Our supporters.

Eccles Blue said:
jrb said:
Eccles Blue said:
No, it's them that look like the joke. Hand painted banners, flags waved so that the people attending to the match can't see the game (which surely is what they are there for?) drums banging etc. I am sorry but those photos just made me laugh. The Europeans have it down to a fine art yes and it is spectacular for a one off match but it would begin to grate on me after a few matches. Singing yes, (sitting;-) ) shouting yes, cheering yes, but not that artificial 'look at us we are here for a day out' look. FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL.

I've been reading about people saying it's becoming a Theme Park, just for families, etc., etc., etc., and can see where they are coming from, but those displays above are even more of a Butlin's atmosphere than a Theme Park!! IMHO

p.s. Caveman, even Ducado, as a Mod, has a right to his opinion. Again IMHO. :-)

But it doesn't have to be like that.

At this point all I'm after are the basics. Put all those that want to stand and sing in together.(in the current away end) Job done.

If the Ultra scene develops over time, so be it. If not it doesn't matter, as all the singers will be together.

And in all honesty it shouldn't affect you as a fan, as I take you won't be anywhere near that part of the stadium.? And I'm sure even you wouldn't mind constant vocal support at home matches. Or would you?

I'm not sure that the EVEN YOU is relevant because if you read my posts you may discover that, at present I feel as if I am one of a very small minority in the CBL1 that manages to sing, shout, cheer!! But hey, don't let your sense of grievance that I don't like manufactured atmospheres get in the way of the truth!!! :-)

There's no grievance, honest. :-)

On one hand you tell us you sing and shout in CBL1, which is indeed great, and then you go onto ridicule fans who want to create an atmosphere by other means. Strange that!

Let's be honest, it should bother you one bit what other City fans do inside the ground as long as it doesn't affect you., or take away your enjoyment of the match.

No, it's them that look like the joke. Hand painted banners, flags waved so that the people attending to the match can't see the game (which surely is what they are there for?) drums banging etc. I am sorry but those photos just made me laugh.

If that's the case, it's already happened at the Etihad. 6 manufactured singing sections, that don't really work. Why not condense them down to 1 or 2 singing sections that do actually work? Agreed? This would open up 3 more blocks in the Kippax for fans to sit and watch the match. No?

manufactured atmosphere

As for the fans waving flags and obscuring the views of others fans. That wouldn't be the case. As I've already stated, all the singers and flag wavers would be located in the same blocks, away from fans who want to sit and watch the game in peace.

No, it's them that look like the joke. Hand painted banners, flags waved so that the people attending to the match can't see the game

Now it's not rocket science, but I'm sure some posters still aren't getting this.

Relocate the standers, singers, flag wavers, drummers(arf!), Capo's(arf!) to the current away blocks, and let the rest of the fans in the stadium watch the match without........(fill in as appropriate)

TBH I think some posters are just mischief making, when in reality they know the arguments for the above setup are valid and would solve many problems currently affecting various sections of our support.

Time for a Beer! :-)
Eccles Blue said:
mancityvstoke said:
Ducado said:
What's the problem some people seem to have with families?

Not seen many posts saying families don't belong at the Etihad stadium to be honest mate.

Just that some fans would like more than just to watch the game.

I agree that to sing whilst sat down will never take off.

Well it does with me!!

That's great for you................however as far as it taking off on a huge scale? NEVER...............the rot started at Maine Road with the new KIPPAX.
OK mancityvstoke and jrb, I think it is time to agree to differ on this one. Each to their own, I shall carry on with my one woman campaign to get people singing whilst sitting down and let you carry on with yours for the 'Ultra' business.

I wonder if my stand is why I have not received a response to my email to 'Wearethesouthstand' requesting a ticket to the Fans Forum next week? Opposition views not welcome??

You may find lads that I sit and inwardly digest the comments made at the Fans Forum(s) and only respond when absolutely necessary!!! :-)
Eccles Blue said:
OK mancityvstoke and jrb, I think it is time to agree to differ on this one. Each to their own, I shall carry on with my one woman campaign to get people singing whilst sitting down and let you carry on with yours for the 'Ultra' business.

I wonder if my stand is why I have not received a response to my email to 'Wearethesouthstand' requesting a ticket to the Fans Forum next week? Opposition views not welcome??

