North Stand expansion - seating, ticketing etc

The lack of indicative pricing/conditions from the club has led to the current uncertainty, conjecture and unpleasantness on here.

It could've & should've been avoided.

The club will have a clear idea of the pricing model intended.

Please can the club reveal their indicative pricing plans, removing much of the uncertainty and allowing their 'customers' to consider their options.

Not too much to ask !!


This bickering is stemming from the club once again not releasing any detailed information about the NS expansion.

It really baffles me as to why the club is so secretive about the North stand expansion details, and other things as a rule.
They won't know the pricing model yet. They jut need to say that "As a side of the stadium built to encourage popluar support then we intend to work hard to provide coompeteticve pricing and access to all" or something.
They will have already worked pricing in to the financial viability/feasibility model.

The UAE guys are disciplined in ROCI and how to monetise the opportunities for return.

Tell us the 'indicative' pricing plans please City, it will help everyone.
Just a thought, isn't this supposed to be ready mid next season, so that will give them half a season to see what demand for standing looks like.Giving them the spring and summer after to decide on the exact make up and any increases to safe standing seats removed etc in time for it's first full season..
*tongue in cheek time* Just to (hopefully) make you smile and remember we are all on the same side. (Fans)

As @Didsbury Dave says: You don't need a male voice choir in there, you just need a core of vocal fans.
And @jrb says: then every Tom, Dick, and Harry would pile on to those tickets, regardless if they sang or not.
Does this indicate that the females of the species will not be moving into wherever it is you are moving to?? ;-) :-)

There is one thing you can be very, very sure of (for which you will probably be eternally grateful) I won't be looking to join you. I have the best seat in the stadium thank you very much.

If I didn't make you smile and remember that this is not lifechanging just seat changing I apologise. Just felt it was getting a bit hairy. :-) Sorry.
They will have already worked pricing in to the financial viability/feasibility model.

The UAE guys are disciplined in ROCI and how to monetise the opportunities for return.

Tell us the 'indicative' pricing plans please City, it will help everyone.
Of course that's the case, but the details won't be done yet I'm sure.
If season tickets and match day tickets were half price, or a cheaper price, in a new singing and safe standing section on NSL2, then every Tom, Dick, and Harry would pile on to those tickets, regardless if they sang or not.

Affordable tickets are all good and well, and should be rolled out across the stadium in an ideal world, but affordable tickets aren’t going to get a large group of singers together in 1 section of the new North stand.

As it stand, SSL1 safe standing is going to be replicated on NSL2 safe standing. That isn’t a step forward. It isn’t different to what we have already got.
You're missing the key point:

The cheaper intriductory tickets should be only offered to fans in the existing singing areas with the objective of ivercoming their initial inertia. Everyone else can follow from there. It's all about that first push.

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