Operation One End

WNRH said:
It doesn't matter if the away fans are in the normal blocks, in the 3rd tier or in asda car park. No amount of change will make it better because the truth is City fans at home make as little noise as possible, it is worse than Old Trafford and the Emirates.

Last night we have a game we had to win against a European Giant with 3,000 of their fans making loud noises, and it took us til Silva scored in the 39th minute to open our mouths and even then there was only moments of singing after that and many long periods of silence. Don't give me any of that bullshit that it was because Bayern fans were in the 3rd tier and there was no banter, because Saturday was just as bad with all the "banter" opportunities there.

"Operation One End" or any amount of atmosphere booster ideas won't work if everyone stands up and doesn't make any noise. It's the same as having the full end at Blackburn, Bolton or Wigan so why should it be any different at home?

Last night was the straw that broke to camels back as they say, i love the way we are playing, it's fantastic, but the main reason why i come to live games is to experience the "live game experience" or as city like to promote "the matchday experience" which the atmosphere is a huge part of and i am not enjoying any of it from the overpriced tat you can buy at the ground to the 82 minute silent protests every game. I can't afford the seasoncard prices as it is at the moment for me and my family so this season will be the last i have one. I can't justify paying for something that for me is not giving me value for money. I can watch every game in the comfort of my own home or in a pub and still enjoy us playing fantastic entertaining football without getting silly looks or feeling like an idiot when i try to sing at the ground.

There is no atmosphere any more at "The Etihad" and the bigger the ground gets and the more "tourists" and "day trippers" we attract it will get even more worse.
You are seriously considering stopping supporting your club, with it's best ever team, because the atmosphere isn't as good as you (or most of us) would like?
The atmosphere was poor last night because most fans thought Napoli would win. If we could have qualified by winning the atmosphere would have been electric.
The lads who tried to get this going deserve credit for attempting to improve things, rather than the hammering they get on here from some.
The only time it should be One End is in the FA Cup!!...otherwise the visitors get the whole of the south stand!, that is a huge disadvantsge to us!! huge. Imagine on Jan 8 the whole of the SS full of them lot behind one goal and the ity singers spilt all round the ground..it'll be terrible.
fy6blue said:
WNRH said:
It doesn't matter if the away fans are in the normal blocks, in the 3rd tier or in asda car park. No amount of change will make it better because the truth is City fans at home make as little noise as possible, it is worse than Old Trafford and the Emirates.

Last night we have a game we had to win against a European Giant with 3,000 of their fans making loud noises, and it took us til Silva scored in the 39th minute to open our mouths and even then there was only moments of singing after that and many long periods of silence. Don't give me any of that bullshit that it was because Bayern fans were in the 3rd tier and there was no banter, because Saturday was just as bad with all the "banter" opportunities there.

"Operation One End" or any amount of atmosphere booster ideas won't work if everyone stands up and doesn't make any noise. It's the same as having the full end at Blackburn, Bolton or Wigan so why should it be any different at home?

Last night was the straw that broke to camels back as they say, i love the way we are playing, it's fantastic, but the main reason why i come to live games is to experience the "live game experience" or as city like to promote "the matchday experience" which the atmosphere is a huge part of and i am not enjoying any of it from the overpriced tat you can buy at the ground to the 82 minute silent protests every game. I can't afford the seasoncard prices as it is at the moment for me and my family so this season will be the last i have one. I can't justify paying for something that for me is not giving me value for money. I can watch every game in the comfort of my own home or in a pub and still enjoy us playing fantastic entertaining football without getting silly looks or feeling like an idiot when i try to sing at the ground.

There is no atmosphere any more at "The Etihad" and the bigger the ground gets and the more "tourists" and "day trippers" we attract it will get even more worse.
You are seriously considering stopping supporting your club, with it's best ever team, because the atmosphere isn't as good as you (or most of us) would like?

Not at all, just changing where i support the club from.
WNRH said:
fy6blue said:
WNRH said:
It doesn't matter if the away fans are in the normal blocks, in the 3rd tier or in asda car park. No amount of change will make it better because the truth is City fans at home make as little noise as possible, it is worse than Old Trafford and the Emirates.

Last night we have a game we had to win against a European Giant with 3,000 of their fans making loud noises, and it took us til Silva scored in the 39th minute to open our mouths and even then there was only moments of singing after that and many long periods of silence. Don't give me any of that bullshit that it was because Bayern fans were in the 3rd tier and there was no banter, because Saturday was just as bad with all the "banter" opportunities there.

"Operation One End" or any amount of atmosphere booster ideas won't work if everyone stands up and doesn't make any noise. It's the same as having the full end at Blackburn, Bolton or Wigan so why should it be any different at home?

Last night was the straw that broke to camels back as they say, i love the way we are playing, it's fantastic, but the main reason why i come to live games is to experience the "live game experience" or as city like to promote "the matchday experience" which the atmosphere is a huge part of and i am not enjoying any of it from the overpriced tat you can buy at the ground to the 82 minute silent protests every game. I can't afford the seasoncard prices as it is at the moment for me and my family so this season will be the last i have one. I can't justify paying for something that for me is not giving me value for money. I can watch every game in the comfort of my own home or in a pub and still enjoy us playing fantastic entertaining football without getting silly looks or feeling like an idiot when i try to sing at the ground.

