Nick Griffin on Question Time..

lafitz2008 said:
coleridge said:
You are wrong. Islam is not an ethnicity. I know exactly what he meant. Some days it is a struggle to hold on to my pride for my 'white English' origins but I am not going to let the Nazis take it away from me.

If the country was to have more Muslims than non muslims it follows that there would be more non whites than whites.Hence the ethnic group whites would become a minority.
I don't agree with the term ethnic cleansing to describe this and agree it's offensive but I think that was what he was trying to say.

Again you confuse an ethnicity with a religion. The majority of Anglicans are black Africans.
who the fck does coleridge think he his "deciding" that this thread as run its course.
I've just read "Balti's" reply and think its a belting response.Would like to read what other "muslims" on this debate feel about the points he as made.And no thanks coleridge i do'nt want yours.
Balti said:
Clearly Nick Griffin was hijacked and also quite clearly the man is an absolute buffoon in any case. I am not really interested in the BNP. I am however interested in the debate that should be publicly aired on immigration which I believe is the main reason that his party is receiving more votes.

Jack Straw was pathetic in his attempts to deny that the immigration system, or lack of one, has been an abject failure. It has been obvious for decades that the Ozzie system of points based access based on skills was the way to go. Now they have eventually sussed this we are supposed to think the Gov't very clever!! Unbelievable.

Most sensible people would agree that immigration has generally been a good thing. The question is now about what & who we want from our immigration policy moving forwards.

Of course we want more immigrants. What we don't want is more immigrants that are likely to try and kill innocent British people or incite people to do so or offer tacit support to the fuckers that do. We want people who want to speak our kanguage and observe our culture. We want people who want to integrate and not those who seem to prefer to set up their own separate communities which have little interaction with those around them. We want people who want to send their kids to school where English is the first language and where British history is taught because, guess what, we are in feckin Britain and that is our history. If you want to learn the history of another nation at school then settle in that country instead.

I am amazed how little the subject of Islamic terrorism comes up in these discussions. It's the elephant in the room that everyone knows about but no-one mentions. Well fuck that, it's imperative that we do air the issue. Surely it is the whole reason that we have finally wised up and tried to tighten up on immigration in the first place.

The London 7/7 murderers, the London 21/7 bombers, the Glasgow Airport bombers, the Transatlantic aircraft plotters, the Exeter bomber, the shoe bomber etc etc. Clearly not all muslims are jihadist murderers, but all jihadist murderers are muslims. Is this Islamaphobia? No its the facts. Is it racism? No its the facts.

Of course most muslims are moderate. But until the muslim community as a whole appears to feel as strongly about being British as it does about Islam then the rest of us find it hard to understand who the enemy is and why they are not more easily ousted from the communities in which they reside.

This is the debate we should be having and the BNP are just a smokescreen to the real issues.

Oh sweet irony.
fallowfieldflyer said:
Miss Abbott, the country's best-known black politician, claimed the format had been deliberately engineered to humiliate the BNP leader

I have to agree with Miss Abbot on this one, even though I don't like the women and that's nothing to do with her skin colour, that's the impression I also got from the program. Hint: he doesn't need the help.

The man(Griffin) has a right to say what he wants that's the idea of freedom of speech as long as he's not inciting racial hatred and if he has then mays well add him and lots of other people I've heard spout simliar nonsense and from other people from different social, ethnic and political backgrounds and where does it end?

Just let the man say what he wants and it should be plain enough to most people with a ounce of intelligence that he's disingenuous and frankly an idiot.

The BNP will never get more than a few token seats and they are more than likely won as a protest and at dissatisfaction with the main parties lack of action over peoples concerns with immagration. The parties reputation and history will see it's insignificance remain.

With regards to population the country can only hold so many people, I don't think it's something we need to worry about for the next few decades but another twenty or thirty million people in the country then well it could start to get a little congested, but that's not only a problem for us the whole planet is gonna have to face some stark choices and encounter lots of problems with the growth in human population and migration.

