Pitch Invasion?

I love them. Ideally they'd be done without the small sections of knobhead behaviour amidst it all but that's not how crowds work.
You don't seem to have read the post I was reacting to. I am talking specifically about the people who interrupted the match before the final whistle. That's my beef. It's not “a bit of harmless fun”. It's just bloody selfish.
As for whinging about there being no passion in the game, I don't know who you're referring to, but it's not me. There was cartloads of passion throughout that game. I did my bit, and went home hoarse.
Oh, and wildly happy, incidentally. Still am. Nobody on here is moaning. Whatever that means.

No, I didn’t follow the thread back to see that you were talking specifically about the mini before the whistle pitch invasion, so apologies for that. I assumed you were talking about the main after the game one, which plenty of others are moaning about.
No, I didn’t follow the thread back to see that you were talking specifically about the mini before the whistle pitch invasion, so apologies for that. I assumed you were talking about the main after the game one, which plenty of others are moaning about.

No probs.
I've said earlier on I've got nothing against pitch invasions as such — and if you look at the clips neither the coppers nor the stewards made any real attempt to stop the one on Sunday, so they had their strategy worked out in advance — and I wasn't able to stay on for the presentation, so I've no idea how long it went on for. I did get a bit pissed off at the Villa match, because they just couldn't clear people off the pitch for what seemed like ages. I also wasn't into people breaking crossbars and suchlike. I trust we agree on that.
The most joyful pitch invasion was 2012. A real outpouring of joy and relief.
I don't know if it could be called a pitch invasion, but decades back, at the end of a meaningless match in a fairly meaningless season, I skipped over the wall at the bottom of the Kippax along with a few hundred other teenagers, and just took a nice, leisurely walk over that hallowed turf, to know that my feet had walked on it. It was a gloriously sunny day, as I remember it.
You don't seem to have read the post I was reacting to. I am talking specifically about the people who interrupted the match before the final whistle. That's my beef. It's not “a bit of harmless fun”. It's just bloody selfish.
As for whinging about there being no passion in the game, I don't know who you're referring to, but it's not me. There was cartloads of passion throughout that game. I did my bit, and went home hoarse.
Oh, and wildly happy, incidentally. Still am. Nobody on here is moaning. Whatever that means.

I hope every single one of those selfish cunts who encroached onto the perimeter and the pitch before the final whistle and defiantly refused to leave is found, prosecuted and banned for life. One twat, a female I think, even did a knee slide while the game was still going on.
Everybody else just wanted the game over so we could relax and celebrate. Those wankers were putting that in jeopardy and delaying it even longer. The stewards were very slow to take action.
I hope every single one of those selfish cunts who encroached onto the perimeter and the pitch before the final whistle and defiantly refused to leave is found, prosecuted and banned for life. One twat, a female I think, even did a knee slide while the game was still going on.
Everybody else just wanted the game over so we could relax and celebrate. Those wankers were putting that in jeopardy and delaying it even longer. The stewards were very slow to take action.

I am intrigued ;-)

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