Official Match Thread | Sunderland vs City 14th March

I blame Mancini for the 3 dm garbage. I also blame him for not giving Ireland an extended run to get his game together. He is a quality player, amazing how quickly everyone forgets that.There may be a few games where he's not the best, but let's be honest.. can he be any worse than our current midfield?? Once he gets himself going we'd be laughing!

Again, I am not happy about us getting just a draw. Even if we had a great 2nd half. Should have been 3 points for us today.

Given 4
Bridge 3
Lescott 6
Kompany 7
Richards 0
De Jong 6
Zabaleta 5
Bellamy 6
Tevez 6

Viera 5
Johnson 20
Benarbia said:
Armaan said:
How the f**k was this Mancinis fault? Fair enough we had a shite first half but our 2nd half was brilliant.... If it wasn't for them clowns in front of goal we would have won that match easily... RSC is just the shittest player ive seen in my life, cant believe how much we paid for him, hes absolutely useless and cost us the game due to his shitness!!! It pissed me off when with 30 seconds to go we had a break and RSC was on the ball, instead of passing to someone the nob has to try a shot which he wouldnt even score in his dreams, i just hate the guy!!!!

I blame Mancini for the 3 defensive midfielders bollocks much better when we changed formation

Who do you blame for the formation change then..
US_Citizen said:
Deserved to lose by a couple goals today. What about the call when the two Sunderland players ran into each other and the ref blamed it on Bellers. Horrible tactics, hate long crap that is for relegation teams. The most annoying thing is our effort game to game. City only show up for the big four teams and think if they just show up against weaker teams they will win. Johnson looked like a Ballon d'Or winner compared to the other City players. City lack the hunger to make the top four. Hopefully that will change before the end of the year.

seen some crap wrote on here, but that takes the biscuit, utter tosh mate
Neil McNab said:
nikusha said:
Cruz Zaba and Berry the are awful

especially Zaba and Cruz :(

1 half was shit

johnson you are genius

Mancini you are a big D@@k
Berry didn't play, Barry struggles playing alongside the utterly crap NDJ, who misplaced nearly every pass he made today. RSC was shite, as was SWP. You can't blame Zabba for failing as part of that midfield trio. 3 defensive midfielders doesn't take pressure off the team it invites it!
New contract for SWP, do me a favour.......AJ should be first choice over him at the mo!

almost every second goal which is scored is Zabaleta's fault

so was today

he was easily beaten
tonea2003 said:
US_Citizen said:
Deserved to lose by a couple goals today. What about the call when the two Sunderland players ran into each other and the ref blamed it on Bellers. Horrible tactics, hate long crap that is for relegation teams. The most annoying thing is our effort game to game. City only show up for the big four teams and think if they just show up against weaker teams they will win. Johnson looked like a Ballon d'Or winner compared to the other City players. City lack the hunger to make the top four. Hopefully that will change before the end of the year.

seen some crap wrote on here, but that takes the biscuit, utter tosh mate

debate don't just insult. Why do you disagree?
US_Citizen said:
tonea2003 said:
seen some crap wrote on here, but that takes the biscuit, utter tosh mate

debate don't just insult. Why do you disagree?

by the end of the game we should have won by 2 goals, it was a poor first half i grant you but we completely turned it around with desire and hunger. subs were right and made the difference. the hunger is there for all to see. we are so hard to beat thats testament to the squad.
tonea2003 said:
US_Citizen said:
debate don't just insult. Why do you disagree?

by the end of the game we should have won by 2 goals, it was a poor first half i grant you but we completely turned it around with desire and hunger. subs were right and made the difference. the hunger is there for all to see. we are so hard to beat thats testament to the squad.

door, bolt. horse& barn spring to mind though

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