Not Slagging Tevez

He gets paid if rumours are to be believed in excess of 200k a week so why should he not work hard on the pitch ? We all work and get paid for it and I am sure we all give it our best in work? So why people on here are praising someone for doing what they are paid to do is beyond me , 20 goals is not a great return for his wages ronaldo double his tally messi double his tally same wages or less so let the little fat argy do one and get someone in who wants to play for mcfc<br /><br />-- Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:29 am --<br /><br />He gets paid if rumours are to be believed in excess of 200k a week so why should he not work hard on the pitch ? We all work and get paid for it and I am sure we all give it our best in work? So why people on here are praising someone for doing what they are paid to do is beyond me , 20 goals is not a great return for his wages ronaldo double his tally messi double his tally same wages or less so let the little fat argy do one and get someone in who wants to play for mcfc
It's difficult, because of the way he is on the pitch, people want to idolise him and take him to their hearts. Of course he is very much a mercenary. The right kind of mercenary, but still a mercenary.

One who accidentally reminds us every five minutes that he loves us, but he isn't in love with us. He loves us but not enough to live with us in this stoopeed City. It's him, not us, well sometimes it us. He loves us but not the things we do and the things we say. He loves us like a brother... or maybe a dog, yes, he loves us like a neighbour's dog.
I think its mainly due to the fact he claims he wants to leave because of a family he cheated on.

Hes been great for us but his agent is a rat. I have no doubt that if weren't in the final of the FA Cup his last game for us would have been Liverpool. He didnt look 1 bit injured and didn't struggle in the final. Look at Etherington to see what a half fit player looks like.

Hes had his 2 years with us like every other club hes been with. He wants out because hes bored or because his agent has told him to move on.

whatever he did i never saw it as a good whole for the team but rather for himself,he made statements which wasn't quite encouraging from a player who was made captain of a club of ours and u stand there to say we ain't suppose to slag him.if really he loved the fans the club why make those statements in the first place we the fans here also have our opinion on issue surrounding our club.
Shadz69 said:
I am absolutely dreading next year without his goals 20 odd guaranteed gone if he goes.I have big hopes for Dzeko and Balo but going into such an important season I dont know if I want to be counting on them and a new face up front.Carlos has acted terribly but I would love to have 1 more season out of him.

I've seen others make the point before that if Silva could learn to shoot like he passes, he'd be another Messi. If we can get 10 each out of Silva, Yaya, AJ, and Kolarov, plus 15 to 20 from Balo and Dzeko, then we'll be just fine without Carlos. Is that too much to ask?
Any player who hands in a transfer request mid-season, says they refuse to work with key figures at the club, then goes on television to slag off the area itself, all to lower their transfer fee to engineer a move that is only necessary because said player had an affair, is a twat in my book. Wouldn't matter who it was or who they played for; twat.
Yep agree...would accept he going to Spain where he and family will understand language,but if he stays in England then will be FUMING !
wayne71 said:
Depends where he goes, if its a few miles down the m6/m1 then he deserves everything he gets.
we just refuse to sell him to a team in this country, well in fact i would'nt sell him at all, he either plays and shuts the fuck up or he rots, would be really funny to see us win the prem and he does'nt play enough games for a medal.
HellasLEAF said:
Some of the comments directed towards Tevez on this board, it goes to far.

No City player (outside Kompany who is a defender) has played harder for the club since his arrival. He's pounded every blade of grass, got stuck in proper every match, never takes a match off and left it all on the pitch for the club.

He scored how many goals, important brilliant goals for City in his time here. A golden boot to his name.

He was a key player in City's champions league birth and the 35 years banner is forever torn down.

He left United, to sign for our very own City, to stick it right in Fergie's face, and has been up for every Derby ever since.

He has decided it's time to leave. I'm disappointed. We all are. But the reasons are his own and we surely will be compensated. Life will go on. If he took games off, maybe, if he didn't play that hard, maybe, if he under performed or scored half the goals, maybe, or left with a trophy, maybe....

But I won't slag him. I ask proper City fans to get a grip, remember the good, and turn the page when he leaves.
Great post.

I won't slag him off either. The two seasons he gave us have been amazing. We slagged United fans for calling him when he left them and yet we're all now doing the same, United fans had more reason to call him as well.

He should keep his mouth shut about Manchester and things, but then again, Tevez has always been one to say what he thinks instead of read off some script he's been given which I like to be honest.

If he is moving on because of his family then I wish him all the best and thank him for being the best player I've seen in a City shirt so far in my lifetime. If he moves on for any other reason, I'll still thank him, it's his decision and if it wern't for his goals, assists, hard work, passing, skill and drive we wouldn't have been in the Champions League this season and wouldn't have won the FA Cup.

Be nice to sing Herman Munster head song again though, don't mind a bit of City humour.

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