Nick Griffin on Question Time..

dannybcity said:
roaminblue said:
...and therein lies perception.

I didn't see him as a victim, i saw him as a fool who had the opportunity to stand up for his true beliefs but failed to do so to make his invidious collective of morons more paletable to the public. A dilute form of facism that mixes ever so well with a culture of fear. He came across as a coward, afraid to really express himself under the scrutiny of debate. That glamourous 2:2 degree really did him no favours did it?

No, i didnt see him as a victim because he is a vile, irredeamble creature. I cannot feel remorse for him, because he stands for everything that is wrong with society. He furthers his own agenda of hatred by preying on the, often legitimate, fears of the population. Baroness Warsi hi-lighted a problem with immigration, and even gave potential policies that her party would introduce and she does that without using a gaggle of thugs (is that the correct collective noun? perhaps its: a moron of thugs). she is also a muslim, and god forbid...a woman.

But Griffin and his cronies, lie in the shadows, and spread their tentacles to undermine elements of society, while polishing their jackboots and waiting for the opportunity to spring from the darkness and turn this country into a police state. A true Orwellien nightmare and from a facist! how dare he!

Its about time that the establishment stood up to this thug. For too long we waited, we remained wearily omniscient, continued on our own path hoping that Griffin and his annoyances stayed a convinient but harmless enemy. That they remained in the depths, than crawl out from under their rocks and spoil conversation. I for one am glad he was made to look a cowardly, fool.

No, i could never see him as a victim....its about perception....why do you?

Yeah, what he said.

Tonight was like watching a child being bullied at school, name after name. He looked scared of what was happening around him, with all the protest. I was looking at a scared man, which automatically makes him look like a victim and weak
alabaster said:
Goater's Shin said:
Apparently the immigrants make up 15% of the population.
The audience was about 40-50%.
Good to see my tv licence money going on unbiased reporting/views again.

Yes, but those figures are not representative of London, where the programme was filmed. There is a much higher percentage of black and Asian people living in London, so it was a fairly accurate cross-section of London society.

I could accept that if it was screened only in London but the fact some saw it in Manchester and I saw it down here says otherwise.
Didn't realise Jack Straw represented London too.
ctidcarl said:
bluemonday said:

If that rainbow type thing is aimed at me, then you are the person with the narrow mind.

There is no mention in any other posts I have made tonight where I have been disrespectful to any other race or nation, but merely embrace the country where I was born and where I live.

How can I be racist when I love people such as Shaun Goater, Uwe Rosler, Marc Vivien Foe, Robinho, Carlos Tevez, Craig Bellamy, Shaun Wright Philips????

Of course you can love these players and be a racist... My bother 's got Bob Marley "Legend" and he's a right closet racist, just like you Enoch.

Your lame attempt at being clever is flawed
DirtyEddie said:
roaminblue said:
Its about time that the establishment stood up to this thug.
Well, its the least they could do, seeing as they are the ones who created the conditions which allowed the BNP to step out of the wilderness and into mainstream politics.

Glad you agree
if bnp won power now which team would win the league?

i know its more of a serious topic than this but im sick to phook of hearing about race this race that ,after i watched tonight,s programme it got me wondering ,if that scum actually got into power and they threw all the none whites out with immediate effect( me included) , who would be the best team in england, and more impotantly would they be worth watching ?
Goater's Shin said:
alabaster said:
Yes, but those figures are not representative of London, where the programme was filmed. There is a much higher percentage of black and Asian people living in London, so it was a fairly accurate cross-section of London society.

Oh nooooo, that's shown up as my quote when that was someone elses response to me.

That, nick griffin, is what misquoting is. Not when you've said something and then are tryig to pretend you didn't to hoodwink simple folk.

Sorry about that.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bilboblue said:
One thing I do not do TMQ.
As I previously said, I work with a black English guy.
I've always felt strong ties to my country because of my (recent (better???)) heritage.

Then surely you agree the BNP are making the English look like small minded racists and that these people are the real enemy of modern England?

No, the BNP are making the BNP and their followers look like small minded racists, and I agree they are, along with muslim extremists the scourge of modern England.
Nick Griffin is a parasite preying on the mindless and disaffected inhabitants on our once proud nation.
Going back many many pages, I agree about kicking out the idle Brits too!
Tonight was like watching a child being bullied at school, name after name. He looked scared of what was happening around him, with all the protest. I was looking at a scared man, which automatically makes him look like a victim and weak


It is a crass example, but i would not feel any empathy whatsover if i saw a criminal receive punishment. They stepped into
the world of crime, they face the commupance should they get found out.

Griffin stepped into the world of politics, was underequipped and got his round tush soundly whipped.
roaminblue said:
Glad you agree
well i wouldnt go that far, the establishment is incapable of effectively opposing the bnp. i dont expect the bnp to ever gain power but they will be a significant minor party somewhere between the lib dems and greens

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