Operation One End

I'm not in favour as I quite like having the aways close to me being in 117.

Doing odd games will never work due to the type of fan who ends up in the area.

The only way if MAY work is to sell S/T's for it next year to existing holders only. That will hopefully get the right vocal fans in there. I'm thinking of people in 109 who then wouldn't get all the shit about standing issues and others around the ground who can't move at the moment due to space issues.
cant stand this excuse of we need away fans, just sing and get behind the team
Skashion said:
ell said:
Why have the south stand and 111/110 got to compete and try out sing each other?

Just join in together
Compete, fucking one-sided competition that would be. It's not true though.

the south stand dont know how to sing, just stand there and fold there arms, whats happened to it it youst to be great ?
Only way it would of stood a chance of working was if they south stand and singing section was brought together. Putting 5k tourists/part-timers/level 3 fans in the middle of them is going to do nothing at all. Stupid idea that i hope will be forgotten about now it's failed miserably twice.
ninjamonkey said:
Only way it would of stood a chance of working was if they south stand and singing section was brought together. Putting 5k tourists/part-timers/level 3 fans in the middle of them is going to do nothing at all. Stupid idea that i hope will be forgotten about now it's failed miserably twice.

perhaps the level 3`ers didnt want to be there either
AlthamBlue said:
The issue is all the tourists in there. There were loads of them tonight. There were a few of us singing in 114. The rest spent the match taking fucking pictures.

This.... I took a picture of my Mrs at HT but agreed, quite a number of Korean/Japs in there last night, well alot more than usual anyway..... German lads in there aswell.

Took me a good few mins at HT to go for a piss as people kept standing on the aisles having pictures taken.

These types of people for me aren't passionate blues, people there to have a chant, or atleast they never demonstrated their passion for the cause.

We still tried to generate atmosphere in 114 but when half the stand isn't with you, we're bound to struggle...

Not just foreign fans either, stood next to me and in front of me where young english lads just there to watch a game, didn't seem to want to support any club.

So "operation one end" falls down to ticket distribution.
This happened at the Villareal game aswell, fuck it, next time I'll just stay in 109
From 111 last night I must say it just doesn't work.
The atmosphere just wasn't there for 90% of the game, however a few times the noise really was superb.
I believe the best idea is to put the away fans in a corner 111 or 118 and then we may really have Operation One End.
why were there so many tourists in there last night and Im sorry but I hope they dont go in the south stand again, just sit/stand there dont cheer when we score, dont know the chants, dont even watch the game,

fuck modern football :)

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