Nick Griffin on Question Time..

Looks like a quick peep at some of the genuine moments of mental brilliance from everyone's favourite inept racist society has brought this thread to a halt.

People - high fives all round!
Racists - As your Aryan superior I ask you to bow down to me.
TheMightyQuinn said:
The holocaust did not happen.

It is ok to rape women as they enjoy it.

Let's forget about race for now, anyone care to cozy up with the BNP over these 2 fantastic opinions?

Of course not, you can not defend such things.

Griffin was made to look like a cock as that is what he is, he came across as smug, confused, semi literate and repugnant.

How any woman could vote for them given their stance on rape is beyond me.

Remember lads - rape is ok, they enjoy it. Oh and the holocaust did not happen, ok?

let's not forget the muslim extremists views on those too TMQ, in the interest of balance (something the BBC didn't show last night)
They regard a lady within their family that has been raped is 'damaged goods' and even in THIS civilised country there have been 'honour' killings because of it.
Also, they are the biggest holocaust deniers that ever existed.

of course there are racist thugs on both sides of the coin: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... iots.html#</a>

School where pupil brain damaged suffered race riots
A school where a pupil was left brain damaged after being attacked by an Asian gang had suffered race "riots" and numerous attacks on white students before he was set upon, a court heard.

By Caroline Gammell
Published: 5:33PM BST 20 Oct 2009

Repeated clashes between white and Asian students were reported, but nothing was done because the school was "fearful of being accused of racism", the High Court was told.

One parent told the headmaster in 2006 that the situation was so volatile that "eventually someone would be seriously hurt or even killed" if pupils were not disciplined.

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YouTube video shows boys driving cars along school corridorsMonths later in January 2007, Henry Webster, who was just 15, was beaten with a claw hammer by a group of Asian pupils, who dubbed themselves the Asian Invasion.

Mr Webster, now 18, is suing the The Ridgeway in Wroughton, near Swindon, claiming there was a negligent failure to maintain proper discipline and deal with racial tension.

If he wins, he could win up to £1 million in compensation.

Giving evidence yesterday, Mr Webster said there was tension between the white and Asian pupils at the 1,400-strong school and that the former always seemed to be in trouble.

"It always the white boys that seemed to be suspended for fighting, while the Asian boys got away with it."

Faltering at times over his words, he said: "The school didn't try to split up the Asians, they almost seemed to encourage them to stick together.

"I saw them intimidating other pupils. They would intimidate people by speaking their own language, pointing and laughing at people, but no one could understand what they were saying."

His counsel, Robert Glancy QC, said there was evidence from teachers, parents, a local taxi driver and students all describing the racial conflict at the school.

Citing school cleaner Debbie MacDivitt, he said: "She speaks of a 'riot' on the playing fields between whites and Asians in 2006, Asian gangs in the corridors, incidents where seats were ripped up in the small conservatory and racial abuse."

Using evidence from Rachel Barker, a trainee teacher, he said: "She says there were regular fights and a 'riot' on or near the tennis courts.

"In her view, the school did not promote cohesion or integration and the Asians felt superior and were never disciplined.

"If they were, lesser punishment was handed out to them than the white pupils guilty of similar offences.

"She felt that the school did not deal with the problem effectively because they were fearful of being accused of racism."

Among the incidents reported in 2006, was an attack on white pupil filmed by a group of Asian males, an attack on a white Year 7 boy by older Asian pupils and subsequent retaliatory attacks by white males and an attack on two white boys in front of the school gates.

The court was told that the school had seen an influx of "radicalised" Asian pupils after its pupil numbers started to fall and it had to start recruiting students from a wider catchment area.

Mr Webster was targeted by group of 13 teenagers and an adult in an attack described at their trial as "something out of a Quentin Taranatino film".

He had agreed to a fight one boy at his school after lessons, but was ambushed by the gang as they met on the school's tennis courts.

The red-haired teenager, who is still clearly affected by his ordeal, said he had no problem with Asian or black people and had been reluctant to fight.

On January 11, 2007, the day of the attack, Mr Glancy said discipline at the school had always been "lax and inadequately enforced", with pupils swearing at teachers and cleaners while fighting between themselves.

Mr Webster's mother Elizabeth, younger brother Joseph, 14, and step-father Roger Durnford all say they were traumatised by witnessing Mr Webster's suffering and are also seeking damages.

The Ridgeway is challenging the case, arguing that the attack happened outside school hours and involved several people – including adults - who were not linked to the school.
Bilboblue said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
The holocaust did not happen.

It is ok to rape women as they enjoy it.

Let's forget about race for now, anyone care to cozy up with the BNP over these 2 fantastic opinions?

Of course not, you can not defend such things.

Griffin was made to look like a cock as that is what he is, he came across as smug, confused, semi literate and repugnant.

How any woman could vote for them given their stance on rape is beyond me.

Remember lads - rape is ok, they enjoy it. Oh and the holocaust did not happen, ok?

let's not forget the muslim extremists views on those too TMQ, in the interest of balance (something the BBC didn't show last night)
They regard a lady within their family that has been raped is 'damaged goods' and even in THIS civilised country there have been 'honour' killings because of it.
Also, they are the biggest holocaust deniers that ever existed.

of course there are racist thugs on both sides of the coin: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... iots.html#</a>

School where pupil brain damaged suffered race riots
A school where a pupil was left brain damaged after being attacked by an Asian gang had suffered race "riots" and numerous attacks on white students before he was set upon, a court heard.