You may find lads that I sit and inwardly digest the comments made at the Fans Forum(s) and only respond when absolutely necessary!!! :-)

I aint no ULTRA lol...just old skool blue
It always strikes me that the design of the stadium means this former athletics track leaves the audience just a bit too far from the pitch. Would it be possible to excavate the pitch by two or three feet so that an extra two or three rows could be added at the front of the existing stands, bringing the crowd a bit nearer to the action?

Another thing. Last year, City were reported as being prepared to participate in a safe-standing experiment. Is there anyone ITK who can reveal if there is any progress with this? The lack of atmosphere here, and at other stadiums, will persist until standing can make a return.
I'm no cynic said:
It always strikes me that the design of the stadium means this former athletics track leaves the audience just a bit too far from the pitch. Would it be possible to excavate the pitch by two or three feet so that an extra two or three rows could be added at the front of the existing stands, bringing the crowd a bit nearer to the action?

Another thing. Last year, City were reported as being prepared to participate in a safe-standing experiment. Is there anyone ITK who can reveal if there is any progress with this? The lack of atmosphere here, and at other stadiums, will persist until standing can make a return.

The pitch was dug down to get level one in.....its also quite close already
Have a read of the damning assessment of our atmosphere yesterday by a first timer on the 1894 sub-forum.

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://forums.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=289949" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=16&t=289949</a>
mancityvstoke said:
Eccles Blue said:
OK mancityvstoke and jrb, I think it is time to agree to differ on this one. Each to their own, I shall carry on with my one woman campaign to get people singing whilst sitting down and let you carry on with yours for the 'Ultra' business.

I wonder if my stand is why I have not received a response to my email to 'Wearethesouthstand' requesting a ticket to the Fans Forum next week? Opposition views not welcome??

You may find lads that I sit and inwardly digest the comments made at the Fans Forum(s) and only respond when absolutely necessary!!! :-)

I aint no ULTRA lol...just old skool blue

Whoops sorry, and just noticed that you live in Charlestown and I love the last bit of your location "Please stop taking me seriously". Brilliant.
Caveman said:
Hung said:
Caveman said:
With Palace it isn't because they've been out of the Prem for eight years and now they're back in the big time. Palace fans were getting sick to death of the shit atmospheres in English football so took it upon themselves to change it. They looked at different sets of fans around Europe and made links with one club's Ultras (can't remember which club) and made the effort to visit that club and experience what supporting a football club is about.

From there they created their own Ultras group called Holmesdale Fanatics. Some of the lads involved have said it's been like a full time job getting to the level they have reached now. They've been at this level for a fair few years now though, even before they nearly went out of business they were getting very good.

They're organised and up for it. If they were in City's situation they'd still be creating the noise because of the hard work their lads put into it all. It's not just about turning up and singing because they're back in the Prem with Palace.

Sounds like the Palace fans are taking it far too seriously.
Why? Because they got off their arses and did something...something that is actually quite special and puts fans of clubs like us Arsenal and United to shame?

Do you think the stand-long banners paint themselves? Lads have to go to multi-story car parks when they're closed and paint through the night. They're not just bringing shit flags in from 'barmyflags.co.uk' they're creating things like this:

They foresaw that English football atmospheres were heading the way they've gone at our ground and did a positive thing about it. This is exactly what Eintracht Frankfurt fans did in the late 90s and within a decade everyone else in Germany had followed suit. That's what Ultras and Barras Bravas are all like around the world. It's a way of life.

Look at the Aris fans. They were God-like, but these things don't just happen. They have to take it seriously.

Maybe we just don't have as many fans these days who 'live and breath it' enough to want to trot around Europe on a fact finding mission to establish 'how to do it'. I suppose ultimately, it's down to your motivation. I suppose that years in the lower divisions with no real hope of anything other than the occasional promotion leads fans to focus upon simply 'being a fan'. Our years in the wilderness bred a generation who supported City with no hope of anything other than the camaraderie of a common cause. The change to what we have become happens quickly when there is a modicum of success.

The bigger picture means that it will get worse rather than better. If we want to watch the likes of Aguero, Yaya, Silva etc, we need to generate cash. This is more effectively done by attracting Day Tripper's and Families, who shop in the store, buy the food and pay more for a 'one off' ticket. The atmosphere in 10 years time will be even more sanitized if we continue to be successful, believe me.

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