There is no atmosphere any more at "The Etihad" and the bigger the ground gets and the more "tourists" and "day trippers" we attract it will get even more worse.
You are seriously considering stopping supporting your club, with it's best ever team, because the atmosphere isn't as good as you (or most of us) would like?

Not at all, just changing where i support the club from.

In what way would you be supporting City though? Following maybe. But when the chips are down, we can, occasionally, raise the noise levels to spur the team on. Hope you reconsider as we need as many 'singers' as we can get. Otherwise the ground certainly will become more and more like what we all detest.
See you next season ;-)
Sat in SS L2 and joined in as normal, I think it was a case of everyone wondering what was happening eslewhere, once we had scored it picked up but to be honest it didn't really get going until we knew we were out than we seem to really go for it.
At the end of the day we knew we were going out and still we filled the place which must have told the players alot about what we think about them. 46000, TOP EFFORT FROM EVERYONE WHO WENT.
fy6blue said:
WNRH said:
fy6blue said:
You are seriously considering stopping supporting your club, with it's best ever team, because the atmosphere isn't as good as you (or most of us) would like?

Not at all, just changing where i support the club from.

In what way would you be supporting City though? Following maybe. But when the chips are down, we can, occasionally, raise the noise levels to spur the team on. Hope you reconsider as we need as many 'singers' as we can get. Otherwise the ground certainly will become more and more like what we all detest.
See you next season ;-)

We don't have only 43,000 - 45,000 supporters mate, just because i won't be there doesn't mean i'll now be a follower rather than a supporter. I will always support us (can't believe i'm having to say that) if i'm at the ground in person or in Australia in spirit. Also last night the chips were down so to speak, we needed to win, it took us til we were actually winning for us to sing and dance about it.
jrb said:
Got to hold my hands up. I was all for Operation One End. However, after tonight I agree it hasn't worked. Thinking back to Poznan and Aris, if those fans were put in L3, we would have never experienced those nights and atmosphere it brought.

Not having a pop at BA or the lads originally behind the idea, I supported it as well, but it's time to contact the club and tell them to put the visiting away fans back in the South Stand.

We gave it a try, but it hasn't worked, Big thanks to all involved.

just thought i'd set the record straight for everyone here and reply to john, who again is fair and isn't trying to apportion blame however mentioning saying "BA or the lads originally behind the idea" again points a finger at BA when it shouldn't

"operation one end" was a thread on here, just like some people on here even a few days ago said why don't we move united fans out of the south stand, and why don't we have the south stand for that cup game.

the atmosphere has been hit and miss for a long time, a large number of people on here mooted operation one end as something to look at because ss and kippax couldn't hear each other because of the aways in the middle and there were attempts to get the atmopshere around the ground improved ie pre-game piss-ups in shambles

the club are constantly reading bm and invited certain fans in for a chat about their plans for city street (not city sqaure) and what did we think of it... and a general chat about the atmosphere, what 3 years ago. you were then john, with me, felix, steve parish from king of the kippax, a couple of others, people at the club represented were lakey, danny wilson, karen procter and ian something or other who was in charge of the match day experience

the club i think invited some of us in because we were regularly posting about the atmosphere and they wanted to try and improve things

you might remember the club said we are keen to see how one end works - 3 years ago ! before tba was anything organised. i said "are the club thinking of putting 117 in with 111 or 117 in with 111" danny said "we don't know yet, we'd have to see." the one thing i clearly remember saying is "i get frustrated because in the south stand we always have to move to accomodate away fans iw west ham, forest in cup games giving our home advantage away and maybe we could keep ss for home fans for those cup games. no mention of any league or moving aways to any particular area. club responded the police would be the stumbling block as the police keen to keep aways at that end, better for coaches etc, more space

other things discussed that day were the fact the stadium was bowl shaped , the roof was too high and not suited to starting songs - the standing kippax had a low roof as did the old north stand, making it better for the noise to disperse, we talked about maybe they could but something reflective on the underside of the roof to keep the noise in...also discussed was the old chestnut about the pre-match routine and we all agreed, maybe it would be good if they turned the PA down a bit, just let the atmosphere build like it did in the last derby at maine rd, also why have stoke got this great atmosphere and we haven't, we said stoke's first year in the prem, when we were in the prem 2000-01 we too had great support (ie arsenal at home 4-0 down after 20 minutes, still singing)

we all felt at least the club are listening and some good may come of it

BA got bigger in the meantime only because they attracted like minded individuals at the away games. BA were split 50/50 on moving the aways. 2 members were interviewed before villareal champs league game on blue tuesday. one for it one against. they only used the one for it. maybe blue tuesday is close to the club and club wanted one view coming out ? the club se=aid can 1 or 2 lads go on the big screen at city square and talk about the atmosphere - this was the staurday before villareal at home, again, we obliged. we get labelled as moving the aways - not true.. club idea, club decision - just like it's the clubs decision to have a band outside the ground, just like its the clubs decision to invent city square and city street

club have been supportive of BA getting flags done and getting them displayed so BA felt only fair to try and support the club with their idea. by that the club came to the branch - the city centre branch and said how do you feel about moving near to 111 to try and carry the songs. some did this last night and went in 114. we have asked for a block next to the liverpool fans around 120 for the cup game too...

