old badge or current badge?

mosschops said:

By mosschops_ at 2009-05-10

Any good?

Thats actually a really nice badge.
Here is an exchange of e-mails with the club about the heavy metal bird on our badge

My e-mail:

Could you please pass this item from Bluemoon forum on to Garry Cook for his attention. It was raised at the Fans Forum:


"I make no apology for returning to this point. Bluevengeance has raised a serious problem here. The current badge should be changed immediately given its obvious similarity to the 1958 Man U one. The person who approved this design surely didn't realise this connection."
please see: <a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=120337" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=120337</a>

Club reply:

Dear Johnny,

Thanks very much for taking the time to email in. You are right, there is no need to apologise for raising what is quite understandably an emotive issue. The badge and the possible changing of it prompts much emotion and debate. The current badge, as you will know, was introduced in 1997, which was three or four years before I came to work for the Club. Purely as a fan, and not an employee then, I can remember there being much resistance to the new badge , as many people pointed out its similarities to the Manchester United 1958 Cup Final badge. This is something that Gary James raises in his book The Greatest City.

As you know, this question was asked at the Fans Forum and Garry Cooke responded to say that we would at the very least be reviewing the current badge and would explore the fans' views on the possibility of a change to it in the future. I can assure you, if the review does point to a possible change, that our fans would be fully consulted.

Kind regards and thanks again for contacting us

Vicky Kloss

Head of Communications
Manchester City Football Club
City of Manchester Stadium
M11 3FF
we are the new City and shouldnt dwell in the past...after all it hasnt been too rosy for 30 odd years..

We are the new city and the new(ish) badge is a sign of that.
The old badge is sooooooo much better than the current one. Its so much more classier.

We should change it because:

2) A New Badge, A New Begining.
3) It symbolises our great successful past...which we're looking to continue.
4) And last of all IT DOESNT LOOK TACKY!!


btw- I'm a Rag...lol
Why not just keep the badge?? It looks good, it has our motto on it, and when we win the league 3 times, or 3 major trophies we already have the stars on it. At present its purely for design. As much as i love the old badge, Red Rose one, we need to move on, that is now in the past, This is much like to Maine Road Debate, I.E. Changing the COMS name and Calling the East stand, Kippax etc, All good things come to an end.
Count me out too Kippax.

Theres too much going on in that badge. It has to be the old retro badge. Its a classic.

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