Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

Each to their own mate. I've learned one very important lesson in life and that is there is strength in numbers. We will be much stronger with these clubs as allies rather than being enemies.

Years ago I had to rise above my loathing for an enemy for the sake of gaining a critical advantage that suited both of us. Whilst we aren't best mates by any stretch of the imagination, we now have a cordial mutual respect for each other and collaborated on another mutually beneficial project as recently as 4 weeks ago.

Its all about strategy mate, and sometimes we have to take a step back in order to move two steps forward. If temporarily laying down our arms at the feet of an enemy helps us gain a long term advantage, I'm all for it. But like I said earlier, each to their own mate.

If the rest of the clubs want to fight UEFA, then they will do so, irrespective of whether we want them to, or not. As they don't give a fuck about us.
I didn't mean just Manchester City fans, I meant all fans. Football is all about money, if we all stopped our Sky & BT subscriptions and refused to attend any games until the corrupt fuckers were thrown out, how long do you think our collective protests would last before action was taken to correct all the wrongs in the game.

Trust me, a collective protest wouldn't even last a month before the loss of revenue began to bite.
That would turn the Premier league into something resembling the SPL. No money is not the answer IMHO.

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The new owners have done a Lot to improve the club and the team and, I know it's difficult, but it might be time to think what we can do for City again rather than what else City can do for us.

Then we can start to think about patting ourselves on the back.
The club have done their bit. The team is playing better than I have ever seen.
The owners want us to become the greatest team on the planet and they will be here longer than 3 years.
In a few years time we will be treated as the elite. I dislike UEFA as much as anyone but it does look like we are trying to beat the elite teams then we will became one of them .
We are hated for the money the owners have put in. Other fans don't respect us any more because we boo the anthem.

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That's what I meant by picking our battles to win the war. I don't think our ultimate aim is to be a top 10 club in the world and to be subservient to United Bayern and the Spanish elite. I think we have to bide our time and eventually we will be number 1 then we will see who calls the shots.
Believe me mate, as far as I'm aware there is continuing moves and counter-moves being made behind the scenes. My personal take on it is that a court case will suit no-one so I can see a long protracted battle ensuing whereby both parties may no be completely happy with the outcome, but they can both live with it......... But this was until the co-efficient bollocks came up a month ago........

Watch this space....

I hope so.
Who wants to live Richard Scudamore’s perfect world.....?


I'm pretty sure the Gladbach fans joined in with the booing on Wednesday - it certainly sounded like it - so maybe it's catching on rather than abating!

What I do find surprising is just how many fans don't seem to realise what the original reason was for doing it - for all our issues with UEFA regarding FFP, bigger fines for turning up late on the pitch as opposed to other clubs' racially abusing our players, etc, the booing only started when we played Bayern Munich at home and was a co-ordinated effort between both sets of fans following the CSKA Moscow debacle when our travelling fans along with Bayern's weren't compensated in any way whatsoever by UEFA. That's the only reason why I ever boo the anthem as it's a fan specific issue. Club specific issues such as FFP and stupid fines for nothing offences might well piss me off but I trust the club to deal/cope with those as they see fit.
Each to their own mate, me & @hgblue will continue the fight until we get justice!! :-)

As such I will continue to BOO until my bloodshot eyes bulge and I bust a blood vessel...... You may have noticed previously that I react adversely to bullies & I'll always seek to protect the weak and innocent even if they can't help protect themselves.....
I can remember when a small handful of posters were pointing out Pellegrini's obvious flaws. Point being just because you're in a small minority on here doesn't mean you're in the wrong. One things for sure, we won't be going quietly ;)
It would merit a brief comment at the start, at best. Everyone knows we boo the anthem. Nobody cares. If UEFA are arsed, all they have to do, is turn down the crowd mics a bit & the music up. They could even use their own crowd noise. It's a piece of piss. Problem solved. They allow the booing to be heard, because they don't give a flying shit. Nobody does.

Only our club, who want us to stop.

Guardiola wants us to stop as he wants a positive atmosphere. By his own admission, he doesn't understand the issues surrounding us booing.

If the ground was packed, we booed the anthem and then roared the team on for 90 minutes, that would be a positive atmosphere, so Guardiola would have no room for complaints.

If you don't give a toss about UEFA and the way they've treated the club, you crack on waving your flag and cheering whatever you want. But if other people take a moral stance and want to boo to voice their displeasure, it's really none of your business.
How is our booing helping UEFA?

What was thrown out on a technicality, FFP or the court challenge to it? As I understand it:

'All the court did was say the local Belgian court can't unilaterally lift the cumulative loss threshold compression. The EU SC wants to hear the case in toto for itself. UEFA can chatter away about the lawmaking entities that support FFP, but no court has passed judgement on it yet.'

'The Belgian court has essentially attempted to impose a remedy on a court above and is thus acting ultra vires. In any event, the ECJ will doubtless have decided that it needs to consider all the evidence before the final determination is made and then consider, if FFP effectively 'loses', what the appropriate remedy should be.

In plain English: The Belgium court can't tell the EU court what the punishment is before the EU court has made a decision after hearing both sides of the story.'

And this is the determination of a guy from Lancaster Uni who teaches EU law.

G14/UEFA are crooks & liars & after the shady way they changed the FFP rules to ensure that instead of City being £3m inside FFP, that we ended up £3m outside it thus incurring a FIFTY MILLION POUND FINE, we should all know this as fact by now.......

You deal with the facts how you see fit mate, but for me I will continue to boo the fuck out of them....
As crooked and liaring as they are dont yoou think continuing to boo them will turn them more crooked against us? I mean I think it has achieved what we wanted, but now it is being counter-productive.

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