Nick Griffin on Question Time..

TheMightyQuinn said:
scottyboi said:
Its not that we dont want immigrants its the fact that;

Not enough jobs
records of who they are (crimes ect))

I think it needs to become more strict like aussie.

Fair do's but I'm sure when throwing out useless wankers we'd be throwing more white English out than anything else.

I would be happy if they did half these lazy cunts could then be replaced by people who want to work for this country.
TheMightyQuinn said:
scottyboi said:
Its not that we dont want immigrants its the fact that;

Not enough jobs
records of who they are (crimes ect))

I think it needs to become more strict like aussie.

Fair do's but I'm sure when throwing out useless wankers we'd be throwing more white English out than anything else.
i think you'd be dead right too
loffers said:
ctidcarl said:
Political debate..... we are never going to agree as we all have our own views.

BBC Question Time...... that was merely a witch hunt against Nick Griffin and the BNP.

He didn't stand up too well to the pressure....... but anybody would crack after being bullied by 5 other panelists and an audience of "x" hundred
Or maybe for the first time he was made to justify his racist hate filled statements and policies live on TV

I understand that race is an issue amongst the BNP and therefore he needed to be questioned on this.

It was also noticeable that any other issue's, he was unable to put his point across without being interupted.

That was not a fair programme (I repeat my point that Griffin didn't come across well) But I watched it with an open mind - the way it should be watched.

It soon became apparent that Nick Griffin was getting villified - he had no chance this evening.

It would be interesting to see the programme if it were filmed in Burnley or Dewsbury.
Immaculate Pasta said:
One thing i think we can all agree on is this country is fucked.

not becuase of immigration, not because of "them foreigners taking our jobs" but because we don't have one politican who is honest and listens to us and is good and strong enough to lead this country.

Fucking spineless twats the lot of them.

People had politics kicked out of them in the 80's. People are more bothered about the colour of cheryl coles pants than challenge their so so called parliamentary representitives. If more people actually gave a fuck instead of accepting what there told we wouldn't have gimps like Griffin spouting their bile on national TV.
squirtyflower said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Fair do's but I'm sure when throwing out useless wankers we'd be throwing more white English out than anything else.
i think you'd be dead right too

I'd be happy to do that. I've been wanting a mass cull for ages, not based on anything discriminatory other than how much of a cock someone is.
Can't believe anyone can believe that was 'a biased panel and audience', unless they're just trying to deflect from that idiots performance. The panel and audience weren't biased, they just mostly disagreed with griffin, as do most of the country. Most people didn't vote bnp, so drop him in any room with an accurate cross section of society and he would always be outnumbered. If they wouldve managed to round up more bnp sumpathisers than there were in that room then that wouldve been biased. Anyone claiming he was 'bullied' by the majority who disagree with his policies are trying to stop free discussion, yet I bet these are the same ignorant types who try to complain about lack of freedom of speech. I'm gona guess that while I've been writing this we've got on to page ... 78.
Griffin bottled it tonight, offered the chance to explain his policies (or lack of) he ducked and dived with the rest of them. He claimed he couldn't answer questions because of EU law, when it turned out he had dispensation to air his views just shrank away. Shown up for the spineless twat he is. Only Wasri came out of that with any credit and she's a bloody tory ;)
Bigga said:
aphex said:
brillaint post.

'Brilliant post'??

Did you two miss the bit where ms Warsi said there needs to be a cap on immigrants coming in and a check who is going out of the country? What did Griffin offer besides 'it needs to stop'?

Nothing. What kind of policy is that?

it was a good post bigga. crizack has a good point. the world has changed and people are getting sick of looking over there shoulders,
watching nick griffin on question time tonight was cringeworthy. it was like a carcrash. but, it was a massive copout for the lab/lib/con people there.

but i agree. the (next) terrorist attack changes everything.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bilboblue said: quick view for me.
We all know every country needs it, but how to control it?
let's face it, successive labour and conservative governments have totally and utterly fucked it up.
The only way to more integration IMO is to limit the amount of accomodation given to ethnic minorities in any one area.
For instance, if the amount of non-nationals is 15% in the Uk, then don't let any part of the UK have more than that amount.
I.E. if a street has 100 houses, give no more than 15 to ethnic minorities.
I have suffered racist abuse myself, way back when I was 15, but I have a clear mind, it didn't turn my mind against all of that ethnic group.
I feel by allowing huge communities of these immigrants to live together, we have turned parts of the country into no-go areas.
before a City game I met some lads in the Blind Beggar pub (of the Kray twins fame) and the walk from Whitechapel station to the pub was about 400 yards. during that walk, I saw probably 250-300 people and only roughly 30 were white, thats not right.
It made me feel ill-at-ease in my own country and I am sorry but that is not right.

How is this 'your country', you derive from immigrants, we all fucking did that's the one sole truth behind this whole posh boy racist circle jerk.

read back.
I am of English parentage, grandparents and great-grandparents all 100% English.
That's why it is MY country.
Bilboblue said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
How is this 'your country', you derive from immigrants, we all fucking did that's the one sole truth behind this whole posh boy racist circle jerk.

read back.
I am of English parentage, grandparents and great-grandparents all 100% English.
That's why it is MY country.

Right, you know the language we speak comes from Germany, right? I mean, the English are actually mainly German, you know these things yeah?

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