PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think it depends on how much Discovery is provided with our responses to the allegations. If all of it, then it may stop there. If limited, then I suspect it will continue until full Discovery is provided which could last over 6 months to complete. If our papers are truly irrefutable then all good lawyers will bring things to an end.
If this was a public hearing like Uefa then I could see it going all the way. As it is private then the value of it going ahead is severely limited. I cannot state what other agendas are at play here, but my gut tells me that things will get resolved following Discovery unless the PL provide evidence that was not available to UEFA that is capable of defeating our Defenses. That still seems unlikely.

UEFA(?) was a public hearing?
I think this is wishful thinking unfortunately

If full disclosure of the requested documents would have killed this, it would have died 4 years ago.

Over the last week I’ve become more and more confident that the outcome is the club will win because there’s no way the PL can have the evidence, but we’ll get pinged for not cooperating.

UEFA brought an awful case because Leterme and co were under massive pressure to do something to bolster FFP after fucking up the PSG case.

The PL has brought one in an attempt to stave off the regulator.

Yep, agree with this (apart from the independent regulator bit). The PL have put themselves in a terrible spot by opening an investigation too quickly after the UEFA case broke. Now they are stuck with how to get out of it.

Politically, they can't now drop the case, especially after the press have whipped up the idea of fraud and misleading auditors, which I don't think is the PL charge at all btw. But if they let the case run, they are likely to suffer the same fate as UEFA.

They should have waited until CAS was finished, accepted the results on those issues, then decided if any of the time-barred issues, or any other issues such as, for example, how we accounted for shared services, image rights and so on, warranted a further investigation according to PL rules.

Oh listen to the backtracking from the Premier League clubs who wanted this!

"We never asked the PL to accuse City! Don't accuse of us of being cunts!"

A week is a long time in politics and football too, it seems.
I get the feeling once we are found not guilty, the PL will regret this in a huge way, the club will hit them hard, as Pep quite rightly said, huge damage has been caused to out club and it must be repaid.
Wouldn't it just be amazing if we went on to win the prem this season. The fallout from all the bitter city hating wankers would be colossal, we just have to do it
It's almost written in the stars, I would be certain that the events of this week have done of galvanizing the club more than ever and probably more importantly sorting out the dressing room division.
We got daily reports of what was discussed, the witnesses presented and the evidential rulings made. Unless I am remembering wrong.
I don't remember any of that, tbh. You may be right. I wasn't paying much attention at the time.

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