Our fans today

Josh Blue said:
Blue Mooner said:
Yeh great 'support' from our fans singing we never win at home and we never win away.....

Truly awe inspiring stuff to our players to hear that......!!

Oh and to round it off we don't give a f*ck (presumerably about the result)cos we're all pissed up.....wow the players must get really pumped up knowing that none of our fans give a sh@t about the result.

Tbh I would rather hear silence than this sh*te song.

Don't give me it's ironic, it's city fans gallows humour blah blah it's shite, negative and everything that is wrong with our fans.

On the one hand we supposedly don't give a f*ck but when you come on here after a loss it's like the world has ended, ycnmiu.

Will never join in with this song, it's an embarrassment and harks back to the bad old days. The team and manager and club have moved on, it's about time the fans did too.

It was a great moment mate, give your head a wobble.

Ha ha - I remember some fucker moaning about that exact same song at SJP on New Year's Day 1994 when Andy Cole was tearing us a new one. Some clown got all uppity about it, shouting "But we do give a fuck because if we keep losing we're going down". To this day, I genuinely think he believed that all us blues that were singing it seriously didn't give a fuck that we were losing and were utter dogshit!

I wasn't there yesterday but by all accounts it was a cracking away day, despite the result and performance.
Blue Mooner said:
Yeh great 'support' from our fans singing we never win at home and we never win away.....

Truly awe inspiring stuff to our players to hear that......!!

Oh and to round it off we don't give a f*ck (presumerably about the result)cos we're all pissed up.....wow the players must get really pumped up knowing that none of our fans give a sh@t about the result.

Tbh I would rather hear silence than this sh*te song.

Don't give me it's ironic, it's city fans gallows humour blah blah it's shite, negative and everything that is wrong with our fans.

On the one hand we supposedly don't give a f*ck but when you come on here after a loss it's like the world has ended, ycnmiu.

Will never join in with this song, it's an embarrassment and harks back to the bad old days. The team and manager and club have moved on, it's about time the fans did too.

Danamy said:
allan harper said:
Josh Blue said:

Can somebody embed, it's not working for me.

It's working fine mate, I'm on that video.

I didn't realise you was a steward in your spare time? ;-)

Not just any steward mate, showtec steward, I hate fans especially those scruffs in 111
ballinio said:
squirtyflower said:
ballinio said:
no, makes a big difference to you that does`nt it
not particularly

had you been there perhaps you would have used your huge intellect and personality to get everyone singing something more to your liking

nah, forget that, just woman about those who did spend their hard earned and support their club only to be accused of being cringeworthy by someone who has the song writing talent of Bob Dylan

come on what would you have had them sing in order to inspire the players and televisual viewers?
maybe the theme from Cheers or Dads army or something.
Jesus tapdancing christ, alright the next time things are in the shit we'll start singing "who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler", that's totally appropriate and will encourage the lads.

What fucking planet are you on?
Blue Mooner said:
Yeh great 'support' from our fans singing we never win at home and we never win away.....

Truly awe inspiring stuff to our players to hear that......!!

Oh and to round it off we don't give a f*ck (presumerably about the result)cos we're all pissed up.....wow the players must get really pumped up knowing that none of our fans give a sh@t about the result.

Tbh I would rather hear silence than this sh*te song.

Don't give me it's ironic, it's city fans gallows humour blah blah it's shite, negative and everything that is wrong with our fans.

On the one hand we supposedly don't give a f*ck but when you come on here after a loss it's like the world has ended, ycnmiu.

Will never join in with this song, it's an embarrassment and harks back to the bad old days. The team and manager and club have moved on, it's about time the fans did too.

City Are Back!
The turning point last season was when 'we never win at home...' started being sung regularly. Remember West Brom at home the night the rags lost at Wigan it was sung loads.

I suspect that poster complaining about it was on a wind-up. It's probably our best song. Original as far as I'm aware, loud and does't even reference the rags.
Squadmissile said:
ballinio said:
squirtyflower said:
not particularly

had you been there perhaps you would have used your huge intellect and personality to get everyone singing something more to your liking

nah, forget that, just woman about those who did spend their hard earned and support their club only to be accused of being cringeworthy by someone who has the song writing talent of Bob Dylan

come on what would you have had them sing in order to inspire the players and televisual viewers?
maybe the theme from Cheers or Dads army or something.
Jesus tapdancing christ, alright the next time things are in the shit we'll start singing "who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler", that's totally appropriate and will encourage the lads.

What fucking planet are you on?
just another sad fuck who wants to have a pop at those who go
Blue Mooner said:
Yeh great 'support' from our fans singing we never win at home and we never win away.....

Truly awe inspiring stuff to our players to hear that......!!

Oh and to round it off we don't give a f*ck (presumerably about the result)cos we're all pissed up.....wow the players must get really pumped up knowing that none of our fans give a sh@t about the result.

Tbh I would rather hear silence than this sh*te song.

Don't give me it's ironic, it's city fans gallows humour blah blah it's shite, negative and everything that is wrong with our fans.

On the one hand we supposedly don't give a f*ck but when you come on here after a loss it's like the world has ended, ycnmiu.

Will never join in with this song, it's an embarrassment and harks back to the bad old days. The team and manager and club have moved on, it's about time the fans did too.

There is a difference between moving on and forgetting where you have come from. I personally feel the fans have moved on, maybe not completely, but I think we have. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with 'harking back to the bad old days'. It shows we have a bit of humour about us when everybody is laughing at us, and haven't forgotten where we have come from. Only difference is, now everyone is laughing at us cause they dont like us, not because we are shit. And to be honest, I don't think the fans should really have to stop singing a song cause its negative, this is our club, and our fans, and we can support the team how we always have done. I actually think it is much more uplifting to have a bit of humour thrown at you. If I have a bad day at work I wouldn't want all my mates chanting my name and pushing me to get through it, I'd want them to have a bit of humour and cheer me up. And also, I dont actually think 'typical city' is as over as other people seem to think, and I'm glad, cause although it was painful, it was a bit of a laugh, the Mancunian humour showing through and not taking everything too seriously, and thats why I think this song is absolutely top. Of course you can support the team how you see fit and that's fine, but personally I think you are looking at it the complete wrong way.
Blue Mooner said:
Yeh great 'support' from our fans singing we never win at home and we never win away.....

Truly awe inspiring stuff to our players to hear that......!!

Oh and to round it off we don't give a f*ck (presumerably about the result)cos we're all pissed up.....wow the players must get really pumped up knowing that none of our fans give a sh@t about the result.

Tbh I would rather hear silence than this sh*te song.

Don't give me it's ironic, it's city fans gallows humour blah blah it's shite, negative and everything that is wrong with our fans.

On the one hand we supposedly don't give a f*ck but when you come on here after a loss it's like the world has ended, ycnmiu.

Will never join in with this song, it's an embarrassment and harks back to the bad old days. The team and manager and club have moved on, it's about time the fans did too.

You need to change your moniker.

Blue Moaner seems appropriate.

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