Nick Griffin on Question Time..

lafitz2008 said:
coleridge said:
Sadly for the likes of you, the rest of us have already moved on. The most obvious brain-washing that goes on is in the right wing media, promoting illegal wars and war criminals [such as the IDA].

Multi-culturalism has not failed, it's just that you are very disappointed that it hasn't. I am very familiar with Moss Side and have some old Jamaican friends there. I also pass through it most days. It is largely a happy, multi-culturalist place. You clearly know fuck all about it.

The prediction that 'immigration is out of control' is about 50 years old. Obviously it is not. If you cared to watch the news, such as BBC News at Ten last night, you'd be aware that the ageing white population requires immigrant workers to care for it and pay taxes. Clearly an unpalatable truth for you.

I'm all for freedom. Your fascist friends are not.

This consipracy/lies/too afraid to discuss nonsense is utterly childish. In multi-media Britain, the chances of any issue not being debated are zero.

For the avoidance of doubt, you are the minority, not becasue of your colour but because of your extremist views.

While I'm sure Moss Side is generally a happy place,there is also a high crime rate and a gang culture within the black community, the same as there is in parts of London which had led to Operation Trident and similar.
While I wouldn't go as far as saying multiculturalism's failed,it's obviously not working to the extent that was probably hoped originally.
For whatever reason there hasn't been a great deal of integration.
There are things that should be debated without accusations of racism being bandied about and while I think Griffins a boss-eyed wanker it's right that he should have the opportunity to appear on Question Time and put his views forward.
I fail to see how Multiculturalism isn't working when you consider 40+% of the dental and medical workforce in the country are from other ethnic backgrounds other than White English.

I don't see at what level it is failing at. All i keep hearing is paranoid ramblings about how 'they are taking over the country'. I don't even understand the integration argument either. Anybody who watched Panorama the other night will tell you the difficulties an Asian couple had with integrating into a predominantly White society. The Woman was threatened with a knife, a gun, had glass bottles, rocks and water bombs thrown at her, while the Guy was repeatedly called Taliban (amongst other names), and the worse thing was he was made to walk in the middle of the road by a group of White males so he could get 'bonneted' or run over if you like. When he refused he was punched in the face.

Who the fuck would want to intergrate into that. How is it a problem that is affecting you? It's not like the 40% of None-British/white NHS are refusing to treat you. It's not like you're not allowed a takeaway from your local Indian, It's not like you're not allowed in a mini-cab.
Timperley_blue said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Jesus-28 pages of utter brainwashed bollocks.

1) Nick Griffin has just as much right to be on question time as an MEP and elected head of the BNP, just as Sinn Fein leaders have been on the show and those who were pals with dictators like Saddam Hussein and Castro- (Galloway)

2) Just because you think immigration is now beyond control in this country and you want an open debate on it this DOES NOT make you a racist.

3) Multiculturalism has FAILED in this country- and again that is not a racist comment (you have to say that these days) Go to St Pauls, Moss Side, Toxteth, and Brixton and tell me that we all live together happilty as one..... Or have we simply placed the West Indian immigrants from the 1950's in ghettos. This is not the fault of the immigrants and their families, but successive 'main stream' governments have shit on them.

4) The freedom's that you bleeding hearts liberals bang on about are the same basic freedoms you are trying to deny Nick Griffin. I will watch with interest tonight and form my views on what he says, not what’s 'cool' or what I am told to believe.

Rarely do I come across such utter bollocks. I realise that trying to convert a closet racist like yourself is a waste of time but...
Music, food, TV, cinema, sport, fashion, media and language in Britain today are a wonderfully diverse mixture of cultures. I'm a 30 year old bloke and bought a pint of milk from a Polish girl this morning, listened to hip hop on the way to work. I saw kids going to school wearing baseball caps (white kids, Chinese kids, black kids). I've just had a chat with two Muslim girls at work (one white British and one British Asian). I'm going to get in my Japanese car to go home and fancy a curry (national dish?) for tea. Think I might watch Slumdog Millionaire on Sky tonight etc etc etc ad infinitum!

