Nick Griffin on Question Time..

Bilboblue said:
alabaster said:
Yes, but those figures are not representative of London, where the programme was filmed. There is a much higher percentage of black and Asian people living in London, so it was a fairly accurate cross-section of London society.

I could accept that if it was screened only in London but the fact some saw it in Manchester and I saw it down here says otherwise.
Didn't realise Jack Straw represented London too.

I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make. I was saying the audience was representative of London. That is hardly surprising since that's where the programme was filmed and that's where they would have drawn the audience from. Even if it wasn't representative, what is the problem with allowing people from minorities to confront the BNP? These are the people who the BNP are targeting with their ignorant policies, so perhaps they have more right to be there anyway.

What's the Jack Straw comment about? He was on the panel, not in the audience.
Immaculate Pasta said:
Oh please Bigga, they were all jumping on him before he could finish it. I know Question Time is like that but tonight was a joke.

As you point out it does happen on QT every week, but only to those who let it. You never see anybody go on there with numerous good answers or arguments and get shouted down. It's only those that can provide no answer. If you can't explain why you've said the things you've said about such emotive subjects then you should expect to be heckled. Griffen knew what it would be like and had time to prepare himself for it and that was the best he could come up with. I'm going to bed happy tonight because a man I find truely depressing has been shown up to be what he is by the British people, who I'll be honest was beginning to lose faith in. Tonight I'm proud to be British.
alabaster said:
Goater's Shin said:
How does it even matter how many immigrants live in london, Manchester or anywhere in relation to this show. The number of brown faces in the audience is irrelevant. There were plenty of White faces in the studio and only 1 spoke up for griffin, the rest spoke against him, as would most of any cross-section of society. The most dangerous aspect of those figures which were incorrectly quoted to me are that they suggest that the brown faces in the audience represent 'immigrants'. Whoever actually gave the figure that 15% of the population are immigrants, if you are correct how do you know that any more than 15% of that audience were immigrants?

I'm being completely honest when I say, the number of black and Asian people in the audience did not even register with me. I didn't see it as anything unusual at all. Perhaps that is because I lived in London for many years and I am used to seeing people of all different races and nationalties every day. That raises an interesting issue in itself. If you live in a multi-racial society, you get used to seeing all sorts of different people around. You accept it. In fact, I'd go as far as to say, it makes life much more interesting. I like talking to people from different parts of the world. I'd hate to be the sort of insular, ignorant person who think that Britain should be a white Christian country. How quaint and boring can you get?

100% agree. My idea of hell is living in an all white town with an ageing population where I can only drink tea or carling, eat no foreign food, experience no foreign culture and mix with nobody of another ethnic group. I love the melting pot that is Britain, lets invite more into the mix.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Just got home and watching it now, Ill watch it now and give my (sober) views tomorrow on who PWNED who.

I wouldn't bother if i were you.Seems to me that the only reason the BBC let that odious turd on there was for publicity purposes for themselves.Probably 1 million tops usually watch it and now...booom.
Plus it was on 5 live as well.

What they have done is given a voice to a man who didn't need it but came across as a complete twat anyway.University educated my arse.Every question was aimed at either him or his policies so a very boring nights tv.
aphex said:
he was right about the qu'ran.

i thought that, but there's loads of bad shit in the bible too.

he spoke about the qu'ran oppressing equal gender rights, but believes in Christian values.

surprised no mentioned these bible quotes:

Corinthians 14:34-35 said:
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 said:
If a man [meets] a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her ... He must marry the girl ... He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

Numbers 31:1-18 said:
"Have you allowed all the women to live?" he [Moses] asked them.... "Now ... kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."
Goater's Shin said:
alabaster said:
I'm being completely honest when I say, the number of black and Asian people in the audience did not even register with me. I didn't see it as anything unusual at all. Perhaps that is because I lived in London for many years and I am used to seeing people of all different races and nationalties every day. That raises an interesting issue in itself. If you live in a multi-racial society, you get used to seeing all sorts of different people around. You accept it. In fact, I'd go as far as to say, it makes life much more interesting. I like talking to people from different parts of the world. I'd hate to be the sort of insular, ignorant person who think that Britain should be a white Christian country. How quaint and boring can you get?

100% agree. My idea of hell is living in an all white town with an ageing population where I can only drink tea or carling, eat no foreign food, experience no foreign culture and mix with nobody of another ethnic group. I love the melting pot that is Britain, lets invite more into the mix.

100% disagree. You must have supported the great unwashed who were outside the BBC TV Centre yesterday. They needed hosing down. You also support the destruction of the indigenous population.

I reserve the right to try and protect my people from being destroyed. You are the haters here.
Nreddishblue said:
Goater's Shin said:
100% agree. My idea of hell is living in an all white town with an ageing population where I can only drink tea or carling, eat no foreign food, experience no foreign culture and mix with nobody of another ethnic group. I love the melting pot that is Britain, lets invite more into the mix.

100% disagree. You must have supported the great unwashed who were outside the BBC TV Centre yesterday. They needed hosing down. You also support the destruction of the indigenous population.

I reserve the right to try and protect my people from being destroyed. You are the haters here.

How is the English population being destroyed? English is becoming the standard language of the world and even musicians in other countries would rather sing in terrible broken English than their own languages. I mean England was the largest imperial power in history until recently and its elite still pulls a lot of strings all over the world. Ironically enough, troops levied from colonies abroad made England the super power that it was. So who's destroying England now, a bunch of immigrants working all the crap jobs most Englishmen wouldn't want anyway? What's your problem specifically?
Nreddishblue said:
Goater's Shin said:
100% agree. My idea of hell is living in an all white town with an ageing population where I can only drink tea or carling, eat no foreign food, experience no foreign culture and mix with nobody of another ethnic group. I love the melting pot that is Britain, lets invite more into the mix.

100% disagree. You must have supported the great unwashed who were outside the BBC TV Centre yesterday. They needed hosing down. You also support the destruction of the indigenous population.

I reserve the right to try and protect my people from being destroyed. You are the haters here.

I pity you rather than hate you. What is it be like to be so twisted and bitter?

Who are the indigenous people of Britain anyway? Nick Griffin was on about people who lived here 17 000 years ago - a number he appears to have pulled out of his arse. I'd love to see his and your family trees. I wonder if they are as British as mine. If not, I'd like you both to leave my country. Sadly, my family name is of Viking origin, so I can't really claim to be an indigenous British person can I?

The truth is, we don't have an indigenous race in this country. We have a history of invading other countries, and being invaded ourselves, and mixing with people from other countries. We have always had a population of hybrid people. There has been black people living here since Roman times. That's just the way it is, and it's what makes this country such a brilliant place to live. You see, unlike you, I actually do love this country and think it's one of the best places in the world to live. That is thanks in no small part to the diverse mix of people that live here and have contributed to our history and culture.
I know this is a serious issue but on a lighter note I'd like to say that I pissed myself laughing when that bloke in the audience called him DICK Griffin - so true.

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