Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

That's an excellent point.

In addition to everything else that has been said the fact that Pep has publicly asked us to stop changes the situation whether we like it or not. If it continues it equally looks like we are booing Pep and City. There really is no point anymore, it's not giving in its knowing when the protest has lost its effectiveness. Protest another way but booing is done now.

I don't think that anybody would regard us booing the anthem as in fact booing our team and our manager.

I do agree that Pep specifically asking us not to do so is a potential game changer. I completely disagree with those who say there is no reason to boo, or no longer a reason to boo, or that booing has no effect. But when the manager specifically asks us to stop - not because he disagrees, but because it may result in a 0.1% improvement in the team - it is time to think again. Elite level sport is often about finding tiny areas of improvement and watching them all add up to a big improvement, and if Pep thinks this is one of those areas, his opinion deserves considerable respect. He might not be the messiah but he isn't a naughty boy either.

For my own part, I would continue to boo if left to my own devices. But I accept that if there is a potential advantage in stopping that the manager has recognised, it may be a tad self indulgent to carry on.
Tbh, the next Manchester City over here, whoever it may be, has stabbed us in the back & helped Utd etc stay competitive, so they can fuck off imo.

But a perfectly good protest v UEFA is to shout City over it & it will make much more noise.

If Pep isn't happy with that, then he can fuck off as well. I think he'd be very happy with it & so would the players.
When they voted for FFP in the PL, I doubt many of them realised what it meant in reality for them. In terms of Europe, it doesn't really matter as most Prem teams can easily outspend their European counterparts. Because of the PL squad limit, clubs can only have a finite amount of players anyway so the effect is minimal.

BUT what happens if the new owners of West Brom want to be more than just PL regulars and Europa League hopefuls? That's where they'll begin to see the folly of their previously limited vision. That aside, just as I wouldn't continue to punish my kids for previous errant behaviour, I think all clubs should be forgiven if/when they do finally wake up & sniff the coffee and I would welcome that.
I've got an enormous amount of repect for Guardiola. He's by far the best manager in the world, the most influential coach of his generation, one of the best in history. I'm so happy to have him as our manager.

But, with respect, he probably shouldn't be telling our fans what they should boo and what they shouldn't.

He's come from Barcelona and Bayern, two of the G-14 / ECA clubs who are running European football and inventing self serving rules that penalise City. When I boo, it's because of the corruption at UEFA and the ECA.

He's spent his entire career on the other side of that fence. I'm not suggesting for a moment he agrees with it or that he even knows about the politics involved, but it's probably a shock for him to come from establishment clubs to one on the outside.

My personal view is that I despise UEFA, ECA, Gill and all of them bent self-serving pricks. But I love City and I love European football. I want City to be the best team in Europe (and all the land and all the world) I'd love us to win the CL.

So the Champions League creates a bit of a quandry. I love the competition but hate what it represents. In an ideal world I would want the stadium packed to the rafters, full of passionately, dyed in the wool City fans. I'd love every single person to boo the UEFA anthem with gusto and really hammer it home until there is real reform there. Then the moment the anthem stops, I'd want the whole crowd to be passionately behind the team, willing them on to go all the way.

I don't believe for one minute if that happened that booing the anthem would negatively affect the players. Far from it. We're booing because we love the club and we stand up for it and don't want it to have the piss taken out of it by a load of suits in Switzerland. The players represent that club we are standing up for, so essentially we are standing up for them as well. The players should be proud of that.

I think the problem with European attendances is because of apathy. People just aren't arsed about the competition. I really wish that would stop and people got on board. This may be our best chance ever to become recognised as the best team in the world. What a story it would be, from 3rd division to European Champions in 20 years!

We've put up with all of the shit, now it's time to help push the team over the line to get to the very top and enjoy the success.

So my take on it is everone should come, in their thousands, let's boo the anthem to hammer home the message we won't stand for corruption, but then let's get right behind the team and let's go and win the thing. Imagine how much that would piss off Gill and the rest of them!

It's worked a treat so far.

They really worried about us booing, as they got together to try & change the rules, in their favour, again.

