Our season could be over in a fortnight

jayblue said:
Ducado said:
ElMatador said:
If we lose to chelsea and Barcelona we have fucked it. We have been so unlucky with the timing of injuries but our midfield has no depth to it whatsoever.

Is this what passes for debate? What do you want us to say and do? Put our collective arms around you and convince you it will al be OK?

Absolutely pathetic, it's understandable that we as fans are a bit pissed off about the last two games, but there is a difference in the way some of us handle it, I fear that playing at this level is a bit too much for some City fans
Hes only stating a fact on an internet forum. Lets not start any topics and shut the site down or are we to just start topics that you like and happy clap our way to the end of the season.

He didn't state a single fact. Only opinions.
ElMatador said:
If we lose to chelsea and Barcelona we have fucked it. We have been so unlucky with the timing of injuries but our midfield has no depth to it whatsoever.
Yeah and maybe it couldn't,stick to hanging about outside the casualty department
If we win the League Cup in 3 weeks it will be one of our best seasons ever, at least in the top 10 - and not over in 2 weeks either.
erast fandorin said:
ElMatador said:
If we lose to chelsea and Barcelona we have fucked it. We have been so unlucky with the timing of injuries but our midfield has no depth to it whatsoever.

we'll all still be here (including the rags, WUMs, trolls, clinically depressed etc etc). most of the rags will jump ship to the Chavs or the Arse but we'll still be here supporting our Team. the future is Blue my friends.
At this stage of the season, it has to be about winning trophies not plaudits.

Full strength for Sunderland and Chelsea.

We can win the FA Cup if we beat Chelsea, one of Liverpool and Arsenal are going out (hopefully a replay there)

Fully understand the owners want the kudos of beating Barca, but even Celtic have done that.

A few goals against Sunderland can give us a much needed booster.

A very well respected top eight manager was asked about Chelsea's victory over us last week.

He demanded off the record. He called it parasitic football and this supposed masterclass from Chelsea he laughed out.
m7mcfc said:
Doom and gloom FFS. Where were you when we were shit.

FOOKIN SPOT ON ! I remember the dark days all the disappointment,all the pain,suffering,cold 400 mile journeys home after another long distance away drubbing then i sat down to arrange my next 400 mile round trip away day with not a hint of regret ...................we're city boys nothing comes easy to a city disciple it's not all win win win, trophy trophy trophy If you want that leave now.We're still involved on all 4 fronts and the rags are NO FUCKING WHERE ! these are exciting times people take it from a 40 year supporter !
And a 50 odd year supporter
Well said

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