I rest my case!
Timperley_blue said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Jesus-28 pages of utter brainwashed bollocks.

1) Nick Griffin has just as much right to be on question time as an MEP and elected head of the BNP, just as Sinn Fein leaders have been on the show and those who were pals with dictators like Saddam Hussein and Castro- (Galloway)

2) Just because you think immigration is now beyond control in this country and you want an open debate on it this DOES NOT make you a racist.

3) Multiculturalism has FAILED in this country- and again that is not a racist comment (you have to say that these days) Go to St Pauls, Moss Side, Toxteth, and Brixton and tell me that we all live together happilty as one..... Or have we simply placed the West Indian immigrants from the 1950's in ghettos. This is not the fault of the immigrants and their families, but successive 'main stream' governments have shit on them.

4) The freedom's that you bleeding hearts liberals bang on about are the same basic freedoms you are trying to deny Nick Griffin. I will watch with interest tonight and form my views on what he says, not what’s 'cool' or what I am told to believe.

Rarely do I come across such utter bollocks. I realise that trying to convert a closet racist like yourself is a waste of time but...
Music, food, TV, cinema, sport, fashion, media and language in Britain today are a wonderfully diverse mixture of cultures. I'm a 30 year old bloke and bought a pint of milk from a Polish girl this morning, listened to hip hop on the way to work. I saw kids going to school wearing baseball caps (white kids, Chinese kids, black kids). I've just had a chat with two Muslim girls at work (one white British and one British Asian). I'm going to get in my Japanese car to go home and fancy a curry (national dish?) for tea. Think I might watch Slumdog Millionaire on Sky tonight etc etc etc ad infinitum!

There's a bit more to multiculturalism than buying milk off a Pole,chatting to a couple of Muslim girls and having dodgy taste in music.
Although I admire your positive outlook on life,we're not living in a multi racial Utopia.
lafitz2008 said:
Timperley_blue said:
Rarely do I come across such utter bollocks. I realise that trying to convert a closet racist like yourself is a waste of time but...
Music, food, TV, cinema, sport, fashion, media and language in Britain today are a wonderfully diverse mixture of cultures. I'm a 30 year old bloke and bought a pint of milk from a Polish girl this morning, listened to hip hop on the way to work. I saw kids going to school wearing baseball caps (white kids, Chinese kids, black kids). I've just had a chat with two Muslim girls at work (one white British and one British Asian). I'm going to get in my Japanese car to go home and fancy a curry (national dish?) for tea. Think I might watch Slumdog Millionaire on Sky tonight etc etc etc ad infinitum!

There's a bit more to multiculturalism than buying milk off a Pole,chatting to a couple of Muslim girls and having dodgy taste in music.
Although I admire your positive outlook on life,we're not living in a multi racial Utopia.

You are wasting your time replying to him he will only come back and accuse you of being a racist
What I fail to understand is how quick some people are to condemn multiculturalism as failed/failing/falling short of expectations.
Mass immigration to Great Britain really only started in the 1950's with the first of the "Windrush" generation Afro Caribbean community arriving on these shores.
And yes,initially,many of this initail influx were employed in many of the so-called "menial" jobs that many indigenous white British people would not entertain,mainly for financial reasons,as they were predominately low paid.
At this time,our economy was relatively healthy and,to a degree,people could afford to pick and choose their vocations - this led to many of the above "first wave" of immigrants,(or economic migrants),to working in hospitals,public transport,etc.
Then when immigration started to increase in the late 60's/early70's,things got tougher,unemployment rose significantly,and,(surprise surprise),guess who got scapegoated for "coming over here and taking all the white peoples jobs"?
Yep,you guessed - and the National Front,(of which the odious Griffin was chairman),was born.
Nothing changes much,except that it is now the Asian community that are seen as villains of the peace,(think the West Indian community of the 70's,but now with a media-hyped "terrorist" dimension thrown in for good measure).
Just for the record,immigrants are considerably less likely than the indigenous population to hold a criminal conviction,and considerably more likely to be in full-time employment.
To finish - in my opinion it is far too early to accurately assess the relative success or failure of multiculturalism,as it has only been a widescale phenomenon for 50 years which really is no great historical yardstick,but I see it as a positive force which should be encouraged.
Griffin and his cohorts do not.
If like you say that origanaly afro caribbeans came over to these shores to fill a void in jobs for example hospitals,how can you compare that to todays immigrants who flock to these shores only for the piece of cake on offer.
fallowfieldflyer said:
If like you say that origanaly afro caribbeans came over to these shores to fill a void in jobs for example hospitals,how can you compare that to todays immigrants who flock to these shores only for the piece of cake on offer.
Again can you please explain how you know this is happening? Specific examples please. Not generalisations. Do you have any specific statistics to back this claim up and have you thoroughlly integrated into a immigrant society, to the extent that you'd know the ins and outs of said peoples reasons for migrating to britain.
fallowfieldflyer said:
If like you say that origanaly afro caribbeans came over to these shores to fill a void in jobs for example hospitals,how can you compare that to todays immigrants who flock to these shores only for the piece of cake on offer.