The only thing they are worried about, is the leagues who have got together to vote a different man into power. They don't give a flying fuck about us booing, it's just some jumped up official who overreacted. Gill will be much happier if you all ignore Pep & boo. He will be smiling, or he would if he could hear it, which he probably won't.
I've posted previously that I was having doubts about continuing to boo.

But the proposed changes to the UCL format (coefficient points for past performance etc.) ensure that I'll be booing louder than ever now.

I also don't appreciate Pep telling me what to do. When Pep moves on in 3 years I'll still be here.
When they voted for FFP in the PL, I doubt many of them realised what it meant in reality for them. In terms of Europe, it doesn't really matter as most Prem teams can easily outspend their European counterparts. Because of the PL squad limit, clubs can only have a finite amount of players anyway so the effect is minimal.

BUT what happens if the new owners of West Brom want to be more than just PL regulars and Europa League hopefuls? That's where they'll begin to see the folly of their previously limited vision. That aside, just as I wouldn't continue to punish my kids for previous errant behaviour, I think all clubs should be forgiven if/when they do finally wake up & sniff the coffee and I would welcome that.

No, they realised what it meant for us, the utter cunts & they can fuck right off.
The new owners have done a Lot to improve the club and the team and, I know it's difficult, but it might be time to think what we can do for City again rather than what else City can do for us.[/QUOTE]

Then we can start to think about patting ourselves on the back.
The club have done their bit. The team is playing better than I have ever seen.
The owners want us to become the greatest team on the planet and they will be here longer than 3 years.
In a few years time we will be treated as the elite. I dislike UEFA as much as anyone but it does look like we are trying to beat the elite teams then we will became one of them .
We are hated for the money the owners have put in. Other fans don't respect us any more because we boo the anthem.

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Yes but my point was that the current case as it stood was not leading to the impending defeat of FFP. I can't see anything that is on-going today. That is not to say that it couldn't be defeated in the future.
Believe me mate, as far as I'm aware there is continuing moves and counter-moves being made behind the scenes. My personal take on it is that a court case will suit no-one so I can see a long protracted battle ensuing whereby both parties may no be completely happy with the outcome, but they can both live with it......... But this was until the co-efficient bollocks came up a month ago........

Watch this space....
It's worked a treat so far.

They really worried about us booing, as they got together to try & change the rules, in their favour, again.

The only thing they are worried about, is the leagues who have got together to vote a different man into power. They don't give a flying fuck about us booing, it's just some jumped up official who overreacted. Gill will be much happier if you all ignore Pep & boo. He will be smiling, or he would if he could hear it, which he probably won't.

I expect Gill would take notice if we got to the final, booed the anthem and then won the trophy. It would make headlines around the world.

After the changes Gill is trying to make to prize money and coefficients, now is the time to double up on the boo's. City fans booing the anthem will have zero adverse effect on the team, so I see no reason to stop.
I expect Gill would take notice if we got to the final, booed the anthem and then won the trophy. It would make headlines around the world.

After the changes Gill is trying to make to prize money and coefficients, now is the time to double up on the boo's. City fans booing the anthem will have zero adverse effect on the team, so I see no reason to stop.

It would merit a brief comment at the start, at best. Everyone knows we boo the anthem. Nobody cares. If UEFA are arsed, all they have to do, is turn down the crowd mics a bit & the music up. They could even use their own crowd noise. It's a piece of piss. Problem solved. They allow the booing to be heard, because they don't give a flying shit. Nobody does.

Only our club, who want us to stop.
No, they realised what it meant for us, the utter cunts & they can fuck right off.
Each to their own mate. I've learned one very important lesson in life and that is there is strength in numbers. We will be much stronger with these clubs as allies rather than being enemies.

Years ago I had to rise above my loathing for an enemy for the sake of gaining a critical advantage that suited both of us. Whilst we aren't best mates by any stretch of the imagination, we now have a cordial mutual respect for each other and collaborated on another mutually beneficial project as recently as 4 weeks ago.

Its all about strategy mate, and sometimes we have to take a step back in order to move two steps forward. If temporarily laying down our arms at the feet of an enemy helps us gain a long term advantage, I'm all for it. But like I said earlier, each to their own mate.

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