Nick Griffin on Question Time..

Don't want to hear their odious repatriation opinions nor their holocaust denial opinions nor their sex is pleasurable so what's wrong with rape opnions

Nor do I want to hear him say that he learned a lot from Mein kampf

Nor do I want to hear him say that euthanasia for disabled people is desirable a s they are a burden on society

Why would any one think that he adds anything useful to the immigration debate ?
BillyShears said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Billy, the big difference is that the BNP have received enough votes to get elected. They may well be mostly protest votes (they probably are). Their views on repatriation are laughable but his inclusion allows the debate on immigration and other issues that bother people to be aired in an organised debate - not on some street corner

I've seen plenty of debates in newspapers, on Question Time, and on many websites. None of those debates have required a bnp representative, or any other fascist, to either open up the debate, or to keep it stimulated.

I think it's incredibly dangerous to try and justify Griffin's existence in mainstream politics by saying it is healthy for debate on subjects like immigration. Tell me it's about free speech and I'll swallow it because I actually believe in that principal. His protest votes have gotten him the platform he desires. You can't pay lip service to the millions of second and third generation immigrants who live in this country by saying that you don't agree with the bnp, then in the same breath tell them "but I'm glad he's there because it helps stimulate debate". Sorry, but I find that argument thinner than a silver rizla...

that's not what I am saying, In particular I laugh at his repatriation nonsense but there is an overall issue with uncontrolled immigration that needs addressing and neither of the two main parties are brave enough to debate it
Ronnie the Rep said:
BillyShears said:
I've seen plenty of debates in newspapers, on Question Time, and on many websites. None of those debates have required a bnp representative, or any other fascist, to either open up the debate, or to keep it stimulated.

I think it's incredibly dangerous to try and justify Griffin's existence in mainstream politics by saying it is healthy for debate on subjects like immigration. Tell me it's about free speech and I'll swallow it because I actually believe in that principal. His protest votes have gotten him the platform he desires. You can't pay lip service to the millions of second and third generation immigrants who live in this country by saying that you don't agree with the bnp, then in the same breath tell them "but I'm glad he's there because it helps stimulate debate". Sorry, but I find that argument thinner than a silver rizla...

that's not what I am saying, In particular I laugh at his repatriation nonsense but there is an overall issue with uncontrolled immigration that needs addressing and neither of the two main parties are brave enough to debate it

I think we'll have to agree to disagree. Immigration is tiny percentage of the real serious problems Britain faces. In times of serious economic downturn it's very easy to start banging on about immigration rather than addressing the real reasons jobs are scarce and people are broke.
of course they are brave enough

what kind of bravery would you like to hear?

there are too many brits living the life of riley in southern europe ,whilst hard working immigrants in this country get exploited here
kronkonite said:
of course they are brave enough

what kind of bravery would you like to hear?

there are too many brits living the life of riley in southern europe ,whilst hard working immigrants in this country get exploited here

what have people living in Southern Europe to do with the problem in Britain? I am not talking about genuine immigrants from other EU countries, I am talking about the perceived problem of non EU illegal immigrants
Ronnie the Rep said:
kronkonite said:
of course they are brave enough

what kind of bravery would you like to hear?

there are too many brits living the life of riley in southern europe ,whilst hard working immigrants in this country get exploited here

what have people living in Southern Europe to do with the problem in Britain? I am not talking about genuine immigrants from other EU countries, I am talking about the perceived problem of non EU illegal immigrants

Well if there illegal then chances are they're being exploited by gangs and not claiming benefits. Talk to the BNP voters and I suspect the welfare of these people are the least of their problems. Furthermore, even if the BNP did get in power there's not a great deal they could do about them as no one knows where they are.
Ronnie the Rep said:
BillyShears said:
I've seen plenty of debates in newspapers, on Question Time, and on many websites. None of those debates have required a bnp representative, or any other fascist, to either open up the debate, or to keep it stimulated.

