no signings?

kompany10 said:
SamTheGuru said:
kompany10 said:
im sorry but this attitude will not work, yes we have a great squad but if you want to keep winning things you cannot stand still 2 or 3 players are needed, its that simple.

You can still only fit 11 players on the pitch...

And your point is? As ive said if a club wants to keep winning things and move forward you need to improove, its not arrogant, its simple logic, we obviously dont need a huge window of players but we need 2 or 3.

My point is....


What is it that is going to make that team so incapable this year? There is no point buying players unless they really are going to make the difference. And those players are few and far between....more than likely not available. There is no point buying players just for the sake of it.

Off all the players that have been moving, we only had rumoured interest in Hazard.

Who exactly are these players that are available and going to improve us...? What exactly is the club supposed to be doing?
SamTheGuru said:
kompany10 said:
SamTheGuru said:
You can still only fit 11 players on the pitch...

And your point is? As ive said if a club wants to keep winning things and move forward you need to improove, its not arrogant, its simple logic, we obviously dont need a huge window of players but we need 2 or 3.

My point is....


What is it that is going to make that team so incapable this year? There is no point buying players unless they really are going to make the difference. And those players are few and far between....more than likely not available. There is no point buying players just for the sake of it.

Off all the players that have been moving, we only had rumoured interest in Hazard.

Who exactly are these players that are available and going to improve us...? What exactly is the club supposed to be doing?

You're right, that team is 100% capable of winning the league again. The problem is that our squad isn't where it needs to be. Had we still been in the CL or the FA cup come April, I don't think we would have won the league. We were also pretty damn lucky with our injuries last season. We need reinforcements. Not whinging, not pathetic, not any of the shite people keep leveling at posters who are concerned that we haven't completed any signings so far. Simply the truth. That being said, we still have time and I'm sure we'll bring in one or two before the window closes.
blink922 said:
SamTheGuru said:
kompany10 said:
And your point is? As ive said if a club wants to keep winning things and move forward you need to improove, its not arrogant, its simple logic, we obviously dont need a huge window of players but we need 2 or 3.

My point is....


What is it that is going to make that team so incapable this year? There is no point buying players unless they really are going to make the difference. And those players are few and far between....more than likely not available. There is no point buying players just for the sake of it.

Off all the players that have been moving, we only had rumoured interest in Hazard.

Who exactly are these players that are available and going to improve us...? What exactly is the club supposed to be doing?

You're right, that team is 100% capable of winning the league again. The problem is that our squad isn't where it needs to be. Had we still been in the CL or the FA cup come April, I don't think we would have won the league. We were also pretty damn lucky with our injuries last season. We need reinforcements. Not whinging, not pathetic, not any of the shite people keep leveling at posters who are concerned that we haven't completed any signings so far. Simply the truth. That being said, we still have time and I'm sure we'll bring in one or two before the window closes.

Exactly that. Our squad is capable of competing for the league and probably one of the cups, but if we make a better fist of the Champions League this season and have a decent run in one of the domestic cups our squad is simply not deep enough. If no new players come in we will have to prioritise the league and one other presumable the CL.
blink922 said:
SamTheGuru said:
kompany10 said:
And your point is? As ive said if a club wants to keep winning things and move forward you need to improove, its not arrogant, its simple logic, we obviously dont need a huge window of players but we need 2 or 3.

My point is....


What is it that is going to make that team so incapable this year? There is no point buying players unless they really are going to make the difference. And those players are few and far between....more than likely not available. There is no point buying players just for the sake of it.

Off all the players that have been moving, we only had rumoured interest in Hazard.

Who exactly are these players that are available and going to improve us...? What exactly is the club supposed to be doing?

You're right, that team is 100% capable of winning the league again. The problem is that our squad isn't where it needs to be. Had we still been in the CL or the FA cup come April, I don't think we would have won the league. We were also pretty damn lucky with our injuries last season. We need reinforcements. Not whinging, not pathetic, not any of the shite people keep leveling at posters who are concerned that we haven't completed any signings so far. Simply the truth. That being said, we still have time and I'm sure we'll bring in one or two before the window closes.

There is my argument in a nutshell sam!...Our SQUAD needs improoving, obviously our first team is good enough to win both cl and prem however our squad isnt, kolo or savic as long term back ups for vinny or lescott arnt good enough, we also need a midfielder and somebody who has alot of pace as that was something that we lacked last year when struggling to break some teams down. Im not saying we need to go out and spend loads of money, we need 2 or 3 good signings.
Don't let some of the utter fuckwads on here get you riled up Blues.

Fact is we do need a couple of new players. I would like to see 3 new faces to go with the handful that need to leave/are leaving.

Remember last season when we had no fit strikers at one point, and Aguero was playing with an injury and not fully fit? Guidetti has gone. I would like to see a Pedro/Hazard/Sanchez type player to cover up front, and as a natural winger that we could so badly use.

Cb and a winger/forward and another solid midfielder in the shape of De Rossi/Martinez would be brilliant.

We do need squad cover.
We don't need a brand new team.
We do need to adapt to others plans and we need to strengthen a little.

I just want us to sign one fucking player so all this shit stops and we can all talk about something else. We are 15 days away from the season kicking off and we haven't strengthened at all. Even if someone comes in today though, Bobby has 2 weeks to fit them into his plans. If we sign 3 players before the end of August I do worry though, that we will upset the natural rythm that we had at the end of the season and worked ever so hard to achieve.
Aguerro and Nasri both arrived late in the window last year, the owner, chairman and manager have all said they plan to bring in a couple more players, the club likes to keep its cards close to its chest, nothing to worry about.
1972Bramhall_Blue said:
Aguerro and Nasri both arrived late in the window last year, the owner, chairman and manager have all said they plan to bring in a couple more players, the club likes to keep its cards close to its chest, nothing to worry about.

I hope your right bramhall
After Arsenal's Invincibles season they stood still and only signed a couple of young players (Flamini, Almunia) and in the following season they finished 2nd (12pts behind Chelsea) and were knocked out of the round of 16 in the Champions League. Marwood and others with Arsenal ties must know that so no signings is out of the question IMO, there have to be a few and will be even if in a panic rush on deadline day.
kompany10 said:
1972Bramhall_Blue said:
Aguerro and Nasri both arrived late in the window last year, the owner, chairman and manager have all said they plan to bring in a couple more players, the club likes to keep its cards close to its chest, nothing to worry about.

I hope your right bramhall

If the window closes and we haven't signed anyone I'll be troubled, but I think they will, ultimatly we have to get the right players rather than buying for the sake of it. I trust Bobby and I trust the club (never thought I'd say that a few years ago!).
kompany10 said:
de niro said:
I think we should all calm down. All the other clubs are signing players because we are so much better, they will still fall short of our squad.

Right now, no signings, who would you rather be?

Thank you very much.

im sorry but this attitude will not work, yes we have a great squad but if you want to keep winning things you cannot stand still 2 or 3 players are needed, its that simple.

i agree with you but we are still the most blessed. would love a couple of players brought in but at this point there is no need to be too concerned.

as i say i'd still take our squad all day long.

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