By Caroline Gammell
Published: 5:33PM BST 20 Oct 2009

Repeated clashes between white and Asian students were reported, but nothing was done because the school was "fearful of being accused of racism", the High Court was told.

One parent told the headmaster in 2006 that the situation was so volatile that "eventually someone would be seriously hurt or even killed" if pupils were not disciplined.

Related Articles
Hammer attack schoolboy Henry Webster 'scared' to tell of tension with Asian gang
Boy attacked with claw hammer in playground sues school for £1million
Grammar schoolboy fighting for life after mob attack
The moment grammar school boy left in coma by rival
School pupils given lessons on sex trade
YouTube video shows boys driving cars along school corridorsMonths later in January 2007, Henry Webster, who was just 15, was beaten with a claw hammer by a group of Asian pupils, who dubbed themselves the Asian Invasion.

Mr Webster, now 18, is suing the The Ridgeway in Wroughton, near Swindon, claiming there was a negligent failure to maintain proper discipline and deal with racial tension.

If he wins, he could win up to £1 million in compensation.

Giving evidence yesterday, Mr Webster said there was tension between the white and Asian pupils at the 1,400-strong school and that the former always seemed to be in trouble.

"It always the white boys that seemed to be suspended for fighting, while the Asian boys got away with it."

Faltering at times over his words, he said: "The school didn't try to split up the Asians, they almost seemed to encourage them to stick together.

"I saw them intimidating other pupils. They would intimidate people by speaking their own language, pointing and laughing at people, but no one could understand what they were saying."

His counsel, Robert Glancy QC, said there was evidence from teachers, parents, a local taxi driver and students all describing the racial conflict at the school.

Citing school cleaner Debbie MacDivitt, he said: "She speaks of a 'riot' on the playing fields between whites and Asians in 2006, Asian gangs in the corridors, incidents where seats were ripped up in the small conservatory and racial abuse."

Using evidence from Rachel Barker, a trainee teacher, he said: "She says there were regular fights and a 'riot' on or near the tennis courts.

"In her view, the school did not promote cohesion or integration and the Asians felt superior and were never disciplined.

"If they were, lesser punishment was handed out to them than the white pupils guilty of similar offences.

"She felt that the school did not deal with the problem effectively because they were fearful of being accused of racism."

Among the incidents reported in 2006, was an attack on white pupil filmed by a group of Asian males, an attack on a white Year 7 boy by older Asian pupils and subsequent retaliatory attacks by white males and an attack on two white boys in front of the school gates.

The court was told that the school had seen an influx of "radicalised" Asian pupils after its pupil numbers started to fall and it had to start recruiting students from a wider catchment area.

Mr Webster was targeted by group of 13 teenagers and an adult in an attack described at their trial as "something out of a Quentin Taranatino film".

He had agreed to a fight one boy at his school after lessons, but was ambushed by the gang as they met on the school's tennis courts.

The red-haired teenager, who is still clearly affected by his ordeal, said he had no problem with Asian or black people and had been reluctant to fight.

On January 11, 2007, the day of the attack, Mr Glancy said discipline at the school had always been "lax and inadequately enforced", with pupils swearing at teachers and cleaners while fighting between themselves.

Mr Webster's mother Elizabeth, younger brother Joseph, 14, and step-father Roger Durnford all say they were traumatised by witnessing Mr Webster's suffering and are also seeking damages.

The Ridgeway is challenging the case, arguing that the attack happened outside school hours and involved several people – including adults - who were not linked to the school.

I'm of the opinion that most religions hate women to be honest. The bible, as quoted above a few posts, certainly doesn't view them with any virtue, same as Muslims etc. I'd never argue that Muslims have a sensible world view, like all religions it's good and bad.

The difference is however, religious people claiming rape etc is ok are doing so thanks to a blind following of a book they've had bashed, in some cases literally, into their skulls whereas the BNP are just of the belief that women enjoy rape because, well just because really.

Obviously the end result is the same but I'd be prone to being more lenient on a brain washed god botherer than I would an out and out vile twat!

Religion is all bollocks anyway, but then I've said this before and nearly got hung so I'll stop...
I firmly believe most religious people to be amongst the most bigoted and war mongering people you will ever encounter. It's all fire and brimstone with them.

Sure, there's the odd person who is nice with it, Emily Bishop for one, but most use it as an excuse, sometimes it's a valid reason, for violence and hate towards people who are different to them.

One thing I know is that God won't be letting too many Catholics, Jews or Muslims into Heaven after they've spent a lifetime spouting hate.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Religion is all bollocks anyway, but then I've said this before and nearly got hung so I'll stop...

I think someone got it right earlier though to be fair when they said at least the Christian world had moved on from that.
I know 99% of muslims are decent folk but the 1% are the ones that get the headlines.

Many people need something to believe in, I believe in Manchester City ;o)
i don't think this topic is going anywhere now. we have found there are people who support him and those who don't. now it's all religion,...i'm not bothered about that, i'm bothered about illegal immigrants from ALL over the world claiming my taxes.
Blue Smarties said:
Don't know if it's been posted but this is class...

I posted it on page 100. Piss funny isn't it?

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