How many immigrants do you know that are here "for a piece of cake"? I don't know any.
bluemoonmatt said:
BillyShears said:
Lets face it. BB2.0 is clearly a member of the bnp. I mean, surely he's putting that kind of dumb fuck ignorance to good use...

Why do you have to stoop this low, BB2.0 may or may not be a member of the BNP and if he is good luck to him, its his right to be such. If (as I suspect) he isn't then your accusation is childish baiting, born out of your'e mutual dislike for one another.

As for the immigration issue, can you answer me a simple question. Where can we employ and house another 9 million people (projected) between now and 2020. Much of the economic trouble we are experiencing at the moment is that there simply is now no room left at the GB Inn. Our transport infrastructure is creaking at the seams, there is an enormous shortfall in housing and in particular affordable and corporation housing, we have nearly 2.5 million jobless, 40 pupils per class is becoming the norm in our education system, the NHS can no longer afford to carry out some of the most basic functions and our public services cannot cope with the demand laid upon them. I'm not saying for a second that the blame for this can be roundly laid at the immigrants door, people are living longer and of course many people want to raise families thus naturally increasing the population of this small island.

However, if we do not curb immigration drastically then these problems are only going to get worse. I am not in any way saying close our borders, but we have to come to a point where only those with specific skills not found on our own shores should have carte blanche to settle here. This issue is no longer about race in my opinion, its simply a matter of size and our countries capacity to meet the needs of a population booming out of control. I repeat, people equal to two cities the size of Birmingham between now and 2020. Are you going to accuse me of being a member now?

To be honest, I can't take much of what BB2 says seriously and some of the things he's said on this thread are out of order and plain wrong IMO, especially the bit about multiculturalism having completely failed in this country.

However, the rest of your post is bang on the money for me and interestingly no-one has responded to it so far. If the estimates are correct, I can't honestly see how we can cope with an extra 9 million people flooding into this country over the next 10-15 years. The country is struggling like mad now so Christ knows what it will be like if those estimates prove anything like close to being correct. Are millions of jobs and houses going to magic themselves out of thin air to cater for all these extra people? Somehow I don't think so.

Immigration is good for any country, and anybody who says otherwise is being very narrow-minded but it's only good for a country if, at some point, a restriction is put on the numbers coming in. Surely we can all see that?
fallowfieldflyer said:
If like you say that origanaly afro caribbeans came over to these shores to fill a void in jobs for example hospitals,how can you compare that to todays immigrants who flock to these shores only for the piece of cake on offer.

What exactly is this "piece of cake on offer" to which you refer?
Is it the year-long stay in a detention centre,legally barred from working and unable to claim benefits and relying on charity handouts until an inefficient immigration system finally decides your status?
Is it the disgraceful racist persecution that immigrants and asylum seekers are subjected to daily,and which was shockingly highlighted on "Panorama" only this week?
Is it having to secure poor housing,(often overcrowded),in unsavoury areas because of exploitative landlords?
Is it the fact that the average immigrant in full-time employment works an estimated 10 hours a week more than their British counterpart?
On the face of it,your "piece of cake" sounds singularly unappetizing.

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