Oasis reunion

Fuck it. I'm 60 now and saw them in 96 and 2005.
Wanted to remember those great days and just leave everyone else to it......but I want to see them again now.
Just listening to some of their really good stuff has done it

It’s a nightmare. Everyone I know wants one.
Fuck it. I'm 60 now and saw them in 96 and 2005.
Wanted to remember those great days and just leave everyone else to it......but I want to see them again now.
Just listening to some of their really good stuff has done it

Hotels are already trying to rip customers off by cancelling bookings and asking more for the rooms for those attending concerts.

Anyome sweating over tickets or even buying them when they go on sale need not worry.
Last time they played Heaton Park, the touts were lining up on the road where the direct busses from town were pulling up at.
Me and my (then 14 year old) daughter got off the bus and the touts approached us, all offering £40 or £45 tickets (can't recall which one) for £15 each.
Same will happen this time too. All the trendies caught up in the hype "look at me I got tickets".
Then come July they can't be arsed / booked a holiday / going to a wedding and offloading the tickets along with many others and the price tumbles.
There were going for £5 outside last time they played Heaton Park.

But the difference is, they were flogging the arse out of it by then.

They were coming off the back of 3 or 4 mediocre albums of diminishing quality and sales, and it was the same crowd who'd been following them for 15 years. Many weren't that arsed about going again.

This is going to be totally different.

The crowd at the Liam Gallagher concerts at the CoOp was rammed full of people in their 20s seeing him for the first time.

There's 15 years pent up demand here.

They're probably going to sell 2 million tickets, making it the biggest tour in UK history.

I'm sure there will be touts outside flogging tickets, but I'd be surprised if they're as cheap and easy to come by as the last time they played Heaton Park.

The situations are totally different.
It's called creative journalism. Adds to the hype.

As I said in another post, I fully expect that there'll be even more this time round, kids with their internet savvy, smartphones and all that.

The hype is particularly strong with this one considering that they've done nowt special since the third album.

They're the 21st century Rolling Stones.
Bit harsh - going off your jungle maths they've made at least 3 times as many worthwhile albums as The Roses*.......... :-)

*For absolute clarity, that's going off the standard opinion of the Roses mad-heads, I myself rate and still enjoy The Second Coming
Fuck it. I'm 60 now and saw them in 96 and 2005.
Wanted to remember those great days and just leave everyone else to it......but I want to see them again now.
Just listening to some of their really good stuff has done it
Fuckin old cu - I mean, oooooh that's interesting............ ;-)

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