Oasis reunion

Fair enough I’m not going to stand in Heaton Park for £349 pound I’ll leave the ticket for you and the folk who can afford it :) I’ll do it for the advertised £149 pound.
If it was Co-op live for £349 with a platinum ticket and good view then I still couldn’t afford it, but it would be worth the cash for those that can.
“pair of chancers”
I'm not going mate, no way was I paying 150 notes.
I can't believe there is an investigation.


Because the snowflake society thought they was entitled to a ticket was they and they didn't get one?

Hasn't it always been the case ringing up for tickets? First come first served. It's not like it was front row seats at the Darby and Joan club, this is big time.

But an investigation? Give over.

Forget Oasis.

Do you think it’s right people apply to purchase something at £150 then after a 4 hour wait you have minutes to purchase the same item for £350 ? Without any prior warning.

Would you want the possibility of this happening when you purchase an item everytime?
If I’d have known in advance that tickets were going to be £350 each if I got to the ticket buying page, I wouldn’t have bothered staying in the queue. But Ticket Master didn’t inform me or the millions of other people in the ticket queues. I wonder why?

Imagine going to buy a car advertised at a price, telling the sales man you are on your way to buy the car, getting there, and the the car sales man has added a few hundred pounds on to the price of the car because other people have expressed an interest in buying the car whilst you were on the way to buy the car.

You know what, you can shove your fucking car up your arse, you greedy, time wasting, ****!
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If I’d have known in advance that tickets were going to be £350 if I got to the ticket buying page, I wouldn’t have bothered staying in the queue.

Imagine going to buy a car advertised at a price, getting there, and the the car sales man has added a few hundred pounds on to the price of the car because other people have expressed an interest in buying the car whilst you’d made the journey to buy the car.

You know what, you can shove your fucking car up your arse!
I agree. And the Gallagher brothers can shove their fucking gig up their greedy arses.

My daughter wants to go, she even offered to buy me a ticket. I refused on principle off rip off prices.
I agree. And the Gallagher brothers can shove their fucking gig up their greedy arses.

My daughter wants to go, she even offered to buy me a ticket. I refused on principle off rip off prices.

Do fans blame the Manager and players when the ticket prices at football and especially cup finals are extortionate?
Do fans blame the Manager and players when the ticket prices at football and especially cup finals are extortionate?
Suppose you’ve got a bit of a point there with that. Clubs basically tout tickets themselves at ridiculous prices and the powers that be do nothing about it.

It has been a spectacular own goal for the band. I knew it would be huge if they got back together but even as a really big Oasis fan back in the day i was surprised how big the hype and demand was.

I’ve seen Oasis loads of times and to be honest wasn’t really arsed about going to these gigs. As Heaton Park is a shite venue and i thought £150 was taking the mick.

I’ve watched Noel loads of times as a solo artist and seeing Liam in Malta in a couple of weeks.

To be fair to Noel he’s said many times Oasis achieved everything and unlike the Stone Roses there would be no point them ever coming back unless it was just to make stupid money. He’s always come across as a greedy twat. He was a working class bloke but in times when so many are struggling he constantly boasts about money. Doubt he’ll give a shit about the fans and the pair of them being silent just underlines that.
Forget Oasis.

Do you think it’s right people apply to purchase something at £150 then after a 4 hour wait you have minutes to purchase the same item for £350 ? Without any prior warning.

Would you want the possibility of this happening when you purchase an item everytime?

Still can't understand why the jump was so big so sudden. Why wasn't it incremental?

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