Pellegrini's post-Barca comments. Update P12. 2 game ban

Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

cookster said:
Marvin said:
cookster said:
Like I said complete over reaction by some mard arses. The same mard arses who cry when Maureen acts like a dick.
The only one who's crying is you, and we know why after the season you've had

Marvellous Marvin you really are a grade A dickhead. Please call me anything but a RAG you f@cking prick.

If you want to check my credentials as a blue we can meet up before the game on Saturday for a pint?
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

The thing is... He'll get in trouble for it now.. but it's worth saying because next time they will be very paranoid about giving soft free kicks against us. Otherwise it just gives Manuel ammunition to say "see, I told you so!".

It's worth stating it publicly and in the full media limelight. Short term pain, long term gain.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

omcfc said:
The thing is... He'll get in trouble for it now.. but it's worth saying because next time they will be very paranoid about giving soft free kicks against us. Otherwise it just gives Manuel ammunition to say "see, I told you so!".

It's worth stating it publicly and in the full media limelight. Short term pain, long term gain.
Doubt he thought about it strategically. Just reacting to the game as he's seen it.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Good Manure supporter of the year

Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

omcfc said:
It's worth stating it publicly and in the full media limelight. Short term pain, long term gain.

I don't blame Pellegrini for what he said. He was steaming mad, and also correct. Sometimes you just have to get it off your chest.

But there will be no long term gain. He'll be banned for the rest of this years campaign and then next year everyone - refs included - will have forgotten all about it.
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

afro2007 said:
the ref. had nothing to do with what happened on the pitch,Pelle has to take the blame for making changes to a competitive match with a team more experience in the cCL that can punish u with less focus,he should have played is own game rather than concentrating on barcelona,which caused us really bad. Two seasons barc were beaten by psg and last season it was milano in their home, we go beaten in our home ground which tells us that we are not ready as a team to make history.

spot on. Pellers was pointed before the chelsea fa game stating that he would not alter his way of playing for anyone. city play their game and let the opposition worry about us. So two faces later, he goes to One up Top (!!!), puts Navas on the right, clichy & kolorov (who play in exactly the same position) on the left, with only negredo to take on any crosses - on top of not considering that barca were not going to let our wingers get down the wing anyway. essentially, pellers set out our team in a way that they have hardly played all season (look what happened when bobby manc went to 3 at the back!!) and then, deflects the blame onto the ref -KNOWING that most CL games are 'over refereed'.

Of course he was pissed, but he gains absolutely nothing by mouthing off. In fact, those comments were just as idiotic as demichelis tackle - and pellers had time to actually think about what to say……….

don't get me wrong, pellers is a dream come true and I love his way, but he has clearly shown he is prone to buckle under a bit of pressure in the really big games. he is better than that
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Shoulnt have bought nationality into the picture
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

neel said:
Shoulnt have bought nationality into the picture

I think he should. On a weekly basis what matches does this ref have to control. To ref in the CL IMHO you should have to be reffing in the top leagues in Europe

The average attendance in the Swedish league is 7,200 the same as our Division 1 now the pressures of regularly reffing world class players in large stadiums is different to those that he faces in Sweden

I think it is right that Pellegrini is right to point it out. I think if there are top refs in "smaller" leagues (no disrespect to Sweden) out there they should be reffing in the top domestic leagues throughout Europe to ensure that they can cope with CL football
Re: Manuel Pellegrini's post-Barca comments.

Okay shoot me down, say I'm biased (I am) but I felt this sort of thing was going to happen before the game of any EPL team vs europes best. The epl in my opinion is the strongest/best league in the world. It showed as up until a couple of years ago, for the last 10 years EPL teams have dominated the Champions League, can't remember how many years ago but 3 out of the last 4 teams in the semi were EPL. I think this would and did make the EPL even stronger with better players wanting to play in it as they would get a better run in the champions league etc, be tested by playing the best week in and out. Instead of looking at Spain, Italy, France where there are only 2 or so teams in each of their top leagues likely to win the league and domestic cups each year, lets penalise the EPL sides

So FIFA can't really have this happening, so lets be a little prejudiced against EPL teams, few sendings off or penalties given, border line decisions against the EPL. If I'm crazy so be it, but City and Arsenal this year, players sent off, penalties awarded against them, fowls ignored against them, not way over the top against us, but only needs one player sent off and you are on your back foot, especially against the likes of Barcelona or Bayern. Chelsea had a player sent off against Barca couple of years ago and on and on the same. I'm crap at remembering instances from other games etc and no good at stats, but this is my feeling.

As I said maybe I'm paranoid, maybe crazy, but I do think the refs may have an agenda given to them against EPL sides at the bequest of FIFA?. Keep the winners of THE European Cup spread around Europe not dominated by EPL sides?

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