Also on race, although not entirely convinced with the scientific communities theory on where and who we migrated and evolved from although it's more than likely the case. I feel sorry for people who think the colour of skin should be some kind of barrier between people.

Throughout history nations and races have battled each other but genetically we're pretty much the same people so it is a bit of a joke judging people on they're skin tones or religious beliefs but people try to find the things that make us different rather than what makes us the same but as that doesn't give them the justifaction to impose they're prejudices for they're own ends then it becomes a problem.

One problem I do have with migration and recruiting people with the skills we're deemed to be insufficent with from other countries is exactly that, we're depriving those countries from skilled people at the detriment of that country to improve are own lot? doesn't that sound a little selfish?

Granted it's to the benefit to both us and the people we recruit but what short and long term impact does that have on the countries we recruit from? shouldn't we be encouraging other countries to retain they're own citzens for they're benefit and for they're future development and prosperity and at the same time retraining and reskilling are own workforce?

I was working in a warehouse a couple of years back and some bird working through an agency and hailing from Poland was telling me she had just got her doctorate in medicine and was working in a bloody warehouse on minimum wage because it was paid more than being a doctor in her native country, quite quite sad.

Anyway this is why I was trying avoid this thread I knew I'd end up with a wall of text waffle.

My 2 cent but I just should have said what I usually say, I'm not a racist I hate you all.
Balti said:
Most sensible people would agree that immigration has generally been a good thing. The question is now about what & who we want from our immigration policy moving forwards.

Of course we want more immigrants. What we don't want is more immigrants that are likely to try and kill innocent British people or incite people to do so or offer tacit support to the fuckers that do. We want people who want to speak our kanguage and observe our culture. We want people who want to integrate and not those who seem to prefer to set up their own separate communities which have little interaction with those around them. We want people who want to send their kids to school where English is the first language and where British history is taught because, guess what, we are in feckin Britain and that is our history. If you want to learn the history of another nation at school then settle in that country instead.

Baltis response is spot on. Especially this part.
fallowfieldflyer said:
who the fck does coleridge think he his "deciding" that this thread as run its course.
I've just read "Balti's" reply and think its a belting response.Would like to read what other "muslims" on this debate feel about the points he as made.And no thanks coleridge i do'nt want yours.
I agree that nobody should decide when a thread ends. However the points he made are all factually sound. What is your specific issue?
BingoBango said:
though that we've had Sharia in some form since the 1980s


we've had 'islamic ways'? or did you mean to put the word 'law' after sharia. god help us if people like you ever do have a valued opinion on politics.
coleridge said:
lafitz2008 said:
If the country was to have more Muslims than non muslims it follows that there would be more non whites than whites.Hence the ethnic group whites would become a minority.
I don't agree with the term ethnic cleansing to describe this and agree it's offensive but I think that was what he was trying to say.

Again you confuse an ethnicity with a religion. The majority of Anglicans are black Africans.

I'm not saying Muslims are an ethnic group.I'm saying that whites are an ethnic group.
I've already said that I disagree with the term ethnic cleansing to describe how eventually people who consider themselves of Bangladeshi,Pakistani and Indian origin will outnumber whites in the Uk.
fallowfieldflyer said:
who the fck does coleridge think he his "deciding" that this thread as run its course.
I've just read "Balti's" reply and think its a belting response.Would like to read what other "muslims" on this debate feel about the points he as made.And no thanks coleridge i do'nt want yours.

I meant for me. You can do what you like. In fact, feel free to join in with the Islamophobic frenzy. When you've all decided how evil muslims are, then work out your plan as to how the country and the economy would function without them. I'll see how you've got on with your master plan next week. Don't forget to delegate the newly vacant jobs in the NHS, public transport, Royal Mail [ahem], legal system, civil service, business, finance and elsehwere to all those English speakers that Balti is inviting in, all presumably fully qualified and willing to take pay cut. Enjoy you weekend!

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