North Stand Construction Discussion

Meals? You have to buy any food, same as anywhere else. Joes is just a free drink, and a program. I pay £1450
£1450 to me is corporate pricing. I couldn’t afford that and lots of people in ss3, ss1 and elsewhere in the ground can’t afford that either.

That’s not ordinary seat pricing and your average city fan isn’t paying that. If it’s like that in the front of what’s supposed to be a home end we may as well have had three tiers.
I said as soon as the questionnaire went out it was just ticking boxes now having seen these excellent CGI's not a cat hells chance these were prepared since the 26th March and then sent for planning this week so even with the 1894 group's input the design was already decided ! Don't think the club were convinced it would mean a mass exodus to the 2nd tier as safe standing would have been in the planning even if it meant reducing it in the south stand or corners !
Agree with that- it is always going to be the case that club have their own idea but 'ask the fans' to tick a box to look like they are listening. Similar to when the new badge was designed or anything that has gone out via city matters.

Personally believe they don't pay any attention. In certain instances city just set people up for the fall.
It obviously wasn't a joke aimed at that. I saw a chance to have a dig at the current Arsenal result, that's all.

You have spent a good bit of time on it and you care a lot, good on you. Sorry if it is bad timing, but I'm not treating it as a laughing matter, as most of my posts on this probably suggest. It was a side remark on an ongoing simultaneous game.

No probs mate. :-) I was only joking in that sense.

Most of us are disappointed with the proposed hospitality seating at the front of NSL2 after years of talking about making the the NS expansion a proper home end. It’s annoying and frustrating that the club hasn’t listened to what the majority of the fans want.

I knew what you were getting at, but I didn’t want to look. Hold out until full-time I thought to myself. Don’t jinx it! Wished I’d looked now, it might have changed the final result?
No, they will probably want to watch the football and not be disruptive.

The front of the new stand needs to be where our banners are unfolded before the game. That won’t happen now as the front will be blocked off by a corporate area.

Not only that but it symbolises a lack of understanding about the atmosphere at the stadium. The more corporate there is, the more the atmosphere will naturally fall. Having corporate in an end that’s supposed to be a City atmosphere end sends out the message that atmosphere is not a serious consideration. Even United are removing corporate seats from the Stretford End due to negative feedback from singers/those wanting to create an atmosphere.

The club also kept all of this from the surveys. That means they expected negative feedback so they instead chose to hide their true intentions.

A safe standing area also becomes less likely since will they want corporate seats to be surrounded by people standing? Possibly not.
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Agree with that- it is always going to be the case that club have their own idea but 'ask the fans' to tick a box to look like they are listening. Similar to when the new badge was designed or anything that has gone out via city matters.

Personally believe they don't pay any attention. In certain instances city just set people up for the fall.

That’s the other really disappointing thing. Asking us all to fill out the questionnaire. Asking us to give our ideas and our preferences. Knowing full well the plans and proposal was finished, ready to be submitted. The club and the directors have just wasted our time and taken the piss out of us. They’ve got absolutely no respect for us.
If it is I don't think it would be worth having a designated singing section there.

I think the issue with having it high up in the second tier for singing section would be getting the right people to move there. I'm in 115 now and just from the people around me and also my mates in SS lower the general impression I get is that they won't move into the gods.

I think the vast majority would just stay in 115 instead. Personally speaking I only want to be at the back of lower tier but I would consider the very front 10 rows of North stand 2 for flags/banners/displays but I won't go beyond that.

It could be a non starter mind you as if they don't put standing in all the end nobody will move if that is the case.
Not sure it's worth moving from South Stand Level 1 into a part corporate come hospitality stand ! When I first saw all the grandiose behind the stand features it just didn't stack up as home singing end !
1894 or another group NEED to put out a statement against this.Voice our frustrations and how we feel ignored despite a 'consultation.' Spread the awareness so the pressure will grow and the club will change their plans.

The club, directors, and people at City involved with the North stand expansion have been reading this thread form day one. They all know what the fans wanted. They’ve ignored us. Regardless if Kevin Parker, all the OSC’s (which won’t happen as they’re too affiliated to the club), and the fans groups came together and raised the hospitality issue, the club still wouldn’t change the plans. The club will go ahead with what they’ve proposed including the hospitality section at the front of NSL2.

TBH I’m not arsed now as I’m not moving from SSL1. I think that will go for a lot of fans in the singing sections once the information starts filtering out about what the North stand expansion is really like.

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