Peter Fletcher and stewards (merged)

Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

Stewards near me appear to be sensible, let people out the turnstile at half time for a smoke and then back in - doesn't stop lots of others smoking in the toilets though!!
I don't smoke and think people should be able to go without for a couple of hours, although agree with other posters in that the current situation needs sorting. Either enforce the ban rigorously at the point people are seen smoking, or have a smoking area - it's not rocket science!
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

cant belive i got kicked out for being bladdered and wrote fletcher a letter admitting that i was pissed and they gave me my season ticket back within 3 days....... you get kicked out for smoking when you DONT smoke and write them a letter to tell them you DONT smoke and they ignore it!!!!!

Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

Marpleblue69 said:
Concourse is outside and open to the elements. You will also notice that nobody has been banned for smoking on them, although it would be fun watching them try to ban 3-400 people in one go.
No it's not, it's covered almost entirely. A structure has to only be covered by 50% to be a non-smoking area.

The OP has to get a cotinine test asap, ask to be sent the policy and precedure in which he is being dealt with regards to his ejection, request all documents held within the club (including emails) as a data request as previously suggested, and also to officially ask for the complaints procedure seperately.

Like mentioned earlier, are there any solicitors on here who could help SWP80? I know if I'd been done for the same thing I'd be fuming, as I have never smoked and despise it.

Good luck SWP80, solidarity comrade.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

This happened to me and a friend at the chelsea home game.

we went into the toilets just before half time and then washed our hands walked past all the smokers then back out.

Set upon about 5 minutes later by about 5 showsec people blah blah they said we had been spotted by a undercover showsec **** and so on

we asked for the police to be called because we had not been smoking the police cam said sorry but we work for the club and their is nothing they could do if they wanted us ejected so we walked.

we got a letter the next few days.

I spoke to my friend about it they just said just admit it and plead with them so i did they banned me for 3 homes game which was newcastle and 2 europe games i didn't want to kick up a fuss cause i didn't want to miss the derby.

I would join any protest any petition.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

I think the path forward is clear here lads.........

Kick fuck out of any showsec twats trying to eject any blues from now on and im being serious.

We all need to make a stand here.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

There is no consistency, the toilets on the first level are a joke, i refuse to go for a piss now or even drink anything in the ground as they are disgusting but some stewards chat to fans whilst they are smoking.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

i see stewards chatting to fans that are smoking up on the 2nd tier but im guessing thats because its more relaxed up here and they think the fans up here are less likely to cause any trouble...... seems very very unfair
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

This is a disgrace if the story is true.

If only fellow blues would step in to stop the selfish smokers breaking the ground rules, no blues would ever be banned in such circumstances?
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

clearly Fletcher is a **** who pays no more regards to the rules of evidence than he did when he was working for the police.

If the OP is telling the truth, and I have no reason at all to doubt him and there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support him, take the club to court. Fletcher is not the club, we are, sue them for breach of contract (obviously with the necessary medical evidence) specifically citing this twat. And ask for a fuck of a lot of compo after all how many times do we we win 5-0?

It will be a drop in the ocean to the club but I doubt the Sheikh will be too pleased. P45 for Fletcher!

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