Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

Instead of booing everyone in the stadium sings Blue Moon, would sound great on the tv and still gets a point across
He knows exactly what he's talking about.

The booing is a demonstration against UEFA not the fans backing City. If the main concern at the start of the game, is people protesting about the governing body rather than backing the team, it's a negative attitude, not a positive one.

He wants positive, not negative. He wants to attract people to the games, to support the team, not give them a good reason to stay away. He wants to win the competition.

Why can't all of us support City during the anthem & drown it out that way, rather than booing it ?

Or is it now a demonstration against Pep & the club ?
Completely agree Nev.

We have the best Manager in the world, who is leading a revolution both on and of the field. Any Manager who is leading change, in whatever field of endeavour, is going to upset a few along the way. I don't think there is any fan that would disagree with the sentiment that the players deserve a full stadium. In fact playing this amazing football by itself should be sufficient to pack out the stadium for ever game. I also don't think that there is a City fan that would disagree with the sentiment that City has plenty of reasons for being cheesed off with that corrupt body.

Having said that, I see Pep as a genius in his field. His attention to detail is second to none. He is like the conductor of an orchestra. If there is even the slightest discordant note in the orchestra, then he will stop and correct it. Pep works tirelessly 7 days a week to produce this beautiful football that we are witnessing every week. Surely it's not too much for the boo boys to have regard to what Pep wants. If he thinks that there is negative energy in the booing, and that it might have even the slightest impact on the mentality of our players, then he will want it to stop.

I think our part of the revolution is to do what Pep asks. There are other ways of sending a message to that corrupt body. As others have said why not drown it out with a positive song?

This is not about fawning to Pep. It's about doing what is in the best interests of the team. If he thinks that this is what is needed, then I strongly believe we need to heed that message. We are going to take over the football world with Pep as our leader. It's time now to stop the booing and put the team first.
How is our booing helping UEFA?

What was thrown out on a technicality, FFP or the court challenge to it? As I understand it:

'All the court did was say the local Belgian court can't unilaterally lift the cumulative loss threshold compression. The EU SC wants to hear the case in toto for itself. UEFA can chatter away about the lawmaking entities that support FFP, but no court has passed judgement on it yet.'

'The Belgian court has essentially attempted to impose a remedy on a court above and is thus acting ultra vires. In any event, the ECJ will doubtless have decided that it needs to consider all the evidence before the final determination is made and then consider, if FFP effectively 'loses', what the appropriate remedy should be.

In plain English: The Belgium court can't tell the EU court what the punishment is before the EU court has made a decision after hearing both sides of the story.'

And this is the determination of a guy from Lancaster Uni who teaches EU law.

G14/UEFA are crooks & liars & after the shady way they changed the FFP rules to ensure that instead of City being £3m inside FFP, that we ended up £3m outside it thus incurring a FIFTY MILLION POUND FINE, we should all know this as fact by now.......

You deal with the facts how you see fit mate, but for me I will continue to boo the fuck out of them....

I hope you are right but the latest I heard was this:

Are you saying this is wrong or outdated or both? I would be very happy to be wrong.
Short sightedness creeping in. No, Pep's not the messiah and yes he's not going to be around forever. However, it's hard to see how any of the changes are going to last if he's purely being written off as just another manager. Maybe he was just that for Bayern but we are not Bayern. A large part of what he's trying to instill is a big club mentality. Keyword there is mentality. Personally, I don't feel like that can be achieved whilst we retain what frankly can and will be perceived as a victim complex with regards to a preferential treatment of the "elite clubs".

Whereas there is indisputable evidence of UEFA's system of justice being cack handed and costing us dearly, we are already a very, very big club. What's stopping us from accepting we are in the elite bracket? Mentality.

Who knows? Maybe we don't want that kind of mindset; I know that one of the reasons I and many others chose to follow City was because of our underdog status and that will forever be an intrinsic part of the DNA My club. But, if in five years we still aren't putting ourselves in that elite bracket, it won't be because of UEFA, it certainly won't be because of Pep, it will be because we haven't let our past go.
But what happens to the dreams of the next Manchester City? Is this a case of I'm in the lifeboat, so I'm alright Jack?

We may have 'made it', but UEFA/G14 are trying to ensure that no-one else in the future does which is just blatantly wrong. Ultimately football is the people's game and not theirs. They are merely the governing body who are supposed to protect and administrate the game we love, but through corruption, greed and self serving interests, they have lost sight of this.

If only we realised how much power we collectively wielded, we could end this bullshit tomorrow......
The poznan and rendition of city would look and sound pretty good. The protest would therefore continue.
We can be openly aggressive, ie boo, or sarcastic Blues ie chant etc. Either send the same message but the second additionally pumps up the players.
But what happens to the dreams of the next Manchester City? Is this a case of I'm in the lifeboat, so I'm alright Jack?

We may have 'made it', but UEFA/G14 are trying to ensure that no-one else in the future does which is just blatantly wrong. Ultimately football is the people's game and not theirs. They are merely the governing body who are supposed to protect and administrate the game we love, but through corruption, greed and self serving interests, they have lost sight of this.

If only we realised how much power we collectively wielded, we could end this bullshit tomorrow......
Haha, just me and you it is then ;)
But what happens to the dreams of the next Manchester City? Is this a case of I'm in the lifeboat, so I'm alright Jack?

We may have 'made it', but UEFA/G14 are trying to ensure that no-one else in the future does which is just blatantly wrong. Ultimately football is the people's game and not theirs. They are merely the governing body who are supposed to protect and administrate the game we love, but through corruption, greed and self serving interests, they have lost sight of this.

If only we realised how much power we collectively wielded, we could end this bullshit tomorrow......
We had to deal with shit on our own and so other clubs will have to deal with it themselves. There is no way we could end this tomorrow. Never.

UEFA can't do us any harm anymore, we are too big.
But what happens to the dreams of the next Manchester City? Is this a case of I'm in the lifeboat, so I'm alright Jack?

We may have 'made it', but UEFA/G14 are trying to ensure that no-one else in the future does which is just blatantly wrong. Ultimately football is the people's game and not theirs. They are merely the governing body who are supposed to protect and administrate the game we love, but through corruption, greed and self serving interests, they have lost sight of this.

If only we realised how much power we collectively wielded, we could end this bullshit tomorrow......

Everyone agrees with you on this its just that booing the anthem has run its course and we need to adapt to both supporting City and not letting UEFAs dealings go unnoticed though Martin Samuel is doing an excellent job of bringing this to light
But what happens to the dreams of the next Manchester City? Is this a case of I'm in the lifeboat, so I'm alright Jack?

We may have 'made it', but UEFA/G14 are trying to ensure that no-one else in the future does which is just blatantly wrong. Ultimately football is the people's game and not theirs. They are merely the governing body who are supposed to protect and administrate the game we love, but through corruption, greed and self serving interests, they have lost sight of this.

If only we realised how much power we collectively wielded, we could end this bullshit tomorrow......

Tbh, the next Manchester City over here, whoever it may be, has stabbed us in the back & helped Utd etc stay competitive, so they can fuck off imo.

But a perfectly good protest v UEFA is to shout City over it & it will make much more noise.

If Pep isn't happy with that, then he can fuck off as well. I think he'd be very happy with it & so would the players.

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