Official "Changes To Seasoncards" Thread

benbeer said:
Shaelumstash said:
I'm surprised there are so many negative comments on here. If you look at the Platinum card as the new standard ticket, the price has gone up by about 10% on last year.

If you take in to account there has been a 2.5% rise in VAT, and inflation is at about 4.5% a year, the actual rise is about 5%! Not bad considering we are in the Champions League, have our best team for 40 years, and with the FFPR coming in!

It is standard marketing practice to charge extra for a product that has a higher value / benefits. The added benefits for the Platinum is obviously the double loyalty points. There is a demand for loyalty points, because people want to go to away games and big cup games.

Just as there is a demand for people to sit in the second tier / with their mates. No one see's the problem of the higher price for these though? The reason those seats are more expensive is because there is a higher demand for it because they are a more desirable, in demand product!

People that go to away games might argue they are being fleeced and have to pay extra just to keep up. Well what about the people who don't attend away games? They are actually in real terms getting a discounted ticket from last year. They will most probably not be able to get Cup Final tickets, but that is their decision.

The people that do get a Platinum card are getting a better, more desirable product than those going gold. City are bound to charge a little bit extra for a product that carries more benefits, and they are also offering a cheaper alternative for those that do not wish to have those benefits. It is down to the customer if they wish to buy the higher priced product with the extra benefits.

You've basically got 2 choices, buy the same ticket you had this season for about 5% more than last year, or buy an inferior product for about 5% cheaper

valid points, though not everyone will have had a 10% (in some cases more) pay rise to cover the difference, and its about making the renewal period a watershed: go Gold and there will be no way back, for as long as they retain the points system.

Platinum is not a 'more desirable' product (unless you like reading magazines on screen) in the same way that a seat on the halfway line is more desirable than one behind the goal. It's a necessary 'upgrade' for anyone who wants to go to away games next season or in the future.

One question I would like answered is whether there will be a hierachy within the Cup Schemes - ie, will Platinum get first dibs. As if not, its simply a question of whether you will ever want to go to an away game.
I appreciate not everyone will have had a 10% rise in wages, but that is not City's fault is it? VAT and inflation are costs to City, essentially their costs have gone up 5%. If they didn't increase their prices in line with that, they would be earning less than last year.

It's basic econmics, you'll see it with every big company, not just City. You're not going to say to Warburtons when your loaf of Toastie goes up 5% that your wages haven't gone up so you want it at last years price!

Of course Platinum is a more desirable product. The double loyalty points mean you have a better chance of getting Cup Final and away tickets. You might not get a better view, but you are without question getting benefits (loyalty points) which makes it a more desirable product. (Well it does to me anyway because I go to away games).

I think you raise a good point about Platinum getting priority on cup tickets. As a future Platinum member, I can say I don't think this should be the case. If I am on Platinum with 4000 points and someone on Gold has 8000, without question they should get the Cup tickets before me.

I think the club realise the importance of loyalty points though, and that is why they have kept them. The major benefit of the Platinum card is that you get more loyalty points. If the benefit was that you would get priority over Gold members, they would be shouting this from the roof tops now because thousands more would buy them off the back of it. The fact this is not even being mentioned makes me think there's no chance they will do that.
benbeer said:
benbeer said:
the big question is ... will the loyalty scheme be scrapped after next season, (as if a certain number of away tickets are guaranteed to superbia members, that makes it even less possible for younger supporters to get the big away game tickets), and we move to a ballot system like every other 'big' club. as if so, there really is no point going platinum. my personal feeling is that the platinum scheme is basically a way of raising prices quietly, as if they scrap the points, the renewal prices for 2012/2013 will go on from where they are now.

Exactly blue, us thinkers are in the minority though as most will buy into the Garry Cook marketing bullshit.

Ballot system will be introduced within 3 seasons without doubt. I am just shy of 5000 points, I will not be going platinum and I will also move as the gold value £260 ST is very tempting.

I will still get tickets for the vast majority of away games that I wish to attend and probably every european away game.

Those that are on approx 3000 points will catch up with me more than likley, but by the time that has happened we will be in a ballot anyway. I will not pay for "loyalty points" just to keep ahead of the next fan, if I don't get tickets for the bigger matches then thats fine by me.

I am thinking along these lines too ... also i'm still just so annoyed by the marketing line that by paying £50 more per season 'your loyalty counts double'. Such bullshit and offensive to suggest that people with more disposable income are more loyal.

The way they should have done it, would be to have created two tiers, one for people wanting to apply for away tickets (which is effectively what Platinum is).

