Nick Griffin on Question Time..

Nreddishblue said:
Unknown_Genius said:
Immigration is over exaggerated in the media. Alot of immigrants who want to come here get their applications turn down, and its not just a few, its alot more than you'd think. Besides, immigration is just one problem in many, probably more serious ones, the economic situtation being one.

I hope your joking, immigration is exaggerated! Have you walked the streets recently, this country is changing beyond all recognition, and a lot of people don't like it.

I do agree that immigration is one of a series of problems, though immigration is one of the most serious.

You obviously don't live near Moston Lane
BillyShears said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
that's not what I am saying, In particular I laugh at his repatriation nonsense but there is an overall issue with uncontrolled immigration that needs addressing and neither of the two main parties are brave enough to debate it

I think we'll have to agree to disagree. Immigration is tiny percentage of the real serious problems Britain faces. In times of serious economic downturn it's very easy to start banging on about immigration rather than addressing the real reasons jobs are scarce and people are broke.

Hmmmm....I could have sworn that the recent concerns many have over immigration stretch back a good couple of years or so before the economic downturn took hold. As for jobs being scarce at the moment, spot on. So why make the situation worse by continuing to let people in unabated? It just piles more pressure on. Like it or not, this country is bursting at the seams and it can't go on ad infinitum. That doesn't mean we should start sending everyone back to where they came from but it does mean that something needs to be done about capping the numbers coming in - and soon. There's nothing racist about that - it's just a realistic overview of where we stand at the moment.

Griffin clearly isn't the answer for me - on the face of it, he might have tweaked his policies over time to make him and his party look more acceptable to the average working-class man on the street but he doesn't fool me as to what his real intentions are. However, if the mainstream parties stopped pussy-footing around the issue of immigration and came out with a clear and concise plan with regards to addressing the situation, the BNP almost certainly wouldn't garner so many votes and that in turn would marginalise them almost to the point of where they were 10 years or so ago.
Hmmmm....I could have sworn that the recent concerns many have over immigration stretch back a good couple of years or so before the economic downturn took hold. As for jobs being scarce at the moment, spot on. So why make the situation worse by continuing to let people in unabated? It just piles more pressure on. Like it or not, this country is bursting at the seams and it can't go on ad infinitum. That doesn't mean we should start sending everyone back to where they came from but it does mean that something needs to be done about capping the numbers coming in - and soon. There's nothing racist about that - it's just a realistic overview of where we stand at the moment.

Griffin clearly isn't the answer for me - on the face of it, he might have tweaked his policies over time to make him and his party look more acceptable to the average working-class man on the street but he doesn't fool me as to what his real intentions are. However, if the mainstream parties stopped pussy-footing around the issue of immigration and came out with a clear and concise plan with regards to addressing the situation, the BNP almost certainly wouldn't garner so many votes and that in turn would marginalise them almost to the point of where they were 10 years or so ago.[/quote]

Bang on! This is my last post on this subject as it's starting to go round in circles. I hope it does address the issues tonight
Danbert said:
Nreddishblue said:
I hope your joking, immigration is exaggerated! Have you walked the streets recently, this country is changing beyond all recognition, and a lot of people don't like it.

I do agree that immigration is one of a series of problems, though immigration is one of the most serious.

You obviously don't live near Moston Lane

You're that gimp that was boasting about bashing "Billy Bum Beards" on the EDL thread.

How you follow this club with Muslims at the helm is beyond me. Now, you'll probably hide again, hoping nobody remembers you.

You have a 'brother' in NDR.
Jesus-28 pages of utter brainwashed bollocks.

1) Nick Griffin has just as much right to be on question time as an MEP and elected head of the BNP, just as Sinn Fein leaders have been on the show and those who were pals with dictators like Saddam Hussein and Castro- (Galloway)

2) Just because you think immigration is now beyond control in this country and you want an open debate on it this DOES NOT make you a racist.

3) Multiculturalism has FAILED in this country- and again that is not a racist comment (you have to say that these days) Go to St Pauls, Moss Side, Toxteth, and Brixton and tell me that we all live together happilty as one..... Or have we simply placed the West Indian immigrants from the 1950's in ghettos. This is not the fault of the immigrants and their families, but successive 'main stream' governments have shit on them.

4) The freedom's that you bleeding hearts liberals bang on about are the same basic freedoms you are trying to deny Nick Griffin. I will watch with interest tonight and form my views on what he says, not what’s 'cool' or what I am told to believe.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Jesus-28 pages of utter brainwashed bollocks.

1) Nick Griffin has just as much right to be on question time as an MEP and elected head of the BNP, just as Sinn Fein leaders have been on the show and those who were pals with dictators like Saddam Hussein and Castro- (Galloway)

2) Just because you think immigration is now beyond control in this country and you want an open debate on it this DOES NOT make you a racist.

