PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

To add to my earlier response to you,,she is on again, saying pep's claim that City were found completely innocent (which she sarcasticly puts in hand gestured air quotations) is false, because, actually cas's ruling didnt state complete innocence, but that the charges were time barred and and others were not established, so there was no presumption of complete innocence.

grasping at straws.

sky sports news is a utd and liverpool fanzine.

I'm glad i never watch it anymore.
He said our titles would be tainted if we are found guilty.

Not the time to be coming out with shit like that. Plays right into the hands of the cunts in the media and worst of all people will think he speaks for all our fans when he talks because of his position.

Stupid stupid comment from the bloke.
he’s a publicity hound, loves a camera, he’s doesn’t speak for me, needs to wind his neck in but he can’t manage it as he’d crawl over broken glass to get his swede in front of the media, do one Kev ya bore, your embarrassing yourself and giving our enemies ammo, if your don’t have enough cognitive function going on upstairs to see your being wheeled out stage left to get some kind of fan condemnation of our club then someone needs to ave a word in his shelllike, the enemy gives not a jot about the musings of saint kevin there using you as a stooge to ave another swipe, a useful idiot, stop answering the phone Kev lad.
I think we're all boosted by Pep's performance today. He hit back probably as hard as he could in the face of very predictable lines of attack. These will continue until the issues are resolved, and I hope he refuses to engage on the subject at all in any future 'pressers.'

I do wonder if, going forward, we will change tack slightly and do as little business as possible with the hateful 9. I know we have no track record of recruiting much from the old top four in recent years, but perhaps we'll think two or three times in the future before putting any transfer cash in the way of these twats.
Can’t help feeling this was done to bring a response from the PL, let’s see if they start to leak things like Uefa did, it’s a classic tactic when you want to smoke out some info. Suppose we’ll know in the next couple of days if they bite or not. One things for sure, the noncey nine, Levy & anyone else who got a mention will be chomping at the bit….over to you PL
I'm not sure it is.

Uefa asked us for information. We gave it to them. Then we stopped, because we determined they were leaking it. They hit us with a charge of non cooperation. Cas agreed with them, but reduced the amount because it recognised the club's position.

The PL asked us for information. We gave it to them. Then we stopped, becsuse we determined they didnt need any more or anything from that period. They hit us with a charge of non cooperation.

What's the difference? we publicly stated the reason for not giving uefa evidence (or admitted it as you say) where as we didnt for the PL.
Maybe we told them we had given them all the info we had and what they had was irrefutable but they wanted more?

Maybe they asked for something we considered would breach data protection legislation if we provided it.
grasping at straws.

sky sports news is a utd and liverpool fanzine.

I'm glad i never watch it anymore.

Grasping or not, that shit sticks. Thousands watch it. She, and as such Sky, have not only completely missed the gist of Pep's whole point (i.e innocent till proven guilty, hold off this judgement you have fantasised), but have actually twisted it to argue we weren't actually completely innocent in the uefa case, and therefore can't be now. So it does feed a very false narrative, that we got away with it. On top of that, they are stirring the pot some more by presuming what the other clubs will make of his comments, without anything to back it up.

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