North Stand Expansion

Doesn’t this defeat the entire purpose of an expanded 2nd tier? We’re going to have this massive kop-like structure and it’s just going to be ‘another’ area. They might as well have copied the South Stand. It’s something they could even have done without the expansion.

It does, you’re right.

In my opinion the club have 2 options with safe standing on NSL2.

The club either make NSL2 completely safe standing, which I can’t see happening with the proposed GA+ seats, ambulant seating, and fans of different ages wanting to sit on NSL2, which the club will definitely take into consideration, or the club will make specific blocks or areas of NSL2 safe standing, along with seated areas.

The Kop as an example is a single tiered stand with a gradual increase in height from the front to the back, whereas NSL2 will be higher and steeper, mirroring SSL3 to an extent. So far the club have given no indication they will put safe standing on SSL3 in the home end, even though they’ve already done that for a section of the away end on SSL3.(I stand corrected on that)

Hopefully Alex will get an answer to the safe standing question on NSL2 from the club at the meeting?
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Really boring bit of info but the white cabins that BAM have been using for Co-op construction will eventually be handed over and become the site offices for the North Stand expansion and hotel...
Really boring bit of info but the white cabins that BAM have been using for Co-op construction will eventually be handed over and become the site offices for the North Stand expansion and hotel...

They expect to go from about 100-120 labourers on site they have just now, to about 700 within a year. That would make sense.
I'm going to go ahead and make a guess that they will start the transfer of the frontstay cables on the 6th of May, and aim to finish it for the 17th of May. Between our two home games vs wolves and west ham, and ready for roof propping the monday after the final game. And then the removal of the roof and backstays straight into the off-season. That gives them a week and a half to finish phase 1 of the steel towers and get it all ready, the western one is not far off at all.
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In case it gets missed among all the other chat on tickets etc, if any of the drone flyers read this thread would be good to get a zoom on that item next visit. Or anyone using the two east spirals that can see from them.

Almost impossible to tell that far out but it is the right size for the mock-up panel, is in a sensible place and has a supporting frame, if they decide not to put it up on the main structure. Those silvery bits might be segments of the sails, if it is that.

View attachment 115586
Jesus, you need to work for MI5 or some intelligency agency if you can work out anything from that!!
I'm going to go ahead and make a guess that they will start the transfer of the frontstay cables on the 6th of May, and aim to finish it for the 17th of May. Between our two home games vs wolves and west ham, and ready for roof propping the monday after the final game. And then the removal of the roof and backstays straight into the off-season. That gives them a week and a half to finish phase 1 of the steel towers and get it all ready, the western one is not far off at all.

I feel nervous about it. The original supports look strong and sturdy so it’s hard to imagine these towers supporting the current roof instead.
You are right I am in level 1 in the family stand with my son and grandson and have been there since it opened. I would be very annoyed if forced to move. It is unnecessary to move anyone in that section and they should be given the opportunity to stay there. It would be accepted that they would be in a home end and everything that goes with it. There will be enough space available in the seats above to accommodate fans wanting to be in one end. There are many in the family stand that sing their hearts out and we have become friends with lots of people around us watching our kids grow up together. It gets full of tourists at night matches so their is further opportunity for regulars to move seats at those games if they wish. Moving the whole of Level 1 url other areas would add to the huge problem of moving thousands of fans around the ground. I agree that the seats above should be cheap to encourage fans to move there.
I started going got Maine Rd in 1966 and am another F.O.C. That deserves some consideration but also know money talks!

You wont be alone with that view on things which is why I'm treading carefully with what I say, because everyone will have their opinions on this new home end and how it should work.

We need a good group of singers in there, but even if that's an away size following of circa 3000 then I'd expect the majority of other people to join in and you'll have a good number joining in with songs and getting them to travel around the ground. The issue we have at the moment is our singers are split between SSL1 and SSL3 and can't hear each other.

The NS will address that problem if we get a collective together and with the design should easily see it become the end that generates an atmosphere.

But the club have to figure out how to do it.
It does, you’re right.

In my opinion the club have 2 options with safe standing on NSL2.

The club either make NSL2 completely safe standing, which I can’t see happening with the proposed GA+ seats, ambulant seating, and fans of different ages wanting to sit on NSL2, which the club will definitely take into consideration, or the club will make specific blocks or areas of NSL2 safe standing, along with seated areas.

The Kop as an example is a single tiered stand with a gradual increase in height from the front to the back, whereas NSL2 will be higher and steeper, mirroring SSL3 to an extent. So far the club have given no indication they will put safe standing on SSL3 in the home end, even though they’ve already done that for a section of the away end on SSL3.(I stand corrected on that)

Hopefully Alex will get an answer to the safe standing question on NSL2 from the club at the meeting?
There's no reason that the GA+ seats can't be safe standing and even the ambulant ones as there's a wide range of capabilities included in the ambulant description. If it's safe standing from the start then they'll be aware of it.

As for fans of different ages wanting to be in there then it's no different to every other block in the ground. If it's launched as safe standing from the start then just don't take a seat there if you can't stand.

Of course there's no reason that they can't make it safe standing from the back of the ambulant rows all the way up rather than every seat in the stand. Obviously, you can't have standing in front of non standing seats without missing out rows.
I feel nervous about it. The original supports look strong and sturdy so it’s hard to imagine these towers supporting the current roof instead.

Haha glad it's not just me. The moment on the pinch point of the offset must be immense. I know they are cantilevering it and bracing diagonally, but it will still look far more comfortable once the rear section of the towers comes to ground.

But they obviously can't do that till the back cables are off, and they can't touch those till the front cables are braced. Isn't it fucking exciting!

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