Patrick Viera - really starting to look the part






Sorry but it's true, he is past it. That said he's had a couple of decent to good games for us, I just think it would be suicide to play him against Arsenal, the rags, Villa, and Spuds.
Fanny Fart said:
Thought he had a great game last night, this couple with his showing at Fulham shows that he is really starting to settle into the team.

It was his craft that opened up Wigans defence for the first goal, something the likes of Barry and De Jong cant do.

Is he signed permanent or on loan? If he is only on loan and puts in performances like that in the World Cup, I think we may have a battle on our hands with Eurpoes elite clubs for his signature.

How will Barry get back into the team now??

the guy can read a game thats it apart from that he's finished paceless 50% of his passes don't find there target we need 2 play people with more pace in the center of the midfield its a shame that we won't be able to address this until the summer and it will cost us 4th spot

Ps. To the guy sat behind me last night who booed Vieras every touch, fuck off and support someone else.
7 years ago i never expected to hear "Get fucking Barry on, Vieria is shite" so many time in a game
Fanny Fart said:
Thought he had a great game last night, this couple with his showing at Fulham shows that he is really starting to settle into the team.

It was his craft that opened up Wigans defence for the first goal, something the likes of Barry and De Jong cant do.

Is he signed permanent or on loan? If he is only on loan and puts in performances like that in the World Cup, I think we may have a battle on our hands with Eurpoes elite clubs for his signature.

How will Barry get back into the team now??

Ps. To the guy sat behind me last night who booed Vieras every touch, fuck off and support someone else.
you takin the piss?
he was playing in a 2 man central midfield so of course he struggled.

I assume mancini played him because Ireland failed a fitness test? And he also said he wanted to rest barry because of pending suspensions to other midfielders

Vieira has the experience to carry on trying to make passes when the crowd are screaming. The rest of the team were seriously rattled before the sending off / 1st goal. Experience does count. He's one of the few players in our team who has won something. The other is Tevez and he was our best performer.
Marvin said:
he was playing in a 2 man central midfield so of course he struggled.

I assume mancini played him because Ireland failed a fitness test? And he also said he wanted to rest barry because of pending suspensions to other midfielders

Vieira has the experience to carry on trying to make passes when the crowd are screaming. The rest of the team were seriously rattled before the sending off / 1st goal. Experience does count. He's one of the few players in our team who has won something. The other is Tevez and he was our best performer.

An astute comment, hits the nail on the head for me. Of course the balance of the midfield was wrong - I doubt Mancini expected it to be right, without Ireland and Barry that is impossible.

The point about having the experience to keep passing is spot on. Similarly, Mancini has the balls and experience to rest Barry (crucial at some point) even where it led to a sub-optimal team on the night. You have to rotate. Good managers know that - Hughes tended to run his players into the ground too much for my liking.
Fanny Fart said:
Thought he had a great game last night, this couple with his showing at Fulham shows that he is really starting to settle into the team.

It was his craft that opened up Wigans defence for the first goal, something the likes of Barry and De Jong cant do.

Is he signed permanent or on loan? If he is only on loan and puts in performances like that in the World Cup, I think we may have a battle on our hands with Eurpoes elite clubs for his signature.

How will Barry get back into the team now??

Ps. To the guy sat behind me last night who booed Vieras every touch, fuck off and support someone else.

Where do you get your smokes from? Couldn't catch a bus he is so sloooooooow
i thought he played well last night. sure he was crap in the first half but so was everybody else yet viera only gets the stick? he helped create goals last night which is what we need- 3 points from games. to everyone saying he is too slow, i got news for you: barry isnt fast, certainly not significantly faster, same for ireland and i dont think de jong is that fast either (was getting passed by just as was viera last night). we dont have that box-to-box midfield boss to turn to so lets just accept that. i would play viera/barry as much as possible just so we have a bigger goal threat. when de jong,for all his crunching tackles and snarling, has been in the side, we have still conceded goals even under hughes and so my question is: what does he add if we're still conceding?
From where I was sat last night his performance bordered on the inept. His passing was diabolical for most of the game, one or two exceptions obviously. He had no legs, never tracked runners and failed to close anyone down. Shame really, as he was probably in the top 3 best midfielders to ever play in the premier league. Should not have come back.

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