Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

Made me laugh when he asked whether UEFA were going to fine themselves for making the announcement about the postponement an hour after their own rules state they have to announce it by.
That would be on City and BMG. It's up to them to decide the date and time within two hours.

Which neither club could do as BMG wanted an earlier kick off but City couldn't get the stewards in for it.

So if anyone gets fined which I doubt, it would be both clubs.
I've never booed the CL anthem but fully understand why it happens. It's a tough one because it is such an emotive issue and we feel that we have been right royally screwed by UEFA so many times over so many issues - FFP, fines, stadium bans that have hurt the away fans just as hard, etc.

However, there has to be a point where enough is enough. I would suggest that some strategically placed satirical banners for CL matches might be the way forward(1894 Group are pretty good at this kind of thing).
Biggest protest we can make is by winning the bloody thing. A good rendition of CITY will suffice now when the music plays. The point has been made many times with no change in direction from UEFA.
We need to get over our small time mentality and paranoia, otherwise where will it stop. Booing at kick off when sky or bt come to town. Thicker skin required, do our talking on the pitch and to f@vk with the rest.
Short sightedness creeping in. No, Pep's not the messiah and yes he's not going to be around forever. However, it's hard to see how any of the changes are going to last if he's purely being written off as just another manager. Maybe he was just that for Bayern but we are not Bayern. A large part of what he's trying to instill is a big club mentality. Keyword there is mentality. Personally, I don't feel like that can be achieved whilst we retain what frankly can and will be perceived as a victim complex with regards to a preferential treatment of the "elite clubs".

Whereas there is indisputable evidence of UEFA's system of justice being cack handed and costing us dearly, we are already a very, very big club. What's stopping us from accepting we are in the elite bracket? Mentality.

Who knows? Maybe we don't want that kind of mindset; I know that one of the reasons I and many others chose to follow City was because of our underdog status and that will forever be an intrinsic part of the DNA My club. But, if in five years we still aren't putting ourselves in that elite bracket, it won't be because of UEFA, it certainly won't be because of Pep, it will be because we haven't let our past go.
That would be on City and BMG. It's up to them to decide the date and time within two hours.

Which neither club could do as BMG wanted an earlier kick off but City couldn't get the stewards in for it.

So if anyone gets fined which I doubt, it would be both clubs.

I think it would be great if we were fined for rain but the rags get way with a fake bomb left in a toilet, my paranoia needs topping up.
Sorry but I totally disagree. It's quite obvious that even with the impending court defeat of FFP that UEFA/G14 haven't learned a thing. They change FFP not to tackle debt as it was originally supposed to, but to allow investment to build a club as we originally fought for BUT with the caveat that it's only for clubs with NEW owners! Yet again this was a latent attack on Manchester City and the like and a blatant assist to the two Milan clubs.

Both Milan clubs complain that they should be given free passage into the CL based on their former successes as it was they who helped build the CL brand & lo & behold 12 months later its on the table for discussion. This was too obvious an advantage in reality so what do G14/UEFA come with? A change in the coefficients to guarantee that if the Milan's/ManUre's do qualify for the CL, they get the easiest groups forever based on the facts outlined previously.

When UEFA becomes a fair and impartial organisation and acts in the best interest of all football fans and not in the interest of the European elite, I'll stop booing. Our point hasn't been made, its just highlighted the crooked biased foundation of G14/UEFA & yet they unashamedly continue carving up the game to suit themselves. Until this is addressed I will continue to boo until I pass out through a lack of oxygen........

I agree with your frustrations totally however:

Booing NOW is helping UEFA

There is no impending FFP court defeat it was thrown out on a technicality 12 months ago. That's not to say it won't be challenged again.
Pep is a great manager and he's got us playing fantastic football but he'll be gone in three years and he'll take his restless intellect elsewhere for another challenge. Yes he's a brilliant tactician and it's going to be wonderful while he's here, but this isn't the bloody second coming! He's just passing through just as he did at Barcelona and Munich and when he's gone we'll still be here.

So he only has a point if he stays forever?
That would be on City and BMG. It's up to them to decide the date and time within two hours.

Which neither club could do as BMG wanted an earlier kick off but City couldn't get the stewards in for it.

So if anyone gets fined which I doubt, it would be both clubs.

Ha. Bugger. Ruined the joke!
Short sightedness creeping in. No, Pep's not the messiah and yes he's not going to be around forever. However, it's hard to see how any of the changes are going to last if he's purely being written off as just another manager. Maybe he was just that for Bayern but we are not Bayern. A large part of what he's trying to instill is a big club mentality. Keyword there is mentality. Personally, I don't feel like that can be achieved whilst we retain what frankly can and will be perceived as a victim complex with regards to a preferential treatment of the "elite clubs".

Whereas there is indisputable evidence of UEFA's system of justice being cack handed and costing us dearly, we are already a very, very big club. What's stopping us from accepting we are in the elite bracket? Mentality.

Who knows? Maybe we don't want that kind of mindset; I know that one of the reasons I and many others chose to follow City was because of our underdog status and that will forever be an intrinsic part of the DNA My club. But, if in five years we still aren't putting ourselves in that elite bracket, it won't be because of UEFA, it certainly won't be because of Pep, it will be because we haven't let our past go.

You're a funny one, there's many ways to skin a cat, I want our club to be great but with a cheeky self deprecating charm and coquettish joie de vivre!

If being great means turning in to Real Madrid or the rags you can stuff that. I like to have a strong sense of miserableness, it makes the highs so much better.
I think you'll find that you're lurching very close to granting Pep divine right, he's good, but he's not perfect, when he talked about the empty stadium and the booing he simply did not know what he was talking about.

He knows exactly what he's talking about.

The booing is a demonstration against UEFA not the fans backing City. If the main concern at the start of the game, is people protesting about the governing body rather than backing the team, it's a negative attitude, not a positive one.

He wants positive, not negative. He wants to attract people to the games, to support the team, not give them a good reason to stay away. He wants to win the competition.

Why can't all of us support City during the anthem & drown it out that way, rather than booing it ?

Or is it now a demonstration against Pep & the club ?

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