trying to get a bunch of college kids and veteran players, plus coaching staff to move to the uk for a large part of the year and on top of that making the calendar work across those stadiums, would be a brilliant thing to happen but a logistical nightmare

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