Our 'Be Part Of It' Painting TRASHED!

glynn said:
I HATE!!!!! these scummy bitter red f**ks hence i did my own photoshop.
Its not exactly 100%manc quality!! But hey I only bought photoshop today and i am very new to it. hence the white backgrounds cant find out how to make them transparent.

grabs coat and leaves Lol CTID


my god - that is just brilliant, you can barely see the join. have you ever thought of a career in super-real animation in film or gaming production? - I'd give it a go..... ;-)
york away to this! said:
glynn said:
I HATE!!!!! these scummy bitter red f**ks hence i did my own photoshop.
Its not exactly 100%manc quality!! But hey I only bought photoshop today and i am very new to it. hence the white backgrounds cant find out how to make them transparent.

grabs coat and leaves Lol CTID


my god - that is just brilliant, you can barely see the join. have you ever thought of a career in super-real animation in film or gaming production? - I'd give it a go..... ;-)

There's a 't' missing off the end of that.
ArcspacE said:
Pardon the ignorance, but what does '35 years' signify?

time since last major domestic trophy won but it's 34 years

we've basically already won the premier league [x] number of times in the decade with the cash we have available, it's just a case of when those titles will come and how it'll all pan out so when the scum go on about 34 years it doesn't bother me.

the plastic reds down here don't say it anyway, I don't think they know this fact about our club. it's more a local (in manchester) thing.
Little Johnny's Teacher says - whoever can answer the following questions can have a half day from school.
Who said "...ask not what your country can do for you" - before Johnny can open his mouth, Nancy shouts "John F Kennedy"
Teacher says "very good, Nancy, you can go"
Teacher asks "who said - I have a dream" - before Johnny can open his mouth, Mary shouts - "Martin Luther King"
Teacher says very good Mary, you can go"
Johnny is raging & just as teacher turns her back Johnny says "I wish those bitches would keep their fucking mouths shut"
Teacher looks & says "who said that"
Johnny replies "Wayne fuckin Rooney - see you tomorrow"
Biggsy1 said:
Tick tock tick tock!!

Now I'm a placid red, with many blue mates and even red vermin mates. But I must say this 'tick tock' stuff is proper cringeworthy - almost embarrassing - when you consider our three victories last season. It doesn't offend any reds I know, and simply reminds us of those glorious derbies.


So, erm, keep it coming :)

Oh and this mural is better.


All the best on Saturday.
daveduke67 said:
0161 said:

Wow - fantastic bit of photoshop work there.
Perhaps the person who did that could print it off sell copies? Then donate the profits to the club - they need all they can get don't they?

Dunno fella, quite like it myself. Simple but effective. Pictures saying a thousand words and all that. Have another look - I reckon you might warm to it.
0161 said:
daveduke67 said:
Wow - fantastic bit of photoshop work there.
Perhaps the person who did that could print it off sell copies? Then donate the profits to the club - they need all they can get don't they?

Dunno fella, quite like it myself. Simple but effective. Pictures saying a thousand words and all that. Have another look - I reckon you might warm to it.

Says six words to me - I.....am.....rubbish......at......using......photoshop.

The only way I'd warm to anything to do with the rags would be if it was on fire in front of me.

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