Overseas blues

gman07 said:
stockholm blue syndrome said:
and now 1 in laois
world domination!!! and at least a couple are from Norway... first but not last Bluegutten and his collection of City shirts... and i think there are at least 3 more swedes... Nicky Nikky, Humlannitton and BLue henrik..
yeh but they need post on the site and tell us why they are city fans
I posted this in another thread, so it's easier to copy pasta than rewrite.

Another US City supporter here. I lurk here much more than posting, but i've been reading this board for a couple years. Born, raised and still living in Los Angeles. I have followed City since 2003 (yeah, not as long as some, but still have had some of the roller coaster). I've posted this before, but I began supporting City because (1) my best friend in graduate school was the typical United fan (Singaporean, never been to a game, etc...) and (2) one of my students was a City supporter. I had previously just followed international football and decided to follow the EPL. After talking to the two of them, City was the obvious answer (history, heartbreak, relegation and promotion is so much better than glory hunting) . Since then I've watched every match I can, I normally schedule my work so that any time City are playing I can watch them (Weekday matches are at noon here so it's a perfect long lunch at the pub). Sometimes it's rough to wake up at 6am on the weekend for the early matches, but it's equally bad for the delayed matches where I have to avoid the websites for 6 to 8 hours to watch the match. If the matches are at a decent time, I'll go to a local pub to watch the match. It's mostly filled with United fans, but there are a couple others that support various smaller clubs so it's not that bad.

I have actually been to Eastlands for a match. I traveled to England over the holiday break in 2004/2005. Our plane was about 8 hours late in arriving in London because of a snowstorm in New York, so we got into our hotel at about midnight with having to be at the train station at something like 8am to catch the train to Manchester. After an extra long layover and not being able to adjust to the time it was rough, but we made it to the station in time. I can't remember exactly why but we had to get off the train at one stop and take a bus to Manchester Piccadilly. We arrive and had no clue how to get to COMS so we ask around at the station and get some very vague directions. Knowing this would not turn out well, we ask some black guy in a City shirt how to get to there. He was nice enough to take us to the bus stop to the stadium and rode with us there, got us to the ticket window so we got our tickets all sorted and told us how to get back to the station after the match. The match ended up being a typical dull affair against a poor side (West Brom December 28th, 2004) in cold, wet Manchester but it was City, in Manchester. It was one of the best days of my life.
Born and raised in Norway.. have been City supporters for 29 years.. my brothers and my mom and Dad are City supporters.. been to Maine Road and Coms 15 times now.. I am going over in November to see City against Arse..
stockholm blue syndrome said:
2 in Sweden and 1 on the way
1 in Dubai
Ireland steaming away with 7
5 in Australia
2 in Germany
1 in Argentina
3 in France
4 in Spain
4 in the USA
1 in Northern Ireland
1 in Russia
and 1 in Canada

I know this is only for Bluemoon members, but I help run the supporters club over here and we now have over 30 members (all expats). Hoping for a bumper turnout on Saturday. 20 guaranteed so far.

If anyone's ever over here on holiday, don't hesitate to get in touch via PM. We've organised plenty of impromptu piss ups for visiting Blues, even when there's no game on!
Beer and eating out is cheaper but other stuff costs crazy money.I still buy
my stimulants in Dulin.[/quote]
lol mate i make the odd trip down myself[/quote]
You gonna do Kerry?[/quote]
aye i'm confident just got my ticket they're like hens teeth

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