Nick Griffin on Question Time..

TheMightyQuinn said:
Bigga said:
How does everyone feel about the latest furore, involving Griffin, where he's hijacked the Spitfire as a symbol towards his rhetoric on "The Battle of Britain"...?

I feel it shows how lazy he is when looking for more symbols of how great he is and his little party is.

It's a typical emotive move by a cynical little man with nothing to offer the world but his confused hate and rhetoric.

Little Englanders who have nothing to celebrate so blame everything on Asian people and black people lest they should look into their own empty souls and realise that the blame does not lie at the feet of people of colour or born elsewhere but themselves.

He probably has a very tiny penis too or one ball.

One of the background pictures used by Griffin depicted Johnson Beharry,a black corporal who recently received the Victoria Cross.
He was asked if Beharry would be welcome in his party.
He said that he would not.
I guess that says it all.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
bluemanc said:
If they did degrees in being a bullying idiot he would have a 3rd one that's for sure,this fuckers way to aggressive to be the real deal.
If something like NF's in the audience putting his view forward he will have people running to join the bnp like Usain Bolt.
griffin did an interview with Beswick on GMR & Beswick had done his homework & still struggled with the fucker,scare tactics wont work on him & people on here wont be bullied into not thinking for themselves either,let's see how it pans out.

Where exactly did I bully anybody,bluemanc?
I responded to another poster who stated that Griffin could "run rings around me".
I didn't ask for him to insult me - it was purely gratuitous.
BB2 constantly posts ill-informed, racist rubbish.
You have not posted anything to question or disprove my remarks about Griffin - you have just made a few infantile throwaway statements.
I am not interested in making anyones mind up about the BNP - that is their business,and I hope Griffin is given airtime to make his case.
But your glib comments add nothing constructive to the debate.
That's better no need for insults,bit ironic that by me but nevermind.
As for not contributing, well this fucker wouldn't exist if the 2 major prontaganists were'nt a corrupt vile group of human filth that aren't fit to govern fuck all.
In Rochdale my place of work we have a School that has 550 children,550 of those children have English as a 2nd language & the area around it is like something out of a nightmare. Rochdale is a bomb waiting to go off,Asian gangs are running the drugs & prostitutes in the town & the Asian community is tearing it's fuckin hair out trying to get help.
These people have been let down badly & the knock on effect is an "us & them" situation has developed,every week racial crimes from BOTH sides beatings/muggings/stabbings etc fill the local papers & it's getting worse.
You can see from that how someone like griffin & Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri can get a foothold, people are desperate.
ps.50% of our council tax goes on pensions for execs & claims against the council & he said he'd rip the councils apart if he got in,why the fuck can't our "goverment"do that.
Fuck every party off & have the best person doing each particular job,i'll vote for that.
when the furore dies down see if one of the cnuts lives near you here
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I feel it shows how lazy he is when looking for more symbols of how great he is and his little party is.

It's a typical emotive move by a cynical little man with nothing to offer the world but his confused hate and rhetoric.

Little Englanders who have nothing to celebrate so blame everything on Asian people and black people lest they should look into their own empty souls and realise that the blame does not lie at the feet of people of colour or born elsewhere but themselves.

He probably has a very tiny penis too or one ball.

One of the background pictures used by Griffin depicted Johnson Beharry,a black corporal who recently received the Victoria Cross.
He was asked if Beharry would be welcome in his party.
He said that he would not.
I guess that says it all.

So Griffin now admits that he wont allow black people into his party? Interesting.

I suppose the war(s) were won by all white English men though.
dannybcity said:
Bigga said:
How does everyone feel about the latest furore, involving Griffin, where he's hijacked the Spitfire as a symbol towards his rhetoric on "The Battle of Britain"...?

Will he be using another Polish pilot?

Will people like BB2 see that Griffin is not the proposed 'genius' he thinks from this evidence...?
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bigga said:
Will people like BB2 see that Griffin is not the proposed 'genius' he thinks from this evidence...?

You sir, are heading to be called a 'civilian' or whatever and threatened with legal action. Not so clever now eh, Mr Bigga? ;)

Get his catchphrase right! it's 'crow/ minion'!! I will not heed inaccuracies!!
Bigga said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
You sir, are heading to be called a 'civilian' or whatever and threatened with legal action. Not so clever now eh, Mr Bigga? ;)

Get his catchphrase right! it's 'crow/ minion'!! I will not heed inaccuracies!!

Nowt like a bit of mutual back slapping is there....

Get a fecking room will you! ;-)
Who the fuck cares?

The tedious little man and his crappy party would get nowhere if the publicity stopped.So everyone...leave him be...stop talking about him and his party.If we all ignored him then he might go away.


A lot of people in this country feel the same way.Mainly white middle class people with no grasp of reality but still...they have a voice as much as the next man.That's called democracy.In your eyes they might be wrong,they might be right...but that is their/your opinion.

Let him go on QT.The questions are vetoed beforehand so if he manages to make an arse of himself then we will all know he is a complete twathead.

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