3) Multiculturalism has FAILED in this country- and again that is not a racist comment (you have to say that these days) Go to St Pauls, Moss Side, Toxteth, and Brixton and tell me that we all live together happilty as one..... Or have we simply placed the West Indian immigrants from the 1950's in ghettos. This is not the fault of the immigrants and their families, but successive 'main stream' governments have shit on them.

4) The freedom's that you bleeding hearts liberals bang on about are the same basic freedoms you are trying to deny Nick Griffin. I will watch with interest tonight and form my views on what he says, not what’s 'cool' or what I am told to believe.

Agree in all you have said. The mess this country has got its self into, is partly the fault of the liberals and they and there like are not going to tell me who i can and cant listen to and I suppose they will come on here and brand anyone who dares not agree with them a racist (sic).
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Jesus-28 pages of utter brainwashed bollocks.

1) Nick Griffin has just as much right to be on question time as an MEP and elected head of the BNP, just as Sinn Fein leaders have been on the show and those who were pals with dictators like Saddam Hussein and Castro- (Galloway)

2) Just because you think immigration is now beyond control in this country and you want an open debate on it this DOES NOT make you a racist.

3) Multiculturalism has FAILED in this country- and again that is not a racist comment (you have to say that these days) Go to St Pauls, Moss Side, Toxteth, and Brixton and tell me that we all live together happilty as one..... Or have we simply placed the West Indian immigrants from the 1950's in ghettos. This is not the fault of the immigrants and their families, but successive 'main stream' governments have shit on them.

4) The freedom's that you bleeding hearts liberals bang on about are the same basic freedoms you are trying to deny Nick Griffin. I will watch with interest tonight and form my views on what he says, not what’s 'cool' or what I am told to believe.

Sadly for the likes of you, the rest of us have already moved on. The most obvious brain-washing that goes on is in the right wing media, promoting illegal wars and war criminals [such as the IDA].

Multi-culturalism has not failed, it's just that you are very disappointed that it hasn't. I am very familiar with Moss Side and have some old Jamaican friends there. I also pass through it most days. It is largely a happy, multi-culturalist place. You clearly know fuck all about it.

The prediction that 'immigration is out of control' is about 50 years old. Obviously it is not. If you cared to watch the news, such as BBC News at Ten last night, you'd be aware that the ageing white population requires immigrant workers to care for it and pay taxes. Clearly an unpalatable truth for you.

I'm all for freedom. Your fascist friends are not.

This consipracy/lies/too afraid to discuss nonsense is utterly childish. In multi-media Britain, the chances of any issue not being debated are zero.

For the avoidance of doubt, you are the minority, not becasue of your colour but because of your extremist views.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Jesus-28 pages of utter brainwashed bollocks.

1) Nick Griffin has just as much right to be on question time as an MEP and elected head of the BNP, just as Sinn Fein leaders have been on the show and those who were pals with dictators like Saddam Hussein and Castro- (Galloway)

2) Just because you think immigration is now beyond control in this country and you want an open debate on it this DOES NOT make you a racist.

3) Multiculturalism has FAILED in this country- and again that is not a racist comment (you have to say that these days) Go to St Pauls, Moss Side, Toxteth, and Brixton and tell me that we all live together happilty as one..... Or have we simply placed the West Indian immigrants from the 1950's in ghettos. This is not the fault of the immigrants and their families, but successive 'main stream' governments have shit on them.

4) The freedom's that you bleeding hearts liberals bang on about are the same basic freedoms you are trying to deny Nick Griffin. I will watch with interest tonight and form my views on what he says, not what’s 'cool' or what I am told to believe.

Multiculturalism has FAILED in this country.
A statement so completely and utterly ridiculous that any attempt to address it is faced with "where to start"?
This comes from someone who professes to support a football team that boasts about 15 different nationalities in the squad,has comprehensive support from every ethnic,racial and religious group and is owned and bankrolled by an affluent Arab sheikh.
Who lives in one of the most racially-diverse cities in Britain.
Who quotes race-riots in Moss Side,(which were almost 30 years ago,and were fuelled by hostile policing as much as racism),as the one example of his ludicrous assertion.
I presume that this poster has never ordered a pizza,eaten in a Chinese restaurant,had a curry,ordered a taxi with an Asian driver,dined in a Tapas bar,drank "foreign" lager,or ventured abroad on holiday,as all of these would be entertaining that nasty multiculturalism that,apparently,has failed.
What has failed,and I am very glad it has,is your pathetic,insular "little England" mentality.
Most people have embraced multiculturalism with open arms.
Others,like yourself,have closed minds that will never see further than their own bigoted agenda.

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