Nick Griffin on Question Time..

Bilboblue said:
alabaster said:
Yes, but those figures are not representative of London, where the programme was filmed. There is a much higher percentage of black and Asian people living in London, so it was a fairly accurate cross-section of London society.

I could accept that if it was screened only in London but the fact some saw it in Manchester and I saw it down here says otherwise.
Didn't realise Jack Straw represented London too.

How does it even matter how many immigrants live in london, Manchester or anywhere in relation to this show. The number of brown faces in the audience is irrelevant. There were plenty of White faces in the studio and only 1 spoke up for griffin, the rest spoke against him, as would most of any cross-section of society. The most dangerous aspect of those figures which were incorrectly quoted to me are that they suggest that the brown faces in the audience represent 'immigrants'. Whoever actually gave the figure that 15% of the population are immigrants, if you are correct how do you know that any more than 15% of that audience were immigrants?
Bigga said:
Tonight was like watching a child being bullied at school, name after name. He looked scared of what was happening around him, with all the protest. I was looking at a scared man, which automatically makes him look like a victim and weak

AKA 'out of his depth'...

He was out of his depth as he only has one policy but he will gain hundreds of thousands of new voters because of it tonight. The three members of the three main parties Labour, Tories and the Lib Dems tonight had a chance to tear to pieces Griffin and the BNP and show the whole nation that allthough things aren't going well at the moment it should never get to the stage where we are electing more and more BNP members into Westminster, but all they did as the pathetic snivilling out of touch shithouse's they are was play into his hands by inviting him onto the show and not letting him finish his sentances or heckle his every word.

This country is fucked.
Bilboblue said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Then surely you agree the BNP are making the English look like small minded racists and that these people are the real enemy of modern England?

No, the BNP are making the BNP and their followers look like small minded racists, and I agree they are, along with muslim extremists the scourge of modern England.
Nick Griffin is a parasite preying on the mindless and disaffected inhabitants on our once proud nation.
Going back many many pages, I agree about kicking out the idle Brits too!

High five!

Bedtime too lol
Immaculate Pasta said:
Bigga said:
AKA 'out of his depth'...

He was out of his depth as he only has one policy but he will gain hundreds of thousands of new voters because of it tonight. The three members of the three main parties Labour, Tories and the Lib Dems tonight had a chance to tear to pieces Griffin and the BNP and show the whole nation that allthough things aren't going well at the moment it should never get to the stage where we are electing more and more BNP members into Westminster, but all they did as the pathetic snivilling out of touch shithouse's they are was play into his hands by inviting him onto the show and not letting him finish his sentances or heckle his every word.

This country is fucked.

Look. He never finished his sentences as he tried to repeatedly duck out of his own quotes! That's a fact. When he wasn't being quoted, he got to finish, like everyone else. That's a fact.

Sorry, watch it again, when you can.
Bigga said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
He was out of his depth as he only has one policy but he will gain hundreds of thousands of new voters because of it tonight. The three members of the three main parties Labour, Tories and the Lib Dems tonight had a chance to tear to pieces Griffin and the BNP and show the whole nation that allthough things aren't going well at the moment it should never get to the stage where we are electing more and more BNP members into Westminster, but all they did as the pathetic snivilling out of touch shithouse's they are was play into his hands by inviting him onto the show and not letting him finish his sentances or heckle his every word.

This country is fucked.

Look. He never finished his sentences as he tried to repeatedly duck out of his own quotes! That's a fact. When he wasn't being quoted, he got to finish, like everyone else. That's a fact.

Sorry, watch it again, when you can.

Oh please Bigga, they were all jumping on him before he could finish it. I know Question Time is like that but tonight was a joke.
Goater's Shin said:
Bilboblue said:
I could accept that if it was screened only in London but the fact some saw it in Manchester and I saw it down here says otherwise.
Didn't realise Jack Straw represented London too.

How does it even matter how many immigrants live in london, Manchester or anywhere in relation to this show. The number of brown faces in the audience is irrelevant. There were plenty of White faces in the studio and only 1 spoke up for griffin, the rest spoke against him, as would most of any cross-section of society. The most dangerous aspect of those figures which were incorrectly quoted to me are that they suggest that the brown faces in the audience represent 'immigrants'. Whoever actually gave the figure that 15% of the population are immigrants, if you are correct how do you know that any more than 15% of that audience were immigrants?

I'm being completely honest when I say, the number of black and Asian people in the audience did not even register with me. I didn't see it as anything unusual at all. Perhaps that is because I lived in London for many years and I am used to seeing people of all different races and nationalties every day. That raises an interesting issue in itself. If you live in a multi-racial society, you get used to seeing all sorts of different people around. You accept it. In fact, I'd go as far as to say, it makes life much more interesting. I like talking to people from different parts of the world. I'd hate to be the sort of insular, ignorant person who think that Britain should be a white Christian country. How quaint and boring can you get?
One last point, IP(since I've got a hospital appt in the morning), answer this...

Why is a man with such vehement opposition to Islam visiting Libya to see Col. Ghadaffi? What's his agenda? His real one?

I suggest that he offers the 'indigenous' British people nothing more than slight of hand. While he catches your attention, he's dipping your pocket to examine your wallet and see how he can 'reach' you. Then, somehow, he 'guesses' your situation, like speaking to poor Dead Uncle Fred from across the Divide.

But, that's just my tired opinion.

What's yours...?
alabaster said:
Goater's Shin said:
Oh nooooo, that's shown up as my quote when that was someone elses response to me.

That, nick griffin, is what misquoting is. Not when you've said something and then are tryig to pretend you didn't to hoodwink simple folk.

Sorry about that.

No problem.

On the subject of misquoting I loved how nick griffin kept complaining about the papers misquoting him then made reference to some dodgy poll which was 'in some paper the other day'. With astounding specifics like that in his sentences it's a wonder how anyone could ever get his words wrong. What a clown.

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