other things to remember our support is very loyal but i think we had the oldest season ticket average age - certainly one of them - in the country - not just that - no booze, more tourists for cl games and people moving seats to try a new end out, what ended up happening was that it didnt work, lots of mis-placed people, and nobody the wiser as to whether it is still the club's long term intention to move aways somewhere when we eventually expand the ground, i read somewhere we were only 14th loudest in the prem last year, to say moving the aways is the reason it is quiet isn't right, there was a problem before and there's still a problem, all we did was try to help the club find a solution
not for /not against just didn,t understand why the "singers in the corner" didnt sing
wearethesouthstand said:
jrb said:
Got to hold my hands up. I was all for Operation One End. However, after tonight I agree it hasn't worked. Thinking back to Poznan and Aris, if those fans were put in L3, we would have never experienced those nights and atmosphere it brought.

Not having a pop at BA or the lads originally behind the idea, I supported it as well, but it's time to contact the club and tell them to put the visiting away fans back in the South Stand.

We gave it a try, but it hasn't worked, Big thanks to all involved.

just thought i'd set the record straight for everyone here and reply to john, who again is fair and isn't trying to apportion blame however mentioning saying "BA or the lads originally behind the idea" again points a finger at BA when it shouldn't

"operation one end" was a thread on here, just like some people on here even a few days ago said why don't we move united fans out of the south stand, and why don't we have the south stand for that cup game.

the atmosphere has been hit and miss for a long time, a large number of people on here mooted operation one end as something to look at because ss and kippax couldn't hear each other because of the aways in the middle and there were attempts to get the atmopshere around the ground improved ie pre-game piss-ups in shambles

the club are constantly reading bm and invited certain fans in for a chat about their plans for city street (not city sqaure) and what did we think of it... and a general chat about the atmosphere, what 3 years ago. you were then john, with me, felix, steve parish from king of the kippax, a couple of others, people at the club represented were lakey, danny wilson, karen procter and ian something or other who was in charge of the match day experience

the club i think invited some of us in because we were regularly posting about the atmosphere and they wanted to try and improve things

you might remember the club said we are keen to see how one end works - 3 years ago ! before tba was anything organised. i said "are the club thinking of putting 117 in with 111 or 117 in with 111" danny said "we don't know yet, we'd have to see." the one thing i clearly remember saying is "i get frustrated because in the south stand we always have to move to accomodate away fans iw west ham, forest in cup games giving our home advantage away and maybe we could keep ss for home fans for those cup games. no mention of any league or moving aways to any particular area. club responded the police would be the stumbling block as the police keen to keep aways at that end, better for coaches etc, more space

other things discussed that day were the fact the stadium was bowl shaped , the roof was too high and not suited to starting songs - the standing kippax had a low roof as did the old north stand, making it better for the noise to disperse, we talked about maybe they could but something reflective on the underside of the roof to keep the noise in...also discussed was the old chestnut about the pre-match routine and we all agreed, maybe it would be good if they turned the PA down a bit, just let the atmosphere build like it did in the last derby at maine rd, also why have stoke got this great atmosphere and we haven't, we said stoke's first year in the prem, when we were in the prem 2000-01 we too had great support (ie arsenal at home 4-0 down after 20 minutes, still singing)

we all felt at least the club are listening and some good may come of it

BA got bigger in the meantime only because they attracted like minded individuals at the away games. BA were split 50/50 on moving the aways. 2 members were interviewed before villareal champs league game on blue tuesday. one for it one against. they only used the one for it. maybe blue tuesday is close to the club and club wanted one view coming out ? the club se=aid can 1 or 2 lads go on the big screen at city square and talk about the atmosphere - this was the staurday before villareal at home, again, we obliged. we get labelled as moving the aways - not true.. club idea, club decision - just like it's the clubs decision to have a band outside the ground, just like its the clubs decision to invent city square and city street

club have been supportive of BA getting flags done and getting them displayed so BA felt only fair to try and support the club with their idea. by that the club came to the branch - the city centre branch and said how do you feel about moving near to 111 to try and carry the songs. some did this last night and went in 114. we have asked for a block next to the liverpool fans around 120 for the cup game too...

other things to remember our support is very loyal but i think we had the oldest season ticket average age - certainly one of them - in the country - not just that - no booze, more tourists for cl games and people moving seats to try a new end out, what ended up happening was that it didnt work, lots of mis-placed people, and nobody the wiser as to whether it is still the club's long term intention to move aways somewhere when we eventually expand the ground, i read somewhere we were only 14th loudest in the prem last year, to say moving the aways is the reason it is quiet isn't right, there was a problem before and there's still a problem, all we did was try to help the club find a solution

Last bit is spot on.

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