Nick Griffin on Question Time..

Nreddishblue said:
Goater's Shin said:
100% agree. My idea of hell is living in an all white town with an ageing population where I can only drink tea or carling, eat no foreign food, experience no foreign culture and mix with nobody of another ethnic group. I love the melting pot that is Britain, lets invite more into the mix.

100% disagree. You must have supported the great unwashed who were outside the BBC TV Centre yesterday. They needed hosing down. You also support the destruction of the indigenous population.

I reserve the right to try and protect my people from being destroyed. You are the haters here.

Who are the indigenous population of the UK?

How do you plan on protecting your people from being destroyed?

If by "my people" you mean white people within the UK, then I reserve the right to stand in line with every minority that is hated by the biggots of this country. This island mentality really is and will be the downfall of this country. If we were connected to the rest of europe by land this would not be such a problem.
Well i watched most of it and feel let down. Apart from the historian the rest of the panel were rubbish. They all had a little speech about their hatred of the bnp and griffin and were gonna get it in regardless of the question.
Surely they could've had guests with better debating skills (and intelligence) that would have listened to griffins' shite then pulled it apart.

Having said that, griffin did a good job of making him and his 'party' look like twats all by himself.
Like Griffin, there are some simplistic people on here, that don't know their ar*e from their elbow and fail to understand what impact resorting to the 'indigenous' population would mean! After all, what would be 'accepted' as allowed stock? Especially if the following were part of the heritage...

White German? White Polish? White Brasilian? White South African?

Or is it just... White?

I pretty much think if you were 'cleansing' the country of 'ill stock' back to its 'indigenous' population, you may very well be left with about 500,000 people as 'pure'(And, most likely Mr Reddishblue, you'll be fooked!).

And then you'll be asking people to come along and work for the country because there's jobs that 'indigenous' people won't do...
the british isles is oe of the most bastardised places on the planet!
the amount of invasions weve had over the years means very very few, if any would be able to trace an english ancestry right back!
Nreddishblue said:
100% disagree. You must have supported the great unwashed who were outside the BBC TV Centre yesterday. They needed hosing down.

I support freedom of speech and the right to protest. How long do you think those rights would stay in place if we had a fascist government?
It was poor TV but I'm sure it did QT's ratings the world of good. QT epitomises everything about the BBC of the last few years; quality is being replaced by populist, dumbed down rubbish. It used ot be a serious show which encouraged good debate but it's just become a bear pit and never more so than last night.

It might have been better if they had stuck to the normal run of questions but their brief was clearly to demolish Griffin. In the end, he managed that quite easily without their help.
Question Time was totally biased against Nick Griffin, whether you support his views or not the whole show was set up to attack him at every given moment from Dimbleby to the hand picked audience that didn't seem to be a true representation of the general public, something they wouldn't have done for any other democratically elected politician.
It seems to me the only extremists were the people rioting outside the BBC gates.
Alan Kernaghan's 40yd Lob said:
aphex said:
he was right about the qu'ran.

i thought that, but there's loads of bad shit in the bible too.

he spoke about the qu'ran oppressing equal gender rights, but believes in Christian values.

surprised no mentioned these bible quotes:

Corinthians 14:34-35 said:
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 said:
If a man [meets] a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her ... He must marry the girl ... He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

Numbers 31:1-18 said:
"Have you allowed all the women to live?" he [Moses] asked them.... "Now ... kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

Sounds good to me
I don't agree with Griffin but he didn't get a fair crack of the whip last night and is still probably pulling people out of his throat because so many jumped down it last night. Jack Straw continues to impress me with how much of an arse he is, too. to be honest it was one of the worst Question Times I've ever seen.
jack said:
Question Time was totally biased against Nick Griffin, whether you support his views or not the whole show was set up to attack him at every given moment from Dimbleby to the hand picked audience that didn't seem to be a true representation of the general public, something they wouldn't have done for any other democratically elected politician.
It seems to me the only extremists were the people rioting outside the BBC gates.

What utter nonsense! Griffin should have EXPECTED to be 'ambushed' and been prepared. What kind of politician walks into a room unarmed, knowledge-wise? An idiot, that's who!

A 'fair crack of the whip', Simon(I'll bet he'd have loved that!)? A man who denied he ever said his stupid quotes? A man whose only talking point was immigration and sexuality. A man who offered nothing on the solution of immigration(except probably repatriation!) and a man who think homosexuality shouldn't be taught about in schools(it's part of sex education).

By the way, did you hear his reasoning for changing his mind on recognising the Holocaust??

He was 'convinced' by a German message that was intercepted. I paraphrase, of course, but if you think this man has any idea, politically, then I pity you, Jack.

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