Peter Fletcher and stewards (merged)

Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

To me this stinks of "bumping up the statistics" lets show were on the ball regarding people caught smoking, whether guilty or not looks good on paper and shows were taking a firm stance on this. He sounds like a right clown this fletcher, why does he completely ignore the fact the op offered to have a medical, it's tools like this, that will damage the great work the club has done in becoming closer with the fans.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

Wouldn't wait myself I would be off to me docs and get a letter saying never smoked and send it to the club saying, re instate or legal action. Copy in Cookie and Khaldoon while you are at it.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

Get the medical evidence without delay.
Saying you are willing to take a medical is one thing. Presenting new evidence is another.
Fletchers position that he has "no reason to doubt the stewards" would be impossible to maintain in the face of medical evidence that you have not smoked recently. As a starting point I would say talk to your GP.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

A letter to a solicitor might be costly and will take time to get things sorted. Time you dont really have OP with games coming up thick and fast.
Whereas contacting the MEN or a north-west newspaper of your choice will get things rolling much more quickly.
It will probably mean you having to be photographed holding a City scarf or something looking either angry or miserable but if you're willing to do that then the club - like all clubs these days - are so obsessed with their public image and branding they will do the right thing soon after.

On a related topic I am sick to death of the smoking issue now.
Its all well and good saying people should go without for a couple of hours.
But the fact is they dont.
Its all well and good saying the club shouldnt be such c***s towards arbitary smokers.
But the fact is they cannot, by law, turn a blind eye to the problem.

So, as it stands now, unless something changes, this will just go on and on, causing a fair degree of disharmony between club and supporters.

A smoking enclosure. Its the only way.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

This guy sounds like a TWAT, hope you get it sorted blue, as everyone says keep us posted.
If your reading Fletcher, get out of our club you ficking ignorant pile of horse shit!!
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

Pizza, Taxi's and prostitutes for Fletcher anyone? ;-)

This guy is asking for the full treatment imo.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

I'm the brother of the bloke out of the messenger report linked above

The club have refused, via Fletcher, to accept that they are wrong in anyway for what they did; they have also refused to show any evidence to back up their actions

He is currently in the process of taking the club to court for breach of contract which will hopefully generate some publicity to get rid of that PRICK Fletcher

Feel like we need to organise some some of demonstration to show the club that this PRICK is ruining the so called "match day experience"
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

waspish said:
email him saying
"I'm having a blood test tomorrow proving I have never smoked" When I get the results back I'am putting it into my solicitor hands! See you in court!

YES this!
Fletcher said he can only go off on the evidence he is presented with. Present him with that evidence and then he cannot do anything else other than admit they got it wrong.<br /><br />-- Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:47 pm --<br /><br />
dansale said:
I'm the brother of the bloke out of the messenger report linked above

The club have refused, via Fletcher, to accept that they are wrong in anyway for what they did; they have also refused to show any evidence to back up their actions

He is currently in the process of taking the club to court for breach of contract which will hopefully generate some publicity to get rid of that PRICK Fletcher

Feel like we need to organise some some of demonstration to show the club that this PRICK is ruining the so called "match day experience"

In fairness to Peter - I've been to a few supporter meetings where he has stated he has no problems with fans standing up, doesnt see it as a safety issue and fights the coucil safety advisory group who wish to see fans 'forced' to sit down. Without Fletcher's support, the ''singing area'' wouldnt have been set up.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

Lucky Toma said:
A letter to a solicitor might be costly and will take time to get things sorted. Time you dont really have OP with games coming up thick and fast.
Whereas contacting the MEN or a north-west newspaper of your choice will get things rolling much more quickly.
It will probably mean you having to be photographed holding a City scarf or something looking either angry or miserable but if you're willing to do that then the club - like all clubs these days - are so obsessed with their public image and branding they will do the right thing soon after.

On a related topic I am sick to death of the smoking issue now.
Its all well and good saying people should go without for a couple of hours.
But the fact is they dont.
Its all well and good saying the club shouldnt be such c***s towards arbitary smokers.
But the fact is they cannot, by law, turn a blind eye to the problem.

So, as it stands now, unless something changes, this will just go on and on, causing a fair degree of disharmony between club and supporters.

A smoking enclosure. Its the only way.

This ^^^^^^^

I echo the thoughts smokers should be able to go 2 hours without a fag.
And for the people who say no smoke without fire - What if it was you? There are now a minimum 2 cases of this (SWP80 and the bloke in the newspaper) who have been ejected for no cause (probably). An outside shelter of some description would do - a fair number of clubs have this and before you say sport city is no smoking, owned by the council, rules, regulations etc. I'm sure most if not all council buildings have an outside area/shelter for smokers who work there. I think it's mainly due to logistics/security/cost etc
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

I think you will have to take this on the chin fella no matter how unfair it is, the club cant be seen to back down as it would open the floodgates for all those that get thrown out in the future.

Also taking any legal action would be too expensive to even bother with.

All we can do as fans is keep emailing the club when this tosspot steps out of line in the hope he gets binned.

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