North Stand Construction Discussion

I was one of those that was a Season Ticket holder that relocated to the North Stand whilst the Kippax was rebuilt back in the day.

I never went back over to the Kippax afterwards. A hard core of us stayed in the North Stand resulting in a cracking atmosphere with shit loads of in game banter between the Kippax and North Stand.

Happy days those.

Only one thing i miss is the atmosphere.

Sure Etihad is a fantastic ground and there have been some great atmospheres in games over the last few years.

Nothing compares to what it was back in the day.

You youngsters have to do better :-)

I am hoping with the ground expansion a few of those priced out, or unable to get season tickets will be able to return.

I know people who want to watch City but struggle getting Tickets and others waiting for season tickets.

We genuinely have always had a huge fan base. We we dropped in to the old Division 2 i was so proud how we all got behind the Club, our following was huge. For comparison Newcastle nearly went out of existence their crowds were so poor.

Our owners have been superb for our Club spending billions on both Club and redevelopment of East Manchester. Astonishing they get shit for putting in rather than taking out like American owners.
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I remember the old north stand the first year when it was stamding before the seats went in. The central 3 pens especially were really loud and when you were in the middle of it it was deafening. But also because it was tanding you would have 2 or 3 fans in the same area as one seated or standing today so that makes a difference to the noise too.
Chelsea is stretching it a bit. And Arsenal have just done that with their Ultras at the other end of the ground.

I think only Leeds and maybe Newcastle have 2 proper singing ends at each end of their grounds in the PL. We’ll be the 3rd in 3 years time, hopefully.

115 - SSL1 and SSL1 in general should remain a singing section after NSL2 has been completed.

Fair enough. Maybe not necessarily singing ends, but those clubs do have standing sections at both ends of the ground. That create atmosphere.

We need both ends of the ground to create noise. If we put everyone in the north stand it will kill the south stand off noise wise
Mainly the fact we currently have 3 signing areas and its a total shit show for the atmosphere. Whole point of having a 'home' end is to get those groups together. If we don't and people just stay in he same places then we end up with 4 singing areas and it will be even worse.

Very worrying that a member of 1894 is already saying ‘why not the top and bottom tier’. Totally defeats the purpose of an extended 2nd tier and wouldn’t be much different than the South Stand. Not sure I now trust them to provide an honest assessment based on the form feedback.
If we do get NSL2 and the club hopefully do away with the Electronic flags, what are peoples thoughts on one banner across the front of NSL2, for example NORTH STAND - MANCHESTER or individual banners similar to the ones that used to be hung from SSL2?

Milan - Curva South - Milan (note: corporate at the back ;-) )

Maybe because, despite what the consensus in this thread seems to be, all the actual evidence points towards the majority of fans wanting a seat where they can sit back and watch the match in relative comfort. Most people don’t want to stand. Most people don’t want to be part of a ‘singing section.’

I doubt anybody has a problem with those areas existing for those who do want that. I just suspect some on here are overestimating the numbers who actually want to be part of it.

No one’s forcing anyone to be in a singing section and there are plenty of seats elsewhere in the ground. Clearly the club must be overestimating the numbers as well then because they are one of the main driving forces behind having an atmospheric end.

I think there is more than enough demand for more standing sections and large home end.
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But lets get in one end in new north stand. Spread the singers across the back and middle of the new tier two and say two blocks behind the goals in new tier one.

I understand the importance of being at the back of tier two under the roof, but personally and i know a lot of other fans feel this way,i want to be nearer to the pitch not up with the gods. For me i want atmosphere and displays, it will be easier to control displays if we have a presence in both the new teirs.

I respect your opinion mate, but I disagree with what you are suggesting. Why would you be up in the gods? Most singing sections (core group of singers), in particularly across Europe are in the front/ middle of a home end. You could be towards the front of tier two and be near the pitch.

On your point about displays, surely they would be so much more impressive in a huge second tier. The displays could be much bigger and allow more people to get involved. If there in tier 1 how’s that any different from the south stand now?

Why not just have all the singers in the second tier, rather than spread across 3 sections and two tiers.

Obviously it’s all just ideas at the moment, but If we end up with a singing section in level 1 only that would be so underwhelming and a huge opportunity missed in my opinion.
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No one’s forcing anyone to be in a singing section and there are plenty of seats elsewhere in the ground. Clearly the club must be overestimating the numbers as well then because they are one of the main driving forces behind having an atmospheric end.

I think there is more than enough demand for more standing sections and large home end.

I’m not suggesting anybody is going to be forced into standing. Although if both ends were like that, it would be forcing a lot of people down the sides, which are generally quite a bit more expensive and not everyone’s cup of tea.

I’ve no idea what the club have and haven’t said about atmosphere. But you can be pretty sure that by far and away their primary motivation over more seats is that they think they can fill them on a regular basis. Improving atmosphere might be a nice bi product but nobody is spending millions of pounds to try and achieve it.

An old fashioned standing end at about half price your average seat, where you can stand where you like, I’m sure would be very popular. I may be wrong. I hope I’m wrong. But the modern standing area, which seems to be pretty much an allocated seat with a bar in front of it for the same price, I’m not so confident will be hugely popular. But time will tell.

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