I think it's incredibly dangerous to try and justify Griffin's existence in mainstream politics by saying it is healthy for debate on subjects like immigration. Tell me it's about free speech and I'll swallow it because I actually believe in that principal. His protest votes have gotten him the platform he desires. You can't pay lip service to the millions of second and third generation immigrants who live in this country by saying that you don't agree with the bnp, then in the same breath tell them "but I'm glad he's there because it helps stimulate debate". Sorry, but I find that argument thinner than a silver rizla...

that's not what I am saying, In particular I laugh at his repatriation nonsense but there is an overall issue with uncontrolled immigration that needs addressing and neither of the two main parties are brave enough to debate it

Immigration is over exaggerated in the media. Alot of immigrants who want to come here get their applications turn down, and its not just a few, its alot more than you'd think. Besides, immigration is just one problem in many, probably more serious ones, the economic situtation being one.
BillyShears said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
this is exactly what I said Balti. Damn this thread will peter out if we all act sensibly ;-)

Hang on. There's not much "sensible" in that post.

1. If the bnp are "nutters" just like the "nutters" who want Sharia Law in Britain - then they should be given the same platform - ie. the fucking streets, not prime time on bbc one in front of millions of viewers.
2. If "excessive and often uncontrolled immigration" is truly a problem, then how does giving a platform to a bunch of fascists who don't want controlled immigration, but rather no immigration, become any sort of solution when it is in fact an impossibility.
3. The "we have too many immigrants" rhetoric which the far right spout has been going on for decades now. The answer was not repatriation thirty years ago, and it isn't the answer now. So again, what is "sensible" about listening to the bnp. If you are so thick that the only way you can stimulate debate on the state of the nation, and on it's ruling parties is by heeding the words of a one eyed fascist then I pity you.

Mate, like it or not, the fact is the BNP have democratically elected members of a recognised parliament structure, I doubt very much we will anytime soon see such elected members representing such groups as Al mujahroun,but if we did the BBC would be correct in every way in giving them and Griffin a platform. In fairness Nijinsky even touched on it himself, if this man is the uber racist nazi antichrist then any argument he may present in front of a varied live audience will prove beyond doubt that he is indeed unintelligent and ignorant and therefore condemn him as the evil racist neandethal people have labelled him as. I am a firm believer in free speech and democratic elections. Again like it or not there is an increasing amount of people prepared to x his box. So who is to blame? The BBC for giving him the oxygen of publicity. Peter Hain et al for fanning said publicity? The voters of this country? The laws of this country for a) allowing an organisation such as the BNP, b) allowing (potentially) excessive uncontrolled immigration. Whats the answer, until the mainstream partys stop hiding their real views on subjects the BNP hold (ahem) dear then people find it hard to make an informed decision. Some people are concerned with the growing numbers of immigrants in this country, not all want the BNP in so "we can send em all back", they are just concerned where exactly between now and 2020 we are gonna house and find jobs for people equal to two cities the size of Birmingham, yes that includes myself. Am I a racist?

Whatever is to blame, this man however repugnant has somehow earned the right to be heard, lets hear him, let the good people of this country, be them white, black, asian, mixed race purple, muslim, christian or whatever, judge him in the ballot box. Because this is the is OUR right.
As much as people are saying if Griffin is such a horrible racist then it will come out in the wash on Question Time. The problem is, this is unlikely to happen. You need hours of questioning and follow up questions that relate to his answer to even get close to the racial undertone. One question from person A, followed by a different question from person B just won't do it, as he will have planned responses as well as supposed legal tie-ups that prevent him from answering certain questions.

I'd love to sit back and crack open a box of popcorn and watch the idiot self destruct but i can't see it happening...not tomorrow night anyway.
Unknown_Genius said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
that's not what I am saying, In particular I laugh at his repatriation nonsense but there is an overall issue with uncontrolled immigration that needs addressing and neither of the two main parties are brave enough to debate it

Immigration is over exaggerated in the media. Alot of immigrants who want to come here get their applications turn down, and its not just a few, its alot more than you'd think. Besides, immigration is just one problem in many, probably more serious ones, the economic situtation being one.

I hope your joking, immigration is exaggerated! Have you walked the streets recently, this country is changing beyond all recognition, and a lot of people don't like it.

I do agree that immigration is one of a series of problems, though immigration is one of the most serious.

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