If you don't go away, go Gold, join the cup schemes, and hope you get final tickets.
I don't think £1 per week is a huge hike to ensure tickets to any game I want just about. (Im only on 4000 points)<br /><br />-- Wed May 18, 2011 3:09 pm --<br /><br />
Shaelumstash said:
I'm surprised there are so many negative comments on here. If you look at the Platinum card as the new standard ticket, the price has gone up by about 10% on last year.

If you take in to account there has been a 2.5% rise in VAT, and inflation is at about 4.5% a year, the actual rise is about 5%! Not bad considering we are in the Champions League, have our best team for 40 years, and with the FFPR coming in!

It is standard marketing practice to charge extra for a product that has a higher value / benefits. The added benefits for the Platinum is obviously the double loyalty points. There is a demand for loyalty points, because people want to go to away games and big cup games.

Just as there is a demand for people to sit in the second tier / with their mates. No one see's the problem of the higher price for these though? The reason those seats are more expensive is because there is a higher demand for it because they are a more desirable, in demand product!

People that go to away games might argue they are being fleeced and have to pay extra just to keep up. Well what about the people who don't attend away games? They are actually in real terms getting a discounted ticket from last year. They will most probably not be able to get Cup Final tickets, but that is their decision.

The people that do get a Platinum card are getting a better, more desirable product than those going gold. City are bound to charge a little bit extra for a product that carries more benefits, and they are also offering a cheaper alternative for those that do not wish to have those benefits. It is down to the customer if they wish to buy the higher priced product with the extra benefits.

You've basically got 2 choices, buy the same ticket you had this season for about 5% more than last year, or buy an inferior product for about 5% cheaper
Yeah I agree.
I am sure in the benefits of going platinum it would say priority to away games but it doesn't I therefore think it goes straight on loyalty points.

For anyone with twitter mcfc are taking questions about the new membership between 4 and 5 today.
Duck me there are some presumptions on here..................
It works like this, you get to go to the away games/high demand games because you have the loyalty points and you get to get a ticket should you choose, Superbia recognises those that go to most games (if not all) and those lucky few (a core of around 700) will choose to buy into it or not.
Those that do are the ones who go week in and week out and have done so for many seasons, some for one reason or another will drop out as is the norm to be replaced by newer fans and or those seeking to become a member.
2000 fans every new season on average don't renew season tickets so there is always a chance for somebody else, either at the top of the loyalty point pool or the bottom.
Additionaly the the club are giving you a choice as to whether you go gold or platinum, go for the one you feel is more beneficial to you, if you want tickets more often than not then it's platinum where you get the oportunity to build up your points quicker, if you want to languish at the bottom of the loyalty point pool then go for Gold because you are likely to be overtaken by somebody wanting those tickets more than you.
Yes it's 50 quid more but hey, what do you want and where do you want to be? it's your choice.
I'll probably be going for the value card and signing up to the cup schemes.

After that, i'll be on around 6k points. My away days are few and far between now because of family/financial reasons. Football is an expensive hobby nowadays and I simply havent got as much disposable income as I had 5/10 years ago.

If you factor in a minimun of 3 champs league games and a couple of cup home games, youre not going to have much change out of £850 purely for home games next year if you go platinum, depending on where you sit.

Other, newer fans will come on board, those just below me will overtake me in the food chain. I still think i've got a good few years yet before I start to worry about not getting tickets for cup finals (assuming they dont give priority to platinum members) as it will take people a while to catch up.
where the fuck are these figures like a 6% increase coming from?? My season ticket in SS has gone up over 20% and up around £130 in the last 2 seasons!! It's a very risky game City are playing because people aren't exactly battering the doors down to watch us are they and the people who have been going years are slowly being squeezed!!
Som great explanations above, can't believe some of the response to the changes on here.

City could have done what every other club do and raise prices on ALL tickets, but have tried to do it in a more fair way by giving you the OPTION of paying extra.

Also, as highlighted above, the actual price rise in tickets is also very small - only around 4% which I know if your a family and paying for 3-4 season tickets can hurt if on a low wage, but with the ffpr which UEFA have introduced we have to increase prices slightly to combat this. And with the new players we are currently being spoilt with I think that this increase is more than reasonable.

Unfortunately we won't be renewing our season tickets next year, due to the rise in fuel over the past 2 seasons each trip is costing £33 more than when we got our seasoncards so I'll have my fingers crossed for a possible stadium expansion in a couple of years time when it may allow us to start having a 'membership' once those electric hybrid (flying?) cars begin to be more affordable....
cleavers said:
dukyblue said:
assuming they dont give priority to platinum members
I'd assume nothing, it would be good for the club to clarify many of these questions, which hopefully they will, once they have made up the answers.
there is a Q&A on twitter from 4pm today

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