Paul Pogba

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He's not even the best player at city
have you ever played football mate..seriously..have you?
if you can,t see how exsquite a footballer kdb is i feel sorry for you.
ive played the game since i was 5 years old, still play now at 49, and the skills that KDB has take my breath away.when you play the game of football, as opposed to being a sky sports casual observer,chatting shit and placing your bet in the bookies,hoping for the best....once you ve played the game, felt what it feels like to control a football ,make a pass,control a pass with your first touch,be aware of other plyers around you,be able to thread a ball through a ruck of players,play a wall pass and go..if you have ever done that ,at any level..and you then watch kdb perform,then you know that we have an incredible football player on our books.
yaya toure is probably one of the finest midfield players ever to play the game in this country..did you see/hear what he said about kdb when he first joined? do you listen to respected international footballers when they speak about their team mates in such exalted terms...or do you just listen to the sky sports rhetoric,pck up the vibe from the bookies,listen to your mates and bounce your mouth off?
Players like KDB come along once or twice in a generation. We have him here at City. watch him closely,take note.and stop chatting shit.
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bet in the bo
have you ever played football mate..seriously..have you?
if you can,t see how exsquite a footballer kdb is i feel sorry for you.
ive played the game since i was 5 years old, still play now at 49, and the skills that KDB has take my breath away.when you play the game of football, as opposed to being a sky sports casual observer,chatting shit and placing your bet in the bookies,hoping for the best....once you ve played the game, felt what it feels like to control a football ,make a pass,control a pass with your first touch,be aware of other plyers around you,be able to thread a ball through a ruck of players,play a wall pass and go..if you have ever done that ,at any level..and you then watch kdb perform,then you know that we have an incredible football player on our books.
yaya toure is probably one of the finest midfield players ever to play the game in this country..did you see/hear what he said about kdb when he first joined? do you listen to respected international footballers when they speak about their team mates in such exalted terms...or do you just listen to the sky sports rhetoric,pck up the vibe from the bookies,listen to your mates and bounce your mouth off?
Players like KDB come along once or twice in a generation. We have him here at City. watch him closely,take note.and stop chatting shit.
This has to be the most embarrassing post ever , I never said de bruyne wasn't a good footballer infact he's one of my favorites, you just spent an age writing a post that makes you sound like a tosser haha youd swear you were winning champions leagues and not kicking a ball about on a sunday ya absolute goon
This has to be the most embarrassing post ever , I never said de bruyne wasn't a good footballer infact he's one of my favorites, you just spent an age writing a post that makes you sound like a tosser haha youd swear you were winning champions leagues and not kicking a ball about on a sunday ya absolute goon
all about opinions mate .
Can ye guys not just discuss things without the disrespect? You both have good points and you share being blues so no need for the attacks.

This place used to be welcoming. Is it just me who sees it becoming intolerant?
Whichever way you look st this it's an incredibly poor piece of business. A further legacy from an aging dictator letting him go as he did with countless others. The player is undoubtably talented but has done nothing, and I mean nothing, to warrant a price tag like this. He stands out in an incredibly poor Italian league. Let him go to United. I'd love him at City but I'm not concerned at all. He won't win things on his own.
Whichever way you look st this it's an incredibly poor piece of business. A further legacy from an aging dictator letting him go as he did with countless others. The player is undoubtably talented but has done nothing, and I mean nothing, to warrant a price tag like this. He stands out in an incredibly poor Italian league. Let him go to United. I'd love him at City but I'm not concerned at all. He won't win things on his own.

In business terms unless we see the output of Pogba and his impact in the team, we cannot conclude it as incredibly poor at the moment, but in footballing terms they have improved a key position and that's all that matters. Most of our fanbase don't care about 50m being spend on Stones and try to explain 'IT'S NOT MY/YOUR MONEY'. So why bother with the price tag of Pogba ?
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