Other fans perceptions of us

The West Ham forum is full of the same old anti City tropes I expected better of them for some reason

I checked that out, too. Some bitterness, sure. Also some generous assessments (“City are just on another level”). You're always going to get that kind of mix, on any forum. Happens on here, where you have people still angry about Stockport Fucking County!!
When you lose at home, there's always a sense of having been wounded. It smarts. I know I hate it. The other club's forum is never likely to be a generous — or balanced — place in the immediate aftermath. Again, just think of on here when we lose (which doesn't happen often, so it seems to make the bile even worse).
I don't think seeking any sort of validation from opposing fans forums is a sport I would enjoy much as its unlikely to be successful and tends to leave you feeling a bit dirty, like I imagine a peeping tom feels.
There might be three or four people on this entire forum who are able to cite some the charges exactly (I think Prestwich Blue has looked into them in detail, but I could be wrong on that, my impression is that he works in the legal field).
The truth is that almost no City fans know the terms of the charges in detail, and no fans of rival clubs do. There is a general narrative that City are “dodgy”, are “cheats”, because if that's not the case, the alternative is too awful to contemplate. That is the honest-to-God truth. There's no end to this as long as Pep is here (and very probably, beyond).
So whatever accusation might be levelled at you in a pub is not even worth listening to. Not worth replying to. There is nothing specific to it, other than general disgruntlement by a) fans of the red clubs who find that we've both caught them up and overtaken them b) fans of other clubs who see that we joined that band (without, however, being part of that cartel) and they are excluded from doing so because of a drawbridge called FFP! Which was drawn up sharpish when, first Chelsea, then we broke into the fortress.
Very well said.
Whenever a fuckwit starts spouting about 115 I'll ask them to name 5 charges or shut the fuck up.
The FFP drawbridge that the mard arses are bleating about was voted in by most of them so in the majority of cases fuck them as they've reaped what they've sown.
Bit of a digression but does anyone else enjoy seeing other fans' dismayed reactions when City score? There was a bloke at WHU on Saturday who stood up and threw a fit when Haaland scored his third - he's over on the side wearing black in the highlights video. Sometimes they put their head in their hands, sometimes you can see them curse, Arsenal fans have been known to throw a chair or two. And at Fulham they applaud. All very enjoyable and I always look to see how they react. Maybe I'm just being sadistic.
Bit of a digression but does anyone else enjoy seeing other fans' dismayed reactions when City score? There was a bloke at WHU on Saturday who stood up and threw a fit when Haaland scored his third - he's over on the side wearing black in the highlights video. Sometimes they put their head in their hands, sometimes you can see them curse, Arsenal fans have been known to throw a chair or two. And at Fulham they applaud. All very enjoyable and I always look to see how they react. Maybe I'm just being sadistic.

Ah, classic football fan reaction! I have often watched the Edin Dzeko show at White Hart Lane over the years, and among other things studied the reactions of the Tottenham fans. When Sergio scores his, you get a particularly good close-up of several of them near the front rows. One is standing up, waving his arms around and vituperating Kun impotently. And of course Rod scoring that last second goal at the Emirates, and then stripping off his shirt to go over to the Arsenal corner to invite the Arsenal faithful to celebrate with him is an evergreen…

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