Nick Griffin on Question Time..

lol BB.

Griffin does seem to be a bit of a swarmy bugger who will try his very best to dig his own grave then try and get out of it...but as much as he is a typical politician, i agree with his views on immigrants, i'm objecting to refugees using our country as a free dinner then thinking they have a right to state how we are governed, as if they have rights to dictate to a country that is giving them a better life...

i was always taught to not bite the hand that feeds, so instead of the radicals protesting on the uk streets demanding politicians and media correspondents to be murdered, the politicians that have allowed them into the country in the first place, shouldn't they just go back to their home countries where they cannot receive education, free healthcare, clean water and sufficient homing?

putting these people in prison is not going to solve the problem as there will just be more imigrant radicals coming in to begin the process over now we understand there is a threat of terrorism in our country by even a few immigrants (doesn't take more than 5 or so to fly a plane or even 2 radicals to strap bombs to themselves does it?)...what do we do? the geneva convention protects people from being deported if they are at threat upon arrival of their former country which more or less, every asylum seeker states they will kill themselves if they have to go back or they say they will be killed...true, SOME may be true but if you had the threat of going to a third world country..wouldn't you say anything to make yourself stay put?)

so it's up to you lot. should we let them stay or just simply refuse entry to ALL refugees regardless of where they are from (which is what the BNP are saying to do).

I am looking forward to hearing some argumentative responses of which some will more than likely have no answers.
At lunch today I was discussing this with some colleagues. One each Swiss, French and Spanish. They had all heard of Griffin but none of the other panellists.

It would appear the Griffin is rather popular in Spain and France. Here in switzerland his views are not what one would call extreme just a little right wing.
Here's my take on last night in simplistic terms.
The beeb have done this country no favours,by padding the audience out with people that refused to let griffin fully answer questions & booing ffs whenever he tried to say someting.
The panorama program along with this shambles has given griffin an out which he shouldn't have had.
The panel was shocking jack straw was as bad as griffin with his rant about all the different races that fought in the wars then being dumstruck when griffen revealed straws father was in fuckin jail while these people were fighting because he refused to go.
The lib dem guy was coming across as if he was promoting his party as a little bnp & was a complete bullshitter.
Bonnie Greer looked bemused with what was going on & just joined in having a go at griffin because everyone else was....until the ku klux klan part then she became a bit more involved.
dimbleby should take his fair share of the blame because he started off in fifth gear & took over when it is was job to keep everything proffesional.
Last but not least Baroness Sayeeda Warsi,i said before the programme started that she & her views really interested me & i found her to be lightyears ahead of any of the others on that panel.
Her "you have to stop being in denial & realise he makes some good points",she then went on to slaughter his motives & actually said that it's stupid to think all people that are in the bnp are racist they just realise like i do that this country has serious issues.
......Nearly forgot griffin,he didn't fool me for one minute he is the same man he was in 1997 & after lastnight i'm afraid more dangeous than ever,he is a vile atrocity of a human being that should not exist but he does & only the likes of the Baroness will be able to stop him,how the fuck have the conservatives got her onboard.
just how i saw it btw.

What you advocate is a form of slavery for 'second class' citizens. How strange.

Second, Gelson, Britain has always stood for more moderation than Europe so your point is irrelevant, with respect.

And as for this 'packing the audience' nonsense, I get the impression that some of you live in your own ghettoes. The audience was highly representative of the big cities of England, and I've lived or at last spent time in most of them.

I am now away for the weeekend dealing with business, just in case you think that I have 'no answer'. Do yourselves a favour and spend some time with the rest of us. It really won't hurt you. We would all get along, trust me.
coleridge said:

What you advocate is a form of slavery for 'second class' citizens. How strange.

Second, Gelson, Britain has always stood for more moderation than Europe so your point is irrelevant, with respect.

And as for this 'packing the audience' nonsense, I get the impression that some of you live in your own ghettoes. The audience was highly representative of the big cities of England, and I've lived or at last spent time in most of them.

I am now away for the weeekend dealing with business, just in case you think that I have 'no answer'. Do yourselves a favour and spend some time with the rest of us. It really won't hurt you. We would all get along, trust me.

you don't though do you. did you answer my question? no! so was i correct in the last sentence of my previous post? yes!

slavery!? who the fuck even mentioned slavery...just you you little woman. trying your best to somehow make it seem you have a moral high pisses me off that there are little suck asses like you who believe what your told, and think it's right for you to try an make others seem ignorant to causes which themselves have chosen to not like,.. grow some fucking balls you tory tosser.
Right, well where do I start about last nights programme. As I said in an earlier post, I watch the programme every week as I study British Politics and the show was a farse from the start.

A normal audience for the show is usually 90% white, tonight it wasn't.

The questions asked are usually about lots of different subjects, last night they were based on race and homosexuality.

Griffin made himself look like an utter arse, but so did Straw. I have never seen a politician shake so much on the show as Griffin did last night. His comment about Straws dad made me giggle and he didn't deny it, which I thought was even funnier. griffin made some good comments regarding the koran but other than that he didn't really answer anything.

Overall, the programme was just a farse from start to finish. It was a linch mob against the BNP. But then again that could be classed as a good thing because the man is a complete prick.
orange_wkd said:
Right, well where do I start about last nights programme. As I said in an earlier post, I watch the programme every week as I study British Politics and the show was a farse from the start.

A normal audience for the show is usually 90% white, tonight it wasn't.

The questions asked are usually about lots of different subjects, last night they were based on race and homosexuality.

Griffin made himself look like an utter arse, but so did Straw. I have never seen a politician shake so much on the show as Griffin did last night. His comment about Straws dad made me giggle and he didn't deny it, which I thought was even funnier. griffin made some good comments regarding the koran but other than that he didn't really answer anything.

Overall, the programme was just a farse from start to finish. It was a linch mob against the BNP. But then again that could be classed as a good thing because the man is a complete prick.

i'm not even going to comment on the bias shown last night, how can anyone take that show seriously after last night when it is clear that the BBC will try and ridicule any political party they don't have connections to, i understand it's media and obviously there has to be ways to win audiences, but there was no professionalism whatsoever and instead made the BBC look like a bully.
Don't know if it's been posted but this is class...

Alan Kernaghan's 40yd Lob said:
aphex said:
he was right about the qu'ran.

i thought that, but there's loads of bad shit in the bible too.

he spoke about the qu'ran oppressing equal gender rights, but believes in Christian values.

surprised no mentioned these bible quotes:

Corinthians 14:34-35 said:
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 said:
If a man [meets] a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her ... He must marry the girl ... He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

Numbers 31:1-18 said:
"Have you allowed all the women to live?" he [Moses] asked them.... "Now ... kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

if it was a muslim mp saying the same thing about the bible, i would agree with him too.
The holocaust did not happen.

It is ok to rape women as they enjoy it.

Let's forget about race for now, anyone care to cozy up with the BNP over these 2 fantastic opinions?

Of course not, you can not defend such things.

Griffin was made to look like a cock as that is what he is, he came across as smug, confused, semi literate and repugnant.

How any woman could vote for them given their stance on rape is beyond me.

Remember lads - rape is ok, they enjoy it. Oh and the holocaust did